Lead a horse to water and you get what? Defeatism. In the third segment Johnson's Brass Ones and yes I edited this heading and added the current polls

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 1 month ago to News
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Gary Johnson: “This is the demise of the Republican Party”
posted at 9:01 pm on August 22, 2016 by Allahpundit

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Via Red State, I’m skeptical. There may not be a majority out there of movement conservatives or nationalists or evangelicals or libertarians, but there may be a majority between them of anti-leftists. Where are those anti-leftists going in 2018, when the Senate will again be in play and the map strongly disfavors Democrats? Gary Johnson imagines the Libertarian Party succeeding the GOP as a major party, but there simply aren’t enough small-government advocates on the right to make it the right-wing party. Trumpers, for instance, have little in common with libertarians apart from isolationism. It may even be that, if forced to choose between Democrats and Libertarians, most Trumpers would swallow their anti-left sentiments and tilt uneasily towards the left on the theory that Democrats will at least protect their entitlements. And even if Trump fans stand firm and insist on their own nationalist party, Ben Domenech’s right that Democrats may have an opportunity to pick off moderate Republicans who are uncomfortable with nationalism and libertarianism. If Clinton wins and McConnell and Ryan sell out the base on a terrible amnesty deal, the party may crack — and Democrats will have a chance to seize the center:

The opportunity this gives the Democrats is clear: they will have the latitude and incentives to expand their coalition, forming the equivalent of a new American Tory party. Socially liberal in the sense of redistribution and the occasional catering to identity politics appeals, Democrats will have the opening to become even more corporatist and pro-business, collaborating with groups and companies who find the Republicans too toxic to sponsor. This would give Democrats the freedom to ignore a number of their more radical members and just offer lip service to the Democratic Socialism of Bernie Sanders, instead expanding their appeal to suburban voters who have proven more difficult to win in recent years. As the only globalist game in town, the elites will naturally sort into the Democratic coalition, which currently looks to dramatically expand its foothold among the college educated. Republicans will be left with a messy coalition patched together with duct tape, which cannot agree on just about anything, including on whether they agree.

The GOP, or what’s left of it, would be a mishmash of social conservatives, populist nationalists in the Breitbart mold, and “conservatarians.” How do Libertarians emerge from that? With whom do they build a coalition? Evangelicals? Hawks? Gary Johnson is a wonderfully genial guy running against the two most phenomenally unpopular major-party nominees in modern American history and he’s still stuck at 10 percent. There’s no reason to believe there’s a major-party-level constituency out there for the Libertarian Party in the near term, and in the longer term, as more libertarian-leaning younger voters age, one of the remaining major parties will likely figure out a way to cater to them. (To paraphrase De Gaulle, the Libertarian Party is the party of the future and it always will be.) I think Johnson’s assertion about the demise of the GOP is patently true and false at the same time. Substantively, the party has already dissolved; for years now it’s been an unhappy coalition of four or five discrete constituencies with little in common except that they fear and loathe the left. But there’s also no reason to think they won’t reassemble to move the needle back in their general direction in 2018 under the Republican umbrella.

Even if Domenech is right and Ryan makes a deal on amnesty in 2017, which would be incredibly foolish after watching Trump tear through the primaries this year running on the idea of building a wall, Trump fans will take a hard look at the outcome this November and calculate what staying home in 2018 would mean for advancing populism or nationalism. Most of them will play ball — assuming Ryan’s not still in charge at that point. I think it’s more likely that the next few years will see a reprise in congressional primaries of what happened six years ago, as the tea party asserted itself against the establishment, except this time it’ll be Trumpists like Paul Nehlen joining the running battle between establishmentarians and grassroots conservatives. It may even be that Trumpists trump conservatives as the new favorite protest vehicle of disgruntled grassroots voters. But it’ll all be done under the auspices of the Republican Party. What that party looks like circa 2020 is unclear, but I’m … pretty sure it won’t be libertarian.\
SOURCE URL: http://hotair.com/archives/2016/08/22/gary-johnson-this-is-the-demise-of-the-republican-party/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 1 month ago
    Post the source of the article so someone can at least attempt to determine validity, if any.
    Looked at RedState and can find no trace of the article. By its name, RedState may be biased for the GOP and therefore want to trash Johnson.
    Consider the source of the article if you can find it.
    No link, so I can't tell who wrote it or what their agenda is, or even if there is an ounce of truth written.

