The Choice, Part Two: The Biggest Challenge, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 4 months ago to Technology
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More evil than dime-a-dozen is the notion that invention requires no intellectual property protection, that inventors will just keep inventing because they like to invent, and humanity will be their beneficiaries. The most extreme form of this abomination holds that invention is public property. The person or persons directly responsible for an invention have no property right to it, but everyone else does. Promoted by those with nothing to contribute, this makes slaves of those who would contribute the most, a page straight out of Karl Marx and his intellectual descendant’s playbook. All those who support Dr. Kelly’s enslavement are invited to work without recompense in their chosen field of endeavor for the next forty years.

This is an excerpt. For the rest of the article, please click the above link.

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
    What good would it do if an inventor starved to death while working on his invention...this is what the collective doesn't think about.

    We all do not have the same needs, wants or desires because we all are not the same...thank goodness, otherwise we'd live in a black and white world...reminds me of the movie: The Giver, on Netflix.

    Post script: Wouldn't this invention work with Spray Paint? don't they ground car bodies when they spray them with primers, paint and sealants...they do the same with plating as well...seems these may be a few more applications...unless they are among the one's you couldn't mention.

    Also, I would hope that more natural products would be considered for spraying for pests.
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