Drug that could 'reset' immune system of diabetes sufferers | Mail Online

Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 7 months ago to Science
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'The treatment seemed to stimulate insulin production in people with established Type 1 diabetes made the researchers 'cautiously optimistic,'' Mark Atkinson, a co-investigator in the study, said.

SOURCE URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2666491/The-drug-reset-immune-Researchers-hail-trial-help-diabetes-sufferers.html

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  • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 7 months ago
    looks good this is following the same path that Dr. Faustman is taking up in Boston.


    Type 1 diabetes is nothing like Type 2 in that it is an autoimmune problem. Particularly with the immune system killing the Beta Cells because they have been mis-identified by the immune system as non-self. This is also why tissue replacement therapy like transplants, or fancy stem cell treatments either fail outright or after a while. Because the same problem that wiped them out in the first place just keeps doing the wrong thing. So, by fixing the underlying autoimmune problem the symptoms ( type 1 ) will go away.

    While this new one looks like it might require ongoing treatment. I would totally be ok with having to take some other drug so long as it results in normalglycemia on a day to day basis. It would mean no more sudden horrific lows, and I could say goodbye to surprise highs. So, at that point I would go so far as to say I am cured enough..

    As for finding volunteers for human trials.. Sign me up.. 8^) I have done a load of human trials for type-1 meds and equipment. By the looks of this one it was blind placebo controlled. So, thy doesages were just enough to see if it worked at all. To go higher the trial would end up not being totally blind. I did a study for a new long acting insulin and got free lantus for a year and a half. So, I just kept doing my lantus as expected. The folks on the new drug needed to change dose and only inject once every three days. So, I would guess they will run a trial in the not too distant future with highe doses and then need to keep a close eye on the ones on the drug and also, tail down their doses to keep up with the part where the beta cells start taking over the job. That is actually a pretty manageable trial thing to do. During a trial there are a couple of Doctors on staff, along with a dietitian a nurse or two a dedicated lab taker and a project manager. Along with a load of back end it folks managing the transmission of data. For the last study I got a meter that would bluetooth over to a data pad, that would transmit all the data every night. Every morning the doctors on the study would have a look at my numbers and I could get a call about does changes, or if it was not an emergency they would send the requested changes back to the pad and I would see them. So like I said, I would totally be on the trial list if it were to get human trials out here in Washington.

    Check out the comments..

    "Who wants to bet this drug will be right up there with chemotherapy in expense?"

    How about I don't friggen care.. I would gladly pony up 50 or 100 K if it resulted in being cured. I would be glad to live in a world where there were people I could pay that much for a cure. As of right now, there is no amount of money that could get me there..
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 7 months ago
    My first thought... I wonder how they maintained their sugar levels during these studies. I'm glad people are willing to be studied, not sure I'd sign my kid up for it though. I also wonder how much push back the drug companies do as well. But at this point it sounds like a swapping of one medicine (injections) for another. I hope they get it perfected and find a real CURE. Maybe this advancement will lead to just that. :(
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  • Posted by Kittyhawk 10 years, 7 months ago
    Here's an article about a "gene therapy" which cured diabetes in dogs with a single treatment: http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/hea...

    Also, there's apparently a link between vaccines and diabetes: http://preventdisease.com/news/14/041614...
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    • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 6 months ago
      And one of their sources is alternet. Right, sure.
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      • Posted by Kittyhawk 10 years, 6 months ago
        Seriously? The alternet citation was for the general statement that immune system problems are on the rise. The other sources for the article included NIH, and a published medical journal article. If you don’t want to take alternet’s word for the fact that autoimmune diseases are increasing, will you accept a statement from the Centers for Disease Control? http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles...

        My goal was to provide some information that may be relevant to people who are concerned about this issue. You seem to be grasping at straws for a reason to reject the possibility that vaccines could ever cause damage. Yet, they do, of course. Vaccines come with a long list of side effects, and we have a special vaccine damage court and fund that compensates some of the victims.

        I have a personal interest, and have read hundreds of books and articles on the topic of vaccines. Can you share with us your expertise in this area? Does it go beyond a knee-jerk belief in the omniscience and benevolence of those in the government and the pharmaceutical industry who have pushed all of these vaccines on us? Have you honestly researched the topic, with an open mind – or are you just parroting the propaganda fed to you by the system? (The same system that tells us global warming is a problem, and we have to buy government-approved health insurance, etc.)

        If you take the time to objectively examine the evidence, there are plenty of doctors and researchers who have come to the conclusion that vaccines are ineffective at best, and harmful at worst. Yes, some kids will survive without obvious ill effects, but many will die or suffer health problems as a result. I don’t trust our “state science institute” to tell me what is best for my health or the health of my children; I don’t believe that our well-being is their sole or primary motive. But you can keep believing that if you like.
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        • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 6 months ago
          True, but correlation is not 'causation,' and alleging that 'there's a possibility or even likelihood that A causes B' is not experimental evidence.

          Otherwise, either CNN or FOX would have been put out of business years ago based on false, unsupported claims... if checked and verified. Maybe 'vetted' is a better term.

          No, I don't have a knee-jerk belief in the omniscience OR benevolence of those in government and the pharmaceutical industry "who have pushed all these vaccines on us."

          I'm trained and skilled in engineering and solution-discovery and if there's just a few things I 'believe in,' one of them is this:

          "One experiment is worth ten thousand 'expert opinions' !"

          Just like with Democrats and Republicans, if "Our Side is the side of Truth and The Other Side is based on nothing but Evil and Lies," each/both side(s) is probably lying about something.

          Oh, and MMGW, too... :)
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  • Posted by kathywiso 10 years, 7 months ago
    Well, it is nice to know there is another option being studied. The co-investigator in the study "Atkinson" seems to have a good ring to it :-)

    It would be nice to have a mix of medicines that would restore the beta cells that have been destroyed and stop the immune system from destroying the new ones...and the cure would be a permanent fix. Thanks Pirate, this will be cautiously followed.
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  • Posted by desimarie23 10 years, 7 months ago
    I just sent this to one of my best friends that live with Type 1 and she is now a little more optimistic; she deals with the dangerous lows and shocking highs on a daily basis. I'm hoping this leads to something in the future.
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