It's Official: Gary Johnson Is A Left-Wing Candidate

Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago to Politics
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An interesting discussion of Gary Johnson and the Libertarian slide into depravity (i.e. the "political" world). Note the AR reference at the end. Maybe time to form some kind of Objectivist party..

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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years ago
    I agree that Johnson (and even more, Weld) are not representing the Libertarian principles in this campaign. In fact, I think Weld has never had any libertarian principles. However, the article brands all Libertarians as non-principled based on the action of two people, and on the excuses for those actions made by a few writers who have been willing to give Johnson a chance to broaden the appeal of his candidacy for one single specific reason: getting into the debates. That has been the reason (or excuse depending on your point of view) given for the silence of Johnson in defense of libertarian principles, and for his shoddy choice of Weld as VP running mate. The writer has concluded that Libertarians in general have no principle, and that conclusion is even more irrational than the actions of Johnson when both are placed in the context of libertarian principles, the history of the Libertarian Party, and the actions of Libertarians.
    The writer uses leftist thinking to come to an irrational conclusion about libertarians with no basis in reality. Quoting Rand is an insult to her ability to reason. Were Rand alive she would be tweeting what a fool he is, while at the same time agreeing that Johnson and Weld may have destroyed the best chance for the free market in a century.
    I usually agree with Tracinski because he often makes valid observations, and many of his other articles are pro-liberty, but he owes Libertarians an apology for this poorly reasoned screed. Painting an entire group of people who have a history of being defenders of the free market and of individual liberty for actions of one person that they can't control is akin to blaming all the American people for the looting, traitorous actions of Obama.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years ago
      Did the Libertarian party have primaries like the
      Democratic and Republican? I ask because I don't
      know.--If they did, why did they nominate Johnson
      and Weld if they don't go along with what they say?
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years ago
        Primaries are very expensive and no third party candidate can afford to go through that charade.
        mspalding describes the nomination process. Johnson and Weld were nominated in 2 separate ballot processes.. In the first ballot (the best indicator of the real intent of the voters) 52% voted against Johnson (for other candidates) and 58% against Weld. (The VP is selected separartely, not selected by the pres candidate.) In the second ballot 48% voted against Johnson and 49% against Weld. So they won the nomination with 52% and 51% respectively, IIRC.
        The less than libertarian campaign approach has been a surprise to many libertarians. Johnson ran in 2012 and thinks that the same approach would be a futile waste of effort. His goal is to get enough support to get in the debates and present the rational libertarian alternative to the people.
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      • Posted by mspalding 8 years ago
        They were nominated by the majority of the tiny minority of people who flew to Florida for the convention.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
          It seemed like the names were mentioned for quite a long time. Isn't it normal for caucus or convention type selections to do their campaigning early and come to some kind of delegate consensus. The Iowa system uses a number of locations perhaps one per county but it looks like in the Demo's case the superdelegate system overwhelmed the caucus results.

          For sure I'd like to see the entry fee to run for office include automatic placement on the ballot no matter how long the list - and in the voters pamphlet - everywhere. That, operating the election and tabulating/reporting results should be the sum total of public expenditures. Just for starters. True the parties operate their own primary candidate selection and neither State nor federal can interfere short of a criminal action such as stuffed boxes but the candidates on the ballot should neither be limited nor given preferential placement but randomnly with out duplicatin the location in the ensuing years.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      I got out of it he was saying the party has drifted to the dark side, and these 2 are the public faces of it. I did not sense he meant all Libertarians. But that was my take on it, of course, you may have differing reasons and background to see it differently. I assumed the quote was valid, but I do not know that for a fact, had she said it, I interpreted that as meaning "a conservative free thinker" type, possibly as a sarcastic remark?
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years ago
        "Well, fine, but from now on the Libertarians can just shut up about being the “party of principle” and about being so much better than those compromising Republicans—statements I have heard endlessly, ad nauseum for my entire adult life. That is now officially over."

        Lump them all in with the GOP who has been betraying everything they claim to stand for since the inception of the party. Libertarians haven't betrayed anyone, and 45% of the delegates at the convention voted against Johnson and 49% against Weld as the candidates to represent the party. And in the first ballot (which shows the real choices of the delegates) more than 50% opposed them both.

        His logic is rubbish.
        The facts don't support his conclusion.
        If ANYONE should shut the frak up its Tracinski who has lost his ability to reason and resorted to a mud slinging fight with some other writers who don't represent the Libertarians.
        The reality is like a line from Animal House ;^) If Tracinski had said that about Libertarians at the convention, I'd agree.
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  • Posted by Boldstandard 8 years ago
    Objectivists before 2012: "Libertarians are the enemy, because they are too much anarchists!"

