Hillary supporter tells me he hates Trumps policies but then tells me he doesn't know what they are...
Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: General
I spoke to a customer this morning who said he is voting for Hillary because he hates Trumps policies. I told him I am voting for Trump because he said he would eliminate ObamaCare. He said "I don't know anything about that". I told him we seem to keep getting killed on trade deals. He said "I don't know anything about that". I decided to give up and get some work done. I believe these are 2 of the most important issues this election cycle and this campaign is devolving into a reality TV show. Wonder what will happen next...
Unfortunately, regardless of whether Hillary or Trump wins, I foresee skyrocketing taxes and health insurance premiums for all.
My health insurance is a catastrophic plan (so it basically doesn't cover anything until I meet a high deductible) so whenever I need medical anything I try to shop around. Try asking your doctor how much an office visit, test, etc. is going to cost. They never know and seem surprised that you would want to know.
Think about if other industries operated that way. People would think it was insane... but somehow it's okay for the healthcare industries to be run like that.
“Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.”
It started when the IRS gave business deductions for medical plans, which benefitted everyone except the patient (who it was designed to enslave by degrees over time, like a frog in hot water.)
I agree completely. I do the same thing: shop around. You have to find the one or two people at the provider who have a brain. The rest will be confused that you would want to know. Or they think you're broke and can't pay or something. More often they're just baffled.
I live in Tampa from '98 to '03, and it was better there. It may be worse in the Midwest b/c HMOs started here, so people here are unfortunately used to turning over these purchases to someone else.
“Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.”
“Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines.”
“Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.”
“Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate.”
“Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.”
“Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products.”
Not exactly what Hillary has in mind.
A total disaster that is caused by collectivism.
I expect by 2pm Election Day they will project a Clinton win in this sad state loaded with new Muslim immigrants. I only hope they freeze their asses off this winter and move to the land of fruits and nuts.
"Wonder what will happen next"
My guess is we will lose more liberty and justice for all.
How come I do not see any slander or defamation of character lawsuits being filed?
Her big supporters already paid; now she must play.
PLUS, the problem is that the ideas that led us to this point have not just evaporated. The very ideas which caused the crash would just be used to reinvent the same things again.
Less evil a little at a time is a better fix. Eventually you have no evil left. Start with eliminating PC and bringing corruption to light. We need Trump, Wikileaks, Snowden, and other whistleblowers to come down on cronyisn and corruption.
The immediate impact of Clinton's plans, without even beginning to assess what happens with the "green friendly" regulations she wants to impose, are that they will provide 54,000 new government jobs while destroying over 550,000 private jobs. I have no doubt the effects if implemented will be far worse than these estimates.
So I am removing from my "circle of trust" all people who say they are voting for Hillary. I will still deal with them, but only at arms length. I wont trust them to support my rights at all.
It is too bad it becomes a personality contest. Schnidler (sp?) (as in Schindler's List) was, in my opinion a psychopath, but what he did is considered a good thing and almost "saintly." Getting liberals to see the liberal line is not good for individual people in a socialist state is one of the keys to getting them to vote for improvements. The good news is the vast majority of people identify with ideas and policies that are good for society. The bad news is 1) many don't vote and 2) in spite of their stated beliefs they can be bought (for example "cash for clunkers; Obama phones, link cards, etc.). Had the 8 or so million people who's beliefs dovetail with Mitt Romney's beliefs had voted rather than boycott the election because he is a Mormon, we would be on the way to recovery and a thriving economy.
Unless you are in the military the Post Office should be the only federal agency you have daily contact with!
Whether one likes trumpet of not...there is nothing to like about hiltery, she is not worthy of any consideration at all...not even for bathroom monitor in kindergarten.
I am still voting for myself...care to be my VP?
We just have to make sure that they vote for CARL J and not GARY J...
I'll have them building new coal plants and repealing gun control in no time.
I figured we'd say something outrageous and then get free air time like trumpet..."Smart" outrageous that is.
Next time you see him, ask him if China should pay reparations for attacking Omaha Beach during--
Aw, pick a war. Any war.
"Because it's there."
Why vote for Hillary?
Because she's there and she's a Democrat.
Counter: But she's a liar -- a treasonous liar at that.
She has become rich from the very people she claims are against the people she defends.
"I don't know anything about that."
What is worse than stupidity? Adamant stupidity.
Not saying anything about the validity of these feelings or issues either way. Just an observation.
Me personally I will go with issues and mainly it is my issues with the Clinton's as a whole and Hillary in particular. While I see Trump as a Red Neck's wet dream and a blowhard. I see Hillary as PURE EVIL!