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  • Posted by Bobhummel 10 years, 7 months ago
    When Bob Beckel says there is nothing connecting this to our Dear Leader, I remember all the times that during the Reagan, Bush 41 & Bush 43 administrations, that " ... The appearance of impropriety, even with no evidence, is the very reason why this congress must thoroughly and completely investigate this issue... " was routinely demanded by the democrats over everything from accusations that GHW Bush secretly fly over Tehran in 1979 to convince the Ayatollah Khomeini to keep the U S embassy hostages there until after the presIdentical election, or that Bush 43 actually planned the 911 attacks, or that he was trying to starve school children by only expanding the school lunch program by 5% in stead of 9%, WMDs, Abu Grab, Etc, etc, etc.
    It is absolutely disgustingly laughable that the poltroons on the left will destroy anyone who threatens the abitrary and capricious means of their ruler, to justify their ends of destroying America as founded and think they can get away with it. The smoking gun it right there in their hand ( IRS scandle, Fast &Furious, the VA, boarder security, voter fraud, etc, etc, etc, ...) and the dead corpse is our freedom. And they know they are caught. What we have now is a desperate criminal enterprise trying to kill all the witnesses before they send in the cleaners to wipe the words off the U S Constitution and the Bill of Rights and replace them with this Bill of Positive Right...
    Constitution (Fundamental law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 7 months ago
    Greg Gutfeld's language is colorful. But more to the point, he is correct. This is deliberate spoliation of evidence. Which goes to show how afraid they are.
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