    Objectivists now: "Libertarians are the enemy, because they are too much statists!"

    I mean, okay. Both statements were true. I don't disagree. But let's focus on the crucial issue here: Gary Johnson is way better than Trump and Hillary, and he is a stepping stone towards more liberty oriented positions becoming mainstream. He is very, very close to obtaining a spot in the debates, and could possibly be the only hope we have of not descending into an imminent dictatorship.

    Yeah, I agree we should watch his positions and voice our disagreements with things like carbon tax and forcing the Xian bakers or whatever. But these are not the most important issues in this election, and none of the other candidates are any better on those things. So calling him a Leftist is pointless and actually not true.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years ago
    An Objectivist party?--I remember (this is from memory) Ayn Rand's saying,"I am not and I do not
    want to be the leader of any organized 'movement.'
    I do approve of an intellectual movement..." Whether she would approve of an "Objectivist" party at this point I do not pretend to know. She
    seemed to say that it would be hopeless to try
    to get any lasting and significant political change
    in this country before getting enough people con-
    verted to the Objectivist philosophy. But we don't have much time left, we have to do some-
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
      I knew there was something that gave me pause LB. Thanks for the reminder. Now if it were a Consitutional Republic Party built on Objective Principles I would be very interested.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years ago
    About the only libertarian peg left standing is Johnson's stand on decriminalizing drugs. I think he's aiming at a cabinet position in the Clinton administration.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years ago
      He wanted to decriminalize pot, but NOT THE OTHER DRUGS. That is a very compromised position. Either prohibition is immoral, or it isnt. Johnson is halfway.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
        The immorality is in any government that makes a profit off the existence and trade in that which they have termed immoral. Or if it is an addictive product or one that destroys people from the inside of their mind and soul out uses it to make a profit. Or willfully endangers it's citizens by allowing the spread or use of those types of dangers. Better they should just shut up and go away - they are not doing their job. Like accepting evil there is no half way nor any lesser of or greater of there is only evil likewise immorality. Such people prey on the weak because they themselves are weak and excuse their victims because they wish to excuse themselves and having allowed everyone to do do it point and say, 'look every one is doing it.' But it's only the weak and those who are conscious and not be conscious cannot be cognizant but only parrot rote the excuses of the weak. But then Oregon has always been a weak state especially now there remain no Oregonians but just Californicators. Your comment brought me to realize Johnson is no more nor any less evil than Clinton. Far to weak to lead a nation. It's what he has done since nominated. Compromise himself while his running mate doesn't reach that high a standard. Let's see if he can refute that in action and deed not in words.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years ago
          A real problem is that today a really consistent principled presidential candidate would want to dismantle so much of what the current government is doing that he/she would scare the majority of the populace.

          Assume for a moment that the voting public are about 50% democratic and 50% republican. On the democratic primary election, sanders and hildebeast pretty much split the vote- and on the republican side Cruz got 1/3 and trump 2/3 in the primary. In my simple math I say that at least in terms of purely popular support hildebeast gets 25% ,sanders gets 25%, Cruz gets 1/3 of 1/2 or 16 2/3%. And trump gets 2/3 of 1/2 or 33 1/3%. I thought cruz represented the most "principled and constitutional" group. Trump got the people disgusted with the crony establishment. And sanders/hildebeast got the true evil statists split between the crooked and crony group (Hillary) and the misguided and ignorant group (sanders). This is simplistic for sure, but if Cruz got only 1/6 of the voters , a really consistent and principled candidate doesn't stand a chance in the current election. The tide has turned in the country towards hildebeast/sanders statism becoming the majority philosophy, with pragmatism (trump) and constitutionality (Cruz) fighting among themselves and dividing the rest of the vote. Johnson is a mix of everything and will get nothing. Green Party will pick up some sanders support but no electoral college votes. With sanders and Cruz out, we have crooked establishment vs anti- establishment left. Unless Cruz, Johnson, and trump join forces somehow (unlikely)- the establishment who have already paid thru campaign contributions, will want Hillary in so they can now play. It really is. Pay for play
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          • Posted by $ 8 years ago
            Term, I don't think it would be they would scare the populace, they would just scare the segment that depends on the government as a source of income and increased business through regulation. The regulation and control has probably got 50% of the economy under it's direct thumb. Eliminate that and if it is no longer required, that money all dries up, niot being forced to pay out. So, they will fight tooth and nail for what they need, as real work is out of the question for most of them. They exist in the "regulations say you must" world, and that is all they know. So, if those regulations go, they have no skills or original products to sell. The threat level and amounts are so high, it is no wonder Clinton gets away with murder on a regular basis.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years ago
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
                Well put and for one good reason. They would have no need going back to your first sentence. Our unit lived by the dictum we are the fish that swimi in their sea. The failures came when the rear area types made side deals with the dictators. so much simpler to lie up to our motto and the idea behind our countries birth and have it all with less problems less strain more gain. There were times when i truly felt the first part of any plan was doing in our own rear area - first. Stating with DC. Things have changed a lot we are no longer the bastard step children of JFK. No everyone wants to be special but there only 7000 plus Seals, Rangers, etc. There is a lot of world out there anf sll it takes is one Carter, LBJ, Kerry to upgeschaft. Being elected doesn't make one an Alexander or Temujin nor even a Boy Scout leader. .
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
            Not Bad...No bad at all. But nowhere in there did I read Constitutional Republic.

