Red News/Blue News: Islamophobia and the media
Why don't moderate Muslims speak up against terrorist groups? Well, turns out they do. But Fox News and other conservative outlets just like to ignore moderate Muslims and sweep their voices under the rug so they don't get heard, and then use that artificially constructed "silence" to perpetrate the myth moderate Muslims aren't saying anything, when the reality is that conservative groups are just refusing to listen.
Go fish.
Zooty Jasser made his reputation first with local ClearChannel Radio hosts like Bill Mick in Melbourne, FL, then with Sean Hannity and Mark Levin on the national level on radio, and ultimately will Hannity on TV. Zooty Jasser is the exceptional Muslim moderate who is willing to take on the terrorist groups.
They are however, not Muslims, unless undercover agents. Terror and violence is an essential part of the teaching, against the non-believer, the neutral, the apostate, the sexually deviant, the blasphemer, and so on are permitted at the core. correction, I wrote 'permitted, it should be 'authorized' or better 'commanded'.
The religion of Islam requires submission. That idea and the practice of it is an abomination in the true meaning of the word. The so-called moderates may condemn terror but in the same breath continue to justify it with the usual criticisms of their current antagonists - who are just about everyone else. The so-called moderates want you and all to submit.
Give them compassion, but they have no credibility.
I try not to be, but I'm sometimes religion-phobic too. Whenever people start down the path of faith, it seems like it can go anywhere. The Judeo/Christian/Muslim religions seems similar to me, but the devout members of each hate the others.
Q 9.111 "Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him".
Q 2:216 "Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims), even if you dislike it".
Q 8.12 "Smite infidels on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes."
Q 47:4 "Smite their necks until you overpower them, killing and wounding them".
Those are from a good site ~ from former muzzies themselves:
I'm a Christian. No, I don't hate the muzzies. I feel very sad for them. They are deceived and lied to. And yes, I pray for them to have the courage to LEAVE islam. You do know what the penalty is for leaving islam, don't you?
What's the penalty for leaving Christianity? Nothing. Except what happens after you die and you answer to JC for your choices. That's between you and Him. But yet, Christianity is always getting beat up while islam gets a pass. That's Sharia Law compliance.
How many times do you get tired of hearing the often used excuse for islamic violence. 'Well their practicing an extreme form of islam...' or one of my faves, 'Violence isn't endorsed by islam.'
Everyone has faith in something. The communists and their numerous fronts (Envirnomentalism for one) has faith in Global Warming/Cooling/Climate Change & the poisonous effects of CO2 & how they have the utopian solution. If only we submit (sound familiar?) to their false ideology and have FAITH in it.
(Blech) Regarding your first sentence: that's what scares me: the muzzies are anxiously awaiting for the 12th Immam to arrive. Be careful what you wish for.
THIS is the key to what makes Christianity different from Islam and most religions, and what makes it compatible with individual liberty and objectivism. And it's a product of the Reformation, IMO.
The idea that, to steal a line from "Kennth Branaugh's Henry V":
"each man's duty is to his king, but each man's soul's his own".
The idea that "if you don't believe, you're going to hell" is significantly different from "if you don't believe, *I'm* going to hell". This is part of the teaching of Islam, and, significantly, it's part of the background of "liberation theology", or the form of collectivist Christianity Obama allegedly believes. He's already asserted that for his soul to be saved, everyone's soul has to be saved. Which is fully compatible with Islam, but not compatible with post-Reformation Christianity.
If I truly believe in my religion, and if it dictates that I can't be saved unless you're saved too, I have one hell of an incentive to coerce you into believing and thereby being saved. Even at the point of a gun.
There's nothing doctrinal to either Christianity or Judaism that would call for hatred of another religion. I don't know about Judaism, but Christianity (at least Catholicism) calls for evangelization, but conversion is up to the individual. I don't know that Judaism has a concept like evangelization, but they certainly don't advocate murdering any who do not convert.
Islam, on the other hand, does advocate killing those who refuse to convert. Whether that is out of hatred or not, I don't know.
I'd challenge Jasser himself (I'm not kidding) to show me in The Reliance Of The Traveller (THE authoritative book on Sharia Law) WHERE the "moderate" verses are neatly segregated from the more "extreme" ones AND are officially endorsed by Mohammed that muzzies are allowed to follow, instead of what Mohammed commands them to do. I have yet to have one moderate to do just that.
Out of 1.1 billion Moslems, at most 300 million are "radical". The other 800 million could step on them if they chose to. They don't choose to.
I don't know of anyone who says *no* "moderate" Moslem *ever* spoke out against Islamic terrorism. But, the majority is indeed silent. Where are the Moslem armies fighting off the terrorists? How come it took our allies years... well in fact, our Moslem allies didn't tell us where bin Laden was.
"Moderate" Moslems are simply those keeping a low profile until the "radicals" have won enough ground for them to feel confident that they can back Islamic domination of the globe, publicly.
Also, you sound like you didn't watch the video. You ask why our Muslim allies didn't help us find Bin Laden, but what makes you think they didn't? Do you seriously think no Muslims were involved in the manhunt at all? Come on...
If 75 to 85% of Moslems are "moderate", then it shouldn't have taken years to find bin Laden hiding right there in Pakistan where our alleged allies were allegedly in control. That means 3 in 4 Moslems should have been "outing" bin Laden as soon as he got to Pakistan.