"Dilbert" creator changes endorsement from Trump to Gary Johnson (sort of)

Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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" I hereby change my endorsement from Trump to Gary Johnson, just to get out of the blast zone. Others will be “parking” their vote with Johnson the same way. The 'shy Trump supporter' demographic just tripled." -- Scott Adams

An entertaining look at the impact of the "Trump tapes".
SOURCE URL: http://blog.dilbert.com/post/151504993671/why-does-this-happen-on-my-vacation-the-trump

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 2 months ago
    Me old dino has a Dilbert cartoon desk calendar directly beside my keyboard here.
    I'm still voting for the profane bull in a china shop, who I knew was a far cry from Mr. Perfect from the get-go.
    Bad Hair Day may talk dirty about women and what he'd like to do when just around guys, but from what I've seen he's always polite when he talks to women one-on-one.
    What he is not is a rapist or the enabler of a rapist.
    The big ugly mess that's unfolding may turn out to be a good thing if you're all for keeping an evil hag from becoming the best president money can bribe for stuff like wide open borders or keeping your yap shut about women all but kept in bondage.
    At the end of the first debate an o so noble The Donald expressed reluctance to say things he didn't say with Chelsea looking on.
    Right away me dino was thinking how the hell does this puddinghead thinks he's gonna win doing that?
    The reason the bullish blowhard is the candidate this time around is because he is no Mitt Romney, Rev. Huckabee, nicey nice Ben Carson or Sir Jeb of the Royal House of Bush.
    Dastardly Donald is not going to beat Shillary's mudslinging, especially when hit by accurate splats, by pretending to be some little goody two-shoes Mr. Nice Guy that he just plain is not.
    The evil hag is not some normal woman you're polite to or civil with who comes walking up to your campaign bus. Even if you have your impure thoughts.
    Shillary needs to be--and deserves to be--exposed and trashed for the corrupt loathsome creature that she is on stage in front of the whole world on TV tonight.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years, 2 months ago
    As a college educated female, I have never asked who endorsed whom to dictate for whom I would vote. I do my own homework! Do I care what "Mr Dilbert" does, or Ryan, and certainly not McCain! I would never throw my vote away to Johnson, he is an unniformed flake (I am from N. M.), and he has no strong group of people to put in place who do know what he lacks. I would never vote for Hillary, she is as crooked as they come and would stack the Supreme Court.making bjectivism impossible. These people squawking the loudest, are probably guilty of things far worse them what Trump said 11 years ago. I know politicians who are definitely in that category, and it is par for the course in Hollywood. Don't be fooled that this goofy sexual harassment movement has changed anything, it has not. Only strong females with a demand for respect can change it. Hillary is not one of them, she is a crude, nasty weak woman, who bows to Bill's every scheme.
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    • Posted by IndianaGary 8 years, 2 months ago
      Saying something is one thing; doing something is another. I'll take vulgar Donald over murderous Hitlery any time. Of course, none of the candidates are what I would choose, but given the available choices I'll take the one that is more likely to slow the destruction of the country. Maybe it will be slowed enough that there is time to actually reverse it.
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 2 months ago
      Nice summary Stormi. Nice to see a woman who can overlook such statements and remain on task for the best outcome of the least candidates.
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years, 2 months ago
        I think everyone is looking past the fact, that many women make just as lewd comments as Trump's. I have seen women in the workplace grab men's behinds. I know a few that love to put the dollar bills in the g-strings at out of town male dancer shows.
        People are who they are, and if excessive force is not used, any issue which comes up should be settled with reasoned straight talk. I grew around boys, and have worked in predominately male offices. I was the only female in a college class of Saudi males, they got over it! My advice to the gals doing the whining, don't act like a victim, and carry a horse hoof pick for those who don't listen! Sexual harassment is claims are overused hinder0ances to the workplace. I had a bi-sexual editor who whispered in my ear that he would like a blow job. I told him not in his lifetime, and kept working! Along that vein, Hillary last night tried to say Trump's remarks were causing eating disorders in students - how goofy is that. Maybe stick figure Marie Osmond's saying nothing is like losing weight EVERY WEEK, on her commercials might cause it, though.
        Now the molestation of children is child abuse and is different, which is what Hillary defended early in her career, and was gleeful over getting the guy off. That is sick.
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 2 months ago
          I didn't know about Hillary gleefully getting a molester off. Have to look that up.
          I know what you mean WRT to women talking. When I started my summer job right after HS and during college, I worked at a phone Help Desk for IBM mainframe terminals all over the company. I was 18, and naive, working in an office with three women 26-28. They were quiet for about 1-2 weeks, but after that, I got an earful. I was in very good shape back then, having just played in the AAU US gold medal soccer team and practicing Judo regularly. Later they would to tease me about my butt when I went to a terminal you lean over to fix certain issues. They could definitely get me to blush. Don't think there are any problems from the experience, except wishing now I had that affect on even 40 yr old women. Like you said, there was no "forcing" even though one of them was my boss, and anyone of them would help me with anything if I needed it.
          I am sure most of us have said things that would be "horrific" in the media, but that is different than illegal and immoral actions.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 2 months ago
    Very entertaining, and it has gems like this one:
    "you can ignore all of it because reason is not part of decision-making when it comes to politics."