            If that is a zero then two situations also occur.

            The Constitutional Republic vote of whatever size is one. Is there enough left to matter and if there is how many? I don't see that group counted in any of the polls and only mentioned in passing by some not at all by the left.

            The Military has free rein to follow their oath of office from which loyalty to the Constitution is a requirement and a duty and which they are not released unless they resign (commissioned) or serve out thier time (enlisted). Not really a free rein except in the manner they choose to accomplish the mission. In effect they would be or perhaps are the only Constitutional legal authority left. Perhaps they might get support and in advance from a segment of the court. Segments of the Congress and so forth. But at that point those would have no authority until the military gave it back.

            How they do it when they do it and what happens to those in the way is irrelevant to the one central requirement Support and Defend te Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. It's also their call when they give it back that is judge the population to be worthy.

            Enemies Domestic you covered rather well.

            With the support they would get from a significant portion of the country and the prior planning (military has plans for everything every eventuality) It's a 24 hour over the weekend hiccup to put stars in the oval office. No tanks required.

            So the percentage I look for is those that would support the Constitution and the Republic...

            Especially those within the military.

            And it's the main reason Obama or Hillary or anyone else cannot declare martial law. On doing so they would be handcuffed and jailed.

            Start witih DOHS are they likely or not likely to uphold their oath of office which says the same thing. They represent the only sizable possibility as the Protective Echelon. And many are former or retired miitary. They are not big enough, strong enough nor anything enough assuming their own members don't join with the military thus following their oath of office.

            Followed by Law Enforcement nation wide.

            followed by registered weapons owners

            But judge all of these groups as anti Constitution as well as pro Republic. There's some from both sides. For that matter how much of the military would be loyal to their oath. Answer is don't use them against the population and make damn sure the military itself knows that. IF it became necessary due the usual riots and TV liquor store break ins that's different. But no more Kent States

            Now there is another source of suipport Guard and Reserves. Quietly activated. Just anothere weekend drill. To keep an eye on things. .

            The actual accomplishiment is not that big a deal and requires no tanks in the street. The reason. Their is no organized effort planned out to stop the military from doing their legally required job.

            Nor in the media network centers. They will do as they are told as always. They would eat their young to get ratings and the morality of doing as told has escaped them thus far. Interviews for opinions might be useful in locating certain people's locations come to think of it.

            College campus's you are kidding me are you not? All huddled in their safe spots.

            If iyou want support shown publicly just ask the population that supports the Constitution and Republic to show up at rally's Perception Management.

            That leaves political party headquarters. Cut the heads off hydra the rest pooooooffff gone.

            The current elected politicians would be dissolved until the decision to have new elections was madekl - by the military.

            Key factor. As long as no harm came to the President the Secret Service Detail is happy.

            On Jan 20th he's sent into retirement with full protective detail SS and Military.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years ago
              The idea of the military being loyal to the constitution is a little questionable. They seem to be loyal to Obama, and HE isnt loyal to the constitution. They fight the wars they are TOLD to fight. I have never seen an analysis of how the military has voted in the past, and what policies they support. I suspect there are a lot of statists in there at this point, however.

              Cruz was the closest I have seen this cycle to a loyalist to the constitution. Before that was Ron Paul. But you can see how far they get in a general election with mob rule being the law.

