How old is mystery ice from the base of Greenland’s ice sheet?

Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 1 month ago to Science
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Something of interest, if just because it states there were 2 warmer periods, 130,000 years ago and 430,000 years ago. So the huge proponent issue we hear "Man alone causes climate change" is not valid. I do not say there may not be some impact, as I am not a versed scientist, but I do know that various factors work in climate change, and saying "it's all our fault" and "if we do all these crazy draconian things it will fix it" is not necessarily correct.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 1 month ago
    Thanks Nickursis. The method of measuring age of ice using argon40 is outstanding. Historical data on weather, climate, solar activity on the sun, planetary alignment and volcanic activity.
    All contribute to paint a picture of the past.
    In Your neck of the woods the controllers want to penalize any educature who doesn't toe the man made climate bullshit .I appreciate your objectivity in a collectivist state. Apparently none of it is important if man didn't cause it.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 1 month ago
      Dob, thanks for the reply, I am a believer in facts and data, not hype and opinion. They just "announced" it was the hottest month in the history of the world (all 200 years of it), yet I still hear nothing about the ravaging of the Amazonian rainforests (the largest carbon sink and O2 generator we have) but the weasels will still insist I graft money for carbon, and adhere to their agenda,. Lies and fabrication I do not need, they have saturated that market years ago. I want some facts beyond "CO2 is the highest in known history" (false), and "The oceans will rise because of man" (again false). It has happened before, it will happen again, and they will not stop it. Adapt, maybe. To think they can find a blame source, and try to say "this will fix it" is pure BS. Again, if anyone was really serious (and not pursuing anyone of a dozen agendas, unknown to us in full), someone would address the rain forest issue, which no one has, so they are immediately discredited.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 1 month ago
    Not to mention that at the beginning of the last ice age, carbon was 8 times higher than it is today...The more we think of it, for those of us than still can think...maybe high carbon content is a precursor to a cooling period?

    Couple of interesting links shows that we do not have enough carbon for plants.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 1 month ago
      The present ice age started a million or so years ago with 40,000 year glaciations with short interglacials. Then it shifted to 100,000 year glacial periods with 10,000 or so year interglacials. The Earth is still in that ice age.
      During that million years CO2 levels were up to about 300 parts per million and down to about 180 parts per million. The attempted shift to a more efficient form of photosynthesis may have happened then since 180 parts per million of CO2 is near the cutoff point for photosynthesis of the normal kind from the previous high level CO2 when it evolved in plants. You have to go back a 100,000,000 years for your 8 x 400 = 3200 parts per million for CO2 when the Earth was much warmer on average.
      If I recall right, the temperature pretty much followed the logarithmic concentration-temperature relationship of about a bit over one degree per doubling of CO2 concentration.

      Couldn't it be a little bit of bicameral belief from a stream of consciousness pumping believable data into your awareness about that. I was just reading some comments on a site where people were upset that no plans were being made to do something about sea level rise. Has it gotten to the point that temporal period lengths have shorten to near zero such that modern mankind hears that the seas might rise in the next 100 to 10000 years and the brain decides that people over generations will not make changes and stand around and drown because the might drown in the next week or so? Any reversion to the bicameral mind there? Not strong audio but the whimper of 'be afraid' or maybe just bad stream of consciousness from that hemisphere?
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  • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 1 month ago
    There is something interesting about the topology of Greenland, a very large island with a lot of ice.
    Greenland is something like a dish with a low center and ringed all round by high ground and mountains. If there were to be temperatures high enough to melt the ice there would be a giant lake over much of the area with little escaping into the North Atlantic. So, a negligible effect on sea levels.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 1 month ago
      If one realizes that the north pole is mostly over water then you know that ice or no ice makes no difference in sea level.
      South pole...different story...most of that ice is on land, so it would have an worries though, so long as "Green Peace" keeps getting stuck in the ice around the continent.
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