American beer is awesome, and Michael Moore is an a**hole [VIDEO] - See more at: Beer is Awesome and Michael-Moore Is An A-hole
Posted by tohar1 8 years, 6 months ago to Entertainment
I found pretty good humor in this video by Conservative Review...especially since some good friends of mine run Junkyard Brewery in Moorhead, MN. Going into Labor Day here in the US, what's better than an article promoting Good Old American Beer and pointing out that the insufferable Michael Moore is what he is?
Ever make your own brew, tohart?
Great way to avoid the liquor taxes.
I lost the "bug" when the novelty of "I made this" got outweighed by the realization that it was far more cost-effective to just go out and buy beer - to say nothing of the labor-intensive nature of brewing, even via the soup-cheater method. But the sight of that malt literally swirling around inside the carboy with no outside stimulus - the yeastie-beasties working their magic - is hard to forget. 8^D
How 'bout you? Ever brewed your own?
While I enjoy an occasional visit to a microbrew bar, I get no pleasure from a $7 glass of brew when I can brew it as well at home for 75 cents.
"Europe, u are better off w/o Brits! Now that there's a vacancy, take us! We want what Europe has: free health care, free college, real beer!"[sic]
Most of what emanates from Moore is not worthy of comment - though he got the "Patriot Act" right, presumably by accident - and this Twit is no exception. Like every spoiled-punk-grown-large, he fantasizes aloud about successfully evading reality via "free" stuff. 'Don't think I need to go into that subject at all, not here at any rate. 8^]
His blanket swipe at American beer is similarly foolish of course, but since it brings up an inescapably fun subject... Beer is a project of dedicated lifelong research for a lot of us, and my own faves come from a lot of different places, some of them (gasp!) beyond American borders. In beer too, reality trumps nationalism, so listen up, Mr. Moore: the reality of beer flavor, though it can be influenced by local water and ingredients, is not otherwise relevant to location in any way. It's a product of individual creativity, and that's something that does not depend on borders. [I hasten to add that in context of political globalism, I am a nationalist - or maybe a "nationist" - righteously. One-world government will only become feasible when multiple off-Earth colonies are thriving and when interplanetary vehicles are as common and readily-available as bicycles, not before.]
Samuel Adams remains my standard-default go-to beer, because it's simply excellent in every way - but given the same availability, I would choose my current favorite, Einstok Icelandic Pale Ale, in a heartbeat. Excuse me, Einstök. (Anything with an umlaut must rule - it's the law of metal, or something.) Seriously, the first time I saw the viking logo I suppressed a laugh and grabbed a six-pack just on an exploratory lark, assuming it would be a horrible-tasting novelty. But when that first quaff hit my mouth... So there's a small lesson in risk-taking, folks - it sometimes yields unexpected, positive results. Einstök Pale Ale is a perfect balance of light drinkability with a phenomenal depth of character. Easily my favorite beer - until the next fave comes along. Fickle is the nature of beer appraisal, particularly when 48,651 new varieties are appearing every... hour or so.
I am a huge critic of this faddish IPA-overkill thing we've seen in the US over the last few years and eagerly await the return of variety to supermarket beer shelves soon, but though I'd settled on Guinness' Nitro IPA to be the best intersection of "palatable" and "available" on those rare occasions when I'm in the mood for around-the-Horn hoppage, I still consider Full Sail Brewery in Hood River, Oregon to be the only producer, anywhere, of an India Pale Ale worthy of the appraisal "outstanding." But it's just damn hard to find, unless you're a fanatical windsurfer.
Other faves, also coming from everywhere:
- Anchor Steam and Liberty Ale from Anchor Brewing in San Francisco;
- Hatachino Nest Pale Ale from Kiuchi Brewing in Ibaraki, Japan;
- virtually everything that comes from the Widmer Brothers in Portland;
- ditto everything that comes from Wychwood Brewing in Whitney, Oxfordshire, England - particularly their rare King Goblin English strong ale (they've also got a relentlessly-cool website, here: );
Yes, America truly is a cornucopia of magnificent malts, but any blanket pronouncement of superior taste based on nationality is silly, no matter which direction it's pointed. Kibbe is not doing an American version of Moore's comment, rather pointing out the fact that we have hundreds of beer producers from which to choose here. But neither should we ignore the great stuff that's coming from creative minds elsewhere.
P.S. - As a grad of Shanley High with fond memories of crossing the Red River to Moorhead liquor stores - to take advantage of that excellent MN vs ND "legal drinking age" difference, I hereby pledge to make Junkyard Brewing a must-visit on my next trip back home. Copious thanks for the tip, tohar1 !
On the upside, I got a room on the east side of the 16th floor of the Radisson, which meant I could actually look down on the roof of the Fargo Civic Center, the place I saw my very first rock concert (Rush with Max Webster, May 1977,) and where I saw Ronald Reagan in person, sometime in 1976.
On the downside (for me personally, anyway,) the very first McDonald's I ever went to, up on N. Broadway at the turnoff to my other H.S., Cardinal Muench (since bulldozed,) is shuttered and overgrown with weeds, that great old turn-of-the-century atrium mall called "Block 6" down on NP Avenue is now an anonymous apartment building, the Mother's Records "church" on 6th Street is now rowhouse condos, and the VFW downtown is now a dive bar infested with "hipsters."
I still want to go back and spend more time there though - I was only in town overnight on a long road-trip, so lots of old haunts to explore. I'll definitely be checking out the alcohol-production scene though. Thanks again for the heads-up.
Womans point of view. When the crew are drinking Moose Drool there is nothing left for the Skipper.
Big Sky Brewing in Missoula Montana. Also Powder Hound and Slow Elk.
Actually, I see a benefit in Mr. Moore. He is the epitome of most everything that's wrong with the human race. If ever you're in doubt about anything, just think of what Michael Moore would do and do the opposite.
"InBev is headquartered in Belgium and publicly traded on the on the Euronext stock exchange. With more than 155,000 employees around the world, the company serves as one of the top five consumer product organizations and has more than 200 beer brands in its portfolio. InBev sells its offerings in markets around the world. The company owns six of the ten most valuable brands in the world, which includes Bud Light, Budweiser, Corona, Skol, Stella Artois and Brahma."
Having been a home brewer for years, megaswills do not cut it for me. And as one guy said, "People who drink light beer do not like beer."
Truer words were never spoken. Although I will gladly accept a good import. :)