              I would say that the constitutional republic vote is never talked about in the polls. It is not ZERO by any means, but I would estimate it at a portion of the votes Cruz got, plus definitely some from the military.
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            • Posted by $ 8 years ago
              I know a lot of retired military, and almost all I talk to do not support the government. I also know a few active duty, and most of them see the same things we do, inside the military. They have enforce quotas, discriminate rules, and idiot bureaucracy. They do have a conflict between their sworn oaths to defend the Constitution, as well as obey the orders lawfully placed above them. The oath is a series of contradictions, as it says you must defend the Constitution as well as obey the orders of those above you. The idea of choosing one over the other is always a source og great angst.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
                They must have quit having the classes on that then. The first is the prime statement, the second supports the first but the first is always prime IF a military officer of any variety or the Commander-In-Chief are found to be wanting or in violation of their oath etc. they automatically disqualify themselves short version. Military doesn't get much leeway and rarely any choice at all. The whole thing revolves around the Constitutional Oath. the preferred methods is let them vacate the office and as long as the Constitution is there we rely on the civilians to do the right thing Events of the last few years have signaled a huge change. The comment about 'bigget threat this government faces' was an admission that the DOHS was doing wrong and so was the President. That Secretary was replaced for saying so out loud. Obeyme saying he wanted to incease the power of the DHS into equal or better than the military was and admission and recognition of their oath, which is not to him but the Constitution he's violated so much. the military is now and has for sometime been firing shots across his bows - time to leave. They serve as warnings to the next one.

                In my day we discussed and talked it out with good instructors. Mabe 'in the day' they don't have time for 'ethics?'
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                • Posted by $ 8 years ago
                  Good grief, you must have missed the article about the cheating scandal at the Navy Independent Corpsman school. It was a huge ring of CPO's on down providing answers and cheating for tests to prove their competence. They have since implemented "strict training on ethics". The only thing I found 1976 to 1996 was that they had training on the "government ethics" statement, and vague rumblings on "leadership". Ethics was never a distinct subject except in ethical conduct with contracts.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
                    Almost forgot the Vietnam era had some of the senior NCO's running the NCO Club ripoff scandal and it eventually led to the Command Sergeant Major Of The Army. Embarassing yes but it wasn't swept under the rug.

                    There is a always a group in the military that upon commissioning and pinning on the gold bar of an Ensing or Second Lieutenant immediately forgets their Cadets oath. 'will not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do.' The better Officer, Non-Commissioned schools had one of those as well. The proof was the 100% participation signs in front of each company HQ for donations to various this and that.

                    Now i't s mostly done by payroll deduction but the method I'm betting is the same. Strong Arming, Blackmailing and a form of Protection Racket. If you don't then it's all the dirty jobs, no promotions, and a very low efficiency rating. As one Sergeant Major candidly put it to me "Spit Rolls Down Hill. You are at the bottom."

                    Having been given a truthful explanation laid down two envelopes. and shoved over the first one. Back then we gave cash until the deduction system started. That was the $2 and change they said was my fair share. He asked what was in the other one?

                    That one Sergeant Major was for just being asked politely. It was a $20. I put it in my pocket. He shook my hand and next month I received a promotion. From then on he refused to accept anything over the 'fair share amount.' We were 100% in that unit but collected less than half of the previous amouonts.That's how you roll spit uphill...