    Johnson gets no respect for the media and knows that if he trashes Hillary he will get no media coverage. That coverage is the only chance Johnson has to get on the debate stage and state the case for the Libertarian party.
    I don't like the approach either, but the approach you and I prefer has been tried and has failed repeatedly.
    Michael, imo, you are jumping at every chance to trash Johnson and imo it isn't warranted.
    Trump and Shitlery have records that are anti-freedom. Johnson has a record that is pro freedom.
    Brass ones? Johnson is running for president as a Libertarian! That proves he has a lot bigger brass ones than either Shitlery or HRM Donnie.
    Maybe you are right. Maybe I am right.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 1 month ago
    Pull your comment box out to the right and they all fall into close alignment Real Clean averages show Clinton not that far ahead. In many if you added Trump to Johnson and Klein to Clinton Hillary is sliding.

    The huge leads don't exist when averaged out and Wall Street Journal as of 2PM today put it this way.
    Clinton is currently leading Trump by 5.5 pct. pts. They are using Real Clear averages as well as the other companies that track the pollstgers. Add Johnson to Trump and Klein to Clinton Hillary is either slightly behind or they are even. No doom and gloom there it's just warming up for the second or third inning.

    In Huffington a major left wing supporter and using the same information it came out
    or Clinton over Trump by 6.3 at six PM on the 23rd. Remove Johnson and Klein which they already did Hillary gets a win due to winner take all.

    California: Trump vs. Clinton One State Closeup but it's 55 electoral with the new electoral system on the ballot. At present only 3 state do not have Winner Take or Steal all depending on your viewpoint.

    California is interesting they are also voting on a percentage award system for electoral votes. Adding in the other two candidates that would cut Hillary's for sure 55 winner steal all to around 30 Trump to 20

    In contrast to the poll averaging sources showing a 5-6% difference Here is one that also uses Real Clear but apparently not ALL of Real Clear. You will see a major contrast that is not born out except by the cherry pickers.

    RCP Average 5/19 - 7/19 -- -- 52.6 30.4 Clinton +22.2
    PPIC* 7/10 - 7/19 1056 LV 4.3 46 30 Clinton +16
    Field 6/8 - 7/2 956 LV 3.2 58 28 Clinton +30
    CBS News/YouGov 5/31 - 6/3 1187 LV 3.9 48 33 Clinton +15
    NBC/WSJ/Marist 5/29 - 5/31 1833 LV 2.3 55 31 Clinton +24
    LA Times/USC 5/19 - 5/31 1500 RV 2.9 56 30 Clinton +26

    Battleground States? According to Real Clear it's all of them so a major media buy is going to be spread very thin.
    It also tends to tick people off seeing someones face every five minutes.while they are trying to watch their favorite soap.

    Ending comment polls are like the rear end of a .....take your pick everyone has one. I generally watch for trends keep track of anything major and bear in mind that major releases of information usually come in timei for the next poll but too late for the opposition to do much about it. Looks like Trump is learning.

    Still short of a large infusion of votes and allowing for this years version of ACORN Trump will need to pick up which means make a very attractive deal with some cabinet seats etc thrown in for Johnson's group of votes - and with or without the smart move of forming a coalition party go after the disencranchised 46% the alternative is the Republicans will stay in power with no change and Hillary will win the election. Establishment only cares about
    their turf and if it's the right wing of the left of a totalitarian government they really don't care.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 1 month ago
      I was practicing with the above this morning polls are more concise and easy to read. I put them in as a filler in one of the other topics but easy to find in NEW. 5.5 yesterday is I think 6.2 or something today. Liberttarian Town hall coming up and Hillary's team is hitting hitting the mattresses and forting up. Trumps got less than 74 days to tap the only resource left The one new article that had me laughing for half an hour is a guy that sez two choices A communist or a lottery ticket.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 1 month ago
    My wish came true and it's posted separately. 17 seconds to find what I hoped one of the core supporters would post....Not everyone has the time so don't read to much into that.

    Just go to the next in this series. this one is one possible outcome the third one is much to be preferred.

    And thanks to Buttrick for kicking my start button.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 1 month ago
    I noted with sadness that Johnson carefully excluded the 46% of the voter pool who are voting None Of The Above because they have NO representation and none is being offered, Johnson's horse not only doesn't drink it's rider doesn't qualify.

    Thanks to one of our posters I had gone back to hope against hope but this my way or the highway doesn't work for me.

    We're back to the Platform is OK but candidate viability is .....not there. So his opinion hardly counts. So where are the 12% Libertarians going to go?

    a. slide back to less than five percent and anothe wasted effort?

    b. Hillary

    c. Trump

    d. None of the Above and join the unrepresented 46%?

    Now there is a thought.

    And what's going to replace the Republican right wing of the left? Or are they going to slide again

    Sad non performance Johnson.,
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