Atlas Shrugged wasn't alone in the Critic Impact

Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 7 months ago to Entertainment
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I loved the Lone Ranger as a movie. In fact, I loved it a lot. I read the critics and thought that most of the anger was due to progressive training of many of the film critics who simply wanted to reject the hero in a white hat symbology of the classic Lone Ranger. But if you read the article you will find that the same thing happened to The Lone Ranger that happened to Atlas Shrugged 1 and 2, except on a much larger scale. Disney tried to overcome the critic pit, but couldn't. So Atlas shouldn't feel bad. People will find they like The Lone Ranger on video just as they discovered they loved Atlas Shrugged on DVD. The critics these days simply try to shape the message of Hollywood because they lack the ability to make movies themselvs. They are all Roger Ebert wannabes, and the best they can do in life is pretend they know something important by tearing down other people and the products of their mind.

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  • Posted by darren 11 years, 7 months ago
    >>>the film critics who simply wanted to reject the hero in a white hat symbology of the classic Lone Ranger.

    Maybe they admired the hero in the white hat so much that they felt he deserved a good story to accompany him, rather than a crappy one.

    >>>The critics . . . lack the ability to make movies themselvs.

    You're acting as a critic in this post. Do you have any ability to make a movie yourself?
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    • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
      As I posted that last comment I know you are going to want proof, so here you go. Even people who are A and B list actors have a hard time getting projects funded.

      Then there was this little thing:

      Care to share all your vast experience?
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      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
        overman, can you do a separate post on this? I was left a bit confused. are these videos attached to Symposium? I am missing something. excellent video and I always believed that Symposium would make a GREAT graphic novel. that I would be proud to display as art as well as literature done the right way. Do you produce these videos?
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        • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
          We entered a short clip of Symposium into a film festival and we had funding. They own the clip, but it's stuck in limbo. It's just a matter of time for that one. Its a different deal from Tail of the Dragon.

          The other one is the thing I did with Peter. Again, he wanted to get that project off that ground, but he got the Twilight deal, and then that project was put on hold. If films this summer had done better, it might have seen a chance now that Twilight is a cold deal now. But after this summer, studios are going to be very gun shy.

          That is why we are lucky there is someone like John who is making Atlas. It is hard to get a film done. It takes passion, money, and a lot of planning.
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      • Posted by darren 11 years, 7 months ago
        >>>As I posted that last comment I know you are going to want proof, so here you go.

        Asking someone else to aim a video camera at you is your idea of moviemaking ability on your part?

        And I can see you graduated from the Aglialoro School of Film Marketing & Box Office Success, with an average of 1.1 YouTube viewers per day since 2009. Congratulations! (And this is a FREE video. Imagine how many would choose to watch if they had to purchase a ticket!)

        >>>Even people who are A and B list actors have a hard time getting projects funded.

        Actually, A & B list actors are usually in the business of acting in other people's projects, not their own, and a writer/director stands a much greater chance of funding his project if he can "package" it for investors by including bankable A-list talent.

        However, there's a big difference between A-list talent and B-list talent, just as there's a big difference between B-list talent and someone like you who has no talent.

        Next time set fire to your tie while you prance like a ballerina with your bull-whip. THAT would be a video to see — you might even be able to charge admission for that one!
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        • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
          Oh and as you said, "there's a big difference between A-list talent and B-list talent, just as there's a big difference between B-list talent and someone like you who has no talent"

          I'm still waiting for you to produce some evidence that you know what you're talking about. What have you done lately? How about at any time in your life? Crickets? IYou must have some skills or are you just one of those Napoleon Dynamite guys.

          I bet you are one of those Uncle Rico types. Do you have screenwriting skills? How about ninja skills? Or do you only have bitching skills? Show us all here what you've got.
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