                    In those days at paygrade E-5 with jump pay of $55 a month added I was making a hair over $300 a month. $20 was a large chunk of change
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                    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
                      Yep, the payroll deduction made the shakedown a lot easier. They had Navy Relief (which for some reason when you needed it, you never qualified for), and CFC (Give to everyone). The biggest scam was the 50.00 you were told to donate for every CPO retirement. Because I refused to give in to the CPO "come join us in 20 section watch rotation" when my senior watch station was 3 section (and all the rest were 4), I did not qualify for such an august reward. I also refused to pay for all of them to go get drunk up at the CPO club either. Illustrative of just how "flexible" their "Cpo Brotherhood" was. Never looked back on that mess.
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                      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
                        You were worse than the Army must be the captive audience. I've worked ships with people retired from the Navy. It killed them my attitude was "So I was in the military what was your excuse." Many had retired as E6's Killed them I out ranked them in the military game too. Then along would come one of my former USMC buddies ....." We would go out on the bridge wing and light up a cigar. Now mind you I don't smoke so that was a sacrifice. They weren't invited. The former Marine commented once "this is the military veterans section.' that was an MSC ship.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
                    Most of that training is with rubber stamp.
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                    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
                      Oh, I understand that, been there, done it. Like almost any "training" today (except where results are actually checked). But the only place I have seen a resurgance of ethics is in the last 3-4 years Intel has made it a annual training where they actually make you have to figure out various scenarios and then explain why it is wrong or right, even if it is a multiple guess web training.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
      The platform threw some off as it does not match the candidates so that idea applied to a Lib/Trump and currently one suggest ed by others and pushed by the Millennials is correct but not with the correct side of things. For sure they dont represent their iparty platform so what say the party bosses over their in lib land?
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years ago
    I wish Bill Bradford was still alive and publishing Liberty Magazine. He'd have called Reason on their opinions and made their errors clear without resorting to fallacy of composition or mud slinging.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 8 years ago
    During the Olympics I was looking for my book on judo dynamics. When I pulled it from the shelf, a pamphlet sized thing fell out. I had it shoved there about 30 years ago due to have had a knee jerk reaction to its hard hit on something Rand believed and a base for libertarianism. So I read it again and what a difference 30 years made on that knee jerk. So I recommend it to both libertarians and Objectivists with analytical minds.
    "The Myth of Natural Rights" by L.A. Rollins (1983).
    Some libraries may have it in book form in "The Myth of Natural Rights and Other Essays, which has the politically incorrect letter to Allah. I noticed that all the libraries near me have discarded it in this era of PC or maybe out of fear.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
    When Socrates asked his students to define a human being they came up with "A featherless biped." Whereupon, the next day, the old man threw a plucked chicken at them. Gary Johnson is a plucked chicken. He puts on the guise of a Libertarian, but is one in name only.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years ago
      The trouble is that there is no way to pin down what a libertarian believes. Many contemporary libertarians in the USA came from studying Rand. But In the rest of the world, libertarian deals more with types of liberty and who has them. There is a political spectrum of left to right libertarianism, maybe even here in the USA where libertarians have an non-aggression belief and what ever background philosophical political beliefs.
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  • Posted by cem4881 8 years ago
    I am sadden by the rush to judgement on Gary Johnson. He is the best thing to happen in the public arena for decades, and instead of supporting him he is being trashed by people who love and admire Ayn Rand. I have her portrait on my living room wall and everytime I look at her I am reminded of the courage and intellectual strength I gained from reading her works. I have seen the decline of freedom in the USA over my lifetime, and Gary Johnson represents a true change in direction. You need to support him, and listen to him directly, and respond to him directly. He listens, truly listens and realizes when he makes a mistake. I don't think he has read Ayn Rand so he has arrived at his convictions by himself. Don't read somebody else's opinion of him and take it as your own. Listen to Gary himself.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      But Gary is the person wanting to have a carbon tax, i.e. impose a minority view on the people by the government. The opposite of what Libertarians espouse. He is pandering, and pandering is a disqualification crime.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
        Does that mean Heidi Fleiss can't run? Shucks. Carbon Tax The Tax that Isn't A Tax. Then what is it? A money making scam. Paid for by fees corporations could buy these certificados and then if not needed recover that amount by selling them to corporations that needed more exemptions how is that helping the carbon problem? It's not. Is there a carbon probem?: Well maybe in the east where the dirty coal is mined and largely burnt - remember acid rain? But now CFX moves train loads to the West. Why? Al Gore is the reason. The west has the anthracite or cleaner burning coal but All got it locked up. Now why would Al Bore do that?
        Word is when he was forced to sell his tobacco stocks the money went into nearby coal mining.

        Get the picture.

        And that's all there is to the continuing scam of the Carbon Tax.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
      CEM, We do and as for me I keep seeing him step in it badly unless his agenda is different than the party platform and a good one for the most part but is a podium and lectern with out a candidate at the moment.

      But I stil say don't rush to judgement there is plenty of timie and support the Libertarian Town Hall You won't get much more coverage than that.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 8 years ago
    Rand famously called Libertarians "Leebertarian Heepies" and in the 40 or more years since I heard her say that I have seen nothing to convince me that she was wrong. I've tried being involved in Libertarian stuff. Dashed hopes or worse every time.

    Thieves. "Me-too" people. "Yes, but please not Rand" people. Theocrats.

