"Forcing the Cathedral"

Posted by $ Snezzy 8 years, 7 months ago to Government
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The referenced article, which is quite long, suggests parallels between the success of the design of the Linux operating system and the successful original construction of a decentralized United States.

The author quotes extensively from "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric Raymond and compares the "monolithic" style of one Presidential candidate with the "marketplace" style of another.
SOURCE URL: https://chiefio.wordpress.com/2016/08/29/forcing-the-cathedral/

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
    First I got half way throuogh and then carefully saved the entire essay. to valuable to lose I made a backup copy.

    Second recently I used sort of very fast lesson learned from history precis concerning the racist backgrouond start to finish of the Socialist/then Democrat Party without excusing the Republicans whe ended up being enablers.

    In this article I found the long searched for anawer to the question how did right and left begin and wow I had it almost nailed . The king sat to the right of the moderator or President of the Assembly.

    Further more when the Left decided to assume the power role through use of the guillotine and formed a ruling class within their classless society they left the right empty. Bingo Twice.
    Then filled it with their own version of right and left. Thre bingos and a home run except my studies had not connected all the dots this one did that for me - in the first half.

    For that alone it's worth reading as it validates everything we are trying to do and invalidates everything the Clintonistas et. al. are attempting.

    Snezzy my thanks at times I thought I was reading the writings of Jobs himself. and he book is on order.
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