    Objectivism + Politics = Frustration
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 2 months ago
    Why He Endorsed Trump - changing from Clinton to Trump.
    "Fairness isn’t an objective quality of the universe. I oppose the estate tax because I was born to modest means and worked 7-days a week for most of my life to be in my current position. (I’m working today, Sunday, as per usual.) And I don’t want to give 75% of my earnings to the government. (Would you?)"

    "And being chummy with Putin is more likely to keep us safe, whether you find that distasteful or not. Clinton wants to insult Putin into doing what we want. That approach seems dangerous as hell to me."
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 2 months ago
    Actually voting for Johnson is helping elect Hillary this time around. Johnson has NO chance of actually winning, due mostly to the crooked system we have for elections.

    The president is commander in chief of the military, and his job primarily is to keep the country and its citizens safe. This is the real issue in this election; not the muckraking that is going on with the hillary campaign. What someone said 10-20 years ago is really not important. How they would handle foreign affairs, including military, is FAR more important.

    Hillary has a string of failures in that arean, from how she handled sensitive information, to how she handled security at Benghazi, to how secretive she has been with the Clinton foundation dealings.

    Obama/Clinton dealings have resulted in many failures and wasted efforts, gaining us nothing. What do we get from the Iran deal, except freeing them to advance their nuclear ambitions and grow their country at our expense.

    We need a strong president, and thats Trump in this election. Whether people like him or not, he will do a far better job at making our country become great, and get respect on the world stage.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 2 months ago
    There was a saying popular with teens a number of years ago, "Gag me with a spoon." Prior to that it might have been, "Hasten Jason, fetch the basin."
    So just when I thought the competition couldn't get any cruder or vomitus along comes Trump's "Boy talk" comments recorded 9 years or so ago. C'mon guys, we've all done it. If you say you never did you are the son of a strict preacher or the son of an orthodox rabbi. From middle school on, this kind of salacious talk has been common among "the guys" forever. Whoever heard of recording it? Only raw dog comedians. Don't be a liar, fess up. You either did it or were part of a group that did.
    Please, gimme a break.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 8 years, 2 months ago
    His cartoons are thinly masked anti-industrial mentality. I am surprised he was not a supporter of Hillary.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      I think the issue that tipped the scales for him was Hillary's proposal to raise the estate tax. I've always thought Adams was skewering bureaucrats (including middle managers) rather than industrialists.
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      • Posted by Esceptico 8 years, 2 months ago
        Initially, I, too,thought he was after bureaucrats, then after following him for a year or so (I still read him) I started seeing an anti-business tilt. It is also possible I over intellectualized it .
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  • Posted by Blanco 8 years, 2 months ago
    Do endorsements actually sway anyone's vote? I hope not! Sadly though, there are millions of sheep out there in the pasture who are no doubt looking for a shepherd to do their thinking for them.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      This wasn't exactly an endorsement, it was sarcasm. I think he's saying that some Trump supporters will pretend to back Gary Johnson to sidestep the wrath of the politically correct.
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