    The revolution must be intellectual, but the politicians generally will not be. Has anyone tried comparing the flawed Mr. Trump with the flawed Henry Rearden? My wife spotted Trump-as-Rearden over a year ago.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
    One of the reasons I enjoy The Gulch is that I learn from it. But another reason for enjoying it is the posts that reflect the same opinions as mine. It is pleasant to know that you folks exist. I often say that you all have taken the words right out of my mouth. It is very unsanitary, but then, so is kissing.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years ago
    Its way too early for a really free market candidate to get any traction. Wasting money on politics itself is not sensible. Pure education, involving also incorporating comments on political issues, is the way to go.
    Right now we are facing a probably majority of the populace who are statists, and they will never respond to non-statist political arguments
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  • Posted by Government 8 years ago
    Maybe time to form some kind of Objectivist party..

    One already exists.

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    • Posted by term2 8 years ago
      Not yet. Much more education is needed. A majority of the populace is statist at this point in time. Either help re-educate them, or concentrate on the young people and let the older ones die off.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      OK, I can see their platform as being something that is very applicable to us and today. I like it. I just wonder if there is ever some allowance for how do you control, or force to perform, a person who is damaging others? I.E in respect to pollution, and corporations. If a company is dumping toxic sludge in a river, killing all the fish, and then putting all the fisherman out of work, are they liable for the loss? If your neighbor is playing loud music at 2am at 400 db, is there a mechanism to control? How do you deal with those that impose themselves on others? It seems you will have a quandary of circular arguments, when one persons rights to individual liberty and freedom impose themselves on another.I do like their position, just could not fathom how they would deal with the idiots in the crowd.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
        Certainly and it's the reason pursuit of happiness was included in the Declaration. Attacking someone takes many forms so as the founders thought about it they came up with a qwuality of life statement. Life with out Liberty is impossible when pursuit of happiness is impaired. I got this one straight from the explanation offered in the Hillsdale course ont he Constitution. and it is the reason for those words being included. Don't bother the neighbors.

        That can easily be stretched to inlude what iyou said about dumping toxics and it' sa direct attack meaning defense is authorized.

        As to the rights the false premise is assuming they have the right to impose a right that in turn infringes on a previously granted or natural right or rights.

        Money as free speech came about exactly that way if you follow the trail which started with King George III. But the proponents of that which in modern terms says Corporations have a person hood and tht gives them the rights of individuals and vice versa EXCEPT for two reasons the courts ignored. The smallest minority is a group of one and of those groups who can outspend a corporation. The whole reason for that personhood thing was to protect stock holders in a suit against the corporation and allow corporate employees at the highest level to hide behind that protection. But it's evolved into much more and now allows everything except direct contact with a candidate or public official using money. Corporations can be for example a 'Foundation. registered as an LLC.' That's their escape hatch.

        The second reason goes like this. it's the Soros mantra. "I Have The Right without explanation to take away your rights without exception.

        Cast your eyes over the Consitutiton and bill of rights and see how many rights were trampled by money as free speech. Something like Five if memory serves. But the court only considered none of that.

        So we have to maintain that no right can be put in place that infringes in existing rights.

        And that goes for states rights over turned by rogue bought and paid for judges who use their judicial power to overturn parts for the Constitution they don't like. I's a standard Soros secular progressive ACLU tactic followed by the circular but still false premised arguments which is radical reasoning for repeat a lie enough and it becomes the truth especially if you control education and the media. Look at how well that worked with the balanced budget with a surplus scam. And that was a five minute research job to disprove and a overnight weight to clarify one point with the Treasury Department.

        But then we were dealing with reporters not journalists.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years ago
          OK, i just find that even as a platform, implementation without complete deconstruction and starting over is highly improbable. The same sources of corruption you speak of, would naturally twist and turn things, as well as buy judges who would need to be much more open minded and commonsensical than today's rule bound, precedent needing worms.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
    I thought about that and looked at the suggested existing efforts. given the size at the present timeI'll hold off. I really like not being in, at least in one phase in my life, a collective as much as possible. It' seems to defeat the purpose but given something the size of a libertarian party an easy goal really I would do like all good objectivists and apply the new information. I still believe the way to accomplish that is coalition politics but the idea is to new in the USA except of course for the Democrats and Republicans. But I have been watching as with anything while it may not be personally useful right now Law Three always keep testing. I belong to no organizationis at the present time and contribute on my own to some orphanages and the local ambulance service. Comes from spending time as a single hander in sailing.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
    I ended up with a 24 hour suspension for saying that. ha ha ha. True to repeat myself Platform is ok but there is no Candidate standing on it. The demographics for the Boomers and Million-ials at 31% are a possible reason for that posture. I reviewed the AR portions and once again there is good ole Reason magazine on the attack. First Left Wing then supported by Reason? Not a good sign Gary.
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