Going Really Far Out Galt
Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago to Science
I'm throwing this proposal to create the first human nation based entirely in space as one idea to create a gulch off planet. This may be the only real way to achieve unfettered independence.
SOURCE URL: http://newatlas.com/asgardia-space-nation/45888/
I foresee several non-technical problems:
1. Where do you launch from?
2. Who sells you the supplies?
3. Will the nations of Earth allow over flight of there sovereign states?
4. How do you defend yourself?
5. Where do you return to?
I'm not trying to down play the idea but as indicated I see several problems. That said, sign me up. I'll bring the entire family.
1. Any commercial spaceport; so long as no hostile intent is indicated, no one is likely to reject a launch
2. Money is money. So long as no weaponry is involved, you'll have a lot of suppliers
3. Only a few have attempted to claim sovereignty into space, and anyone with the capability to put things up there has pretty much ignored them
4. As long as no hostile purpose is apparent, and no complaint given for requested observation, I doubt there'll be any need for defense
5. I would imagine the visa process would work just like for any foreign resident
I would also suspect there would be the opportunity to become the ultimate "offshore" banking resource. Inviting nations currently without spacefaring ability the opportunity to contract for research will be an obvious revenue source.
Definitely need a defense in place, and a live feed to lots of tv networks on earth. The enemy of my enemy ...
Actually, I must correct myself. I didn't suggest this. Robert A. Heinlein did, in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
But along the way, it covered all the bases. Self-sufficiency and self-sustenance, for one thing.
I'm in the process of writing my first novel I've tentatively titled "Kaleidoscope" that takes place in the wildly heterogeneous collection of solar system colonies. Hopefully I can actually get the novel published in the next year, so I can see what the response is to a future very different from conventional futurist thinking.
Worse yet, in Deep Space Nine they used a lot of Hinduism, in their tales of the Prophets on the one hand, and the "Domineering" Great Link on the other. For what does it mean to join the Great Link of Changelings, except to achieve the Hindu Nirvana, which means dissolution of individual identity and the joining of the ultimate collective?
I had in mind a seven-year cycle that would tell what would happen to the Federation moving forward. Having fought the costliest war in its history, it would pass Townshend-like Acts on its new colonies in Gamma Quadrant. Those colonies would then re-fight the American War for Independence. Then I decided to take it further: with a full-blown mutiny within Star Fleet that ended with the overthrow of the original United Nations and the capture of the one person, or rather the succession of clones, responsible for all the bitter warfare the Federation had with Klingons, Romulans, and even the Dominion. I would end it with this "person" standing trial before a judge and jury brought in from the Delta Quadrant--and then the dissolution of the Federation and the reorganization of Star Fleet as an independent, non-governing fleet of interstellar rangers, tasking themselves to keep the peace (for an annual premium, like insurance), recruiting all comers regardless of race or planetary origin, and looking for new worlds, not to conquer, but to trade with.
Of course I know the rights holders of Star Trek will never agree to it. So now I'm trying to figure out how to change some race and character names and play it out independently of the Star Trek franchise. That would also let me fix some serious reality problems.
41. Space is a completely unforgiving environment. If you screw up the engineering, somebody dies (and there's no partial credit because most of the analysis was right...)
I agree that getting a significant population off-planet will be a challenge (as nearly all pioneering ventures are). That doesn't mean we should be so hesitant as to put up barricades to the ventures.
Maybe also due to being half-Swedish, it strikes me that such a place would become a ripe breeding ground for socialism.
Solution? Gulchers only!
Beam me up! :)
Reminds me of the video game Bio Shock. Hope it ends better.
I asked these Questions: why Ask the UN for permission?
What Are the rules and Regulations.
And last but not least...why would anyone want to join the UN
turous.--But they want to be in the UN?! Yuckh!!
Well, the Pilgrims in Massachusetts left European
tyranny, and look what happened in Salem in the
late 1600's.--For now, include me out.
In case you missed the CEO's address, read it here:
Thanks to DrZ for posting this topic ;^)
Someone here did mention Babylon 5. If I recall correctly (and I've seen nothing but the program synopses), Babylon 5 did organize itself as an independent state. Its then commander decided he could never accomplish his diplomatic mission by doing anything less.
I have just one question: how much does anyone project the fare will be, whether they call this orbiting nation-station Asgard(ia), Atlantis, or Olympia? That is, for what price does anyone propose to sell a berth aboard this station, or to transport a family and their possessions in a single launch to orbit?