Hey it's cnn mainstream, I have friends who are PO and I teach civics. I tell my buds what I teach and it's very BOR based. At the end of the semester I asked the students what will you remember next year from this class. Half the answers were based on the 4th Amendment or that they could say no to cops.
I'm ok with that. Cops and the law gotta be tied down or at least to focused on solving crime. REAL CRIME
But most of them are very surprised when you exercise your 4th amendment rights. There have been several youtube videos posted here about people refusing to provide their "papers" to blatantly illegal roadblocks. When the "official" is told NO, and asked to cite the probable cause for requesting the info and even to search the vehicle, they are flabbergasted. More people need to understand their rights and how to properly present them as a shield to overreaching gov't authority.
I have mixed feelings about this. I live in Albuquerque. Just like any other town, it has good people and bad people, good cops and bad cops. I don't like the idea of living in a town with trigger-happy cops, so I'm glad that someone is looking into it. If the investigation finds dirty cops, and I'm sure it will, I hope those cops end up as cell mates with the dirt bags they put in there. But CNN does viewers a disservice by hyping only one side of the debate. Don't allow the MSM to guide your thinking - they rely on your fear.
The particular instance with the homeless man on the hillside is especially vile. There was no cause for the excessive use of force (hell, they killed the guy). Nobody was within lunge distance at the time.
I support law enforcement, but only when they are respectful of the Constitutional rights (and human rights) of people. Too many of late believe that they are above the law and have become their own little tyrants. Those I don't support.
I have to admit I don't know more about the others. Demerit for me! How does this stack up against other cities? Not in terms of numbers, but in terms of how many officers get charged with murder vs. how many are cleared by their departments.
Had a few in Milwaukee. The truly egregious ones tend to get off with no charges, but any that can be labeled race related, even with the most clear justification, are charged and run through the ringer.
Good question KahnQuest, I don't know. But unless someone can prove that video was doctored, they executed a mentally disabled man rather than employ non-lethal means. Hitler's Gestapo began their reign of terror by singling out Jews, Gypsies, and the mentally disabled. I see parallels..
Half the answers were based on the 4th Amendment or that they could say no to cops.
I'm ok with that. Cops and the law gotta be tied down or at least to focused on solving crime. REAL CRIME
Thank you for helping in this effort.
I support law enforcement, but only when they are respectful of the Constitutional rights (and human rights) of people. Too many of late believe that they are above the law and have become their own little tyrants. Those I don't support.