Sneak it under the weekend radar!
Posted by MaxCasey 10 years, 7 months ago to Government
We cannot let this brazen destruction of evidence go unnoticed. this surpasses the Watergate tapes! More on an action plan to follow. Ideas for pushing this to the top of the news cycle and not letting it slide due to the friday night release are welcome!
Fast and Furious, IRS, NSA, Stimulus, Gas Prices, Obamacare, Seizure of GM and Chrysler, Dodd-Frank, Golf Oil Disaster, Closing Down Oil Exploration, Cap & Trade, FCC attempted restriction of free speech, Disclose Act on political opponents but not on unions via Executive Order, Bowing to Kings and Emperor’s, Gitmo, the Beer Summit, the Attacks on WI, AZ, TX, etc., downplaying exceptionalism, Anita Dunn, ACORN, SEIU, Teleprompter, Arrogance & Haughtiness, Chicago Corruption, Tony Rezko, NRLB, the National Debt, Joe the Plumber, attempts to crush media opposition, transparency, border security, real unemployment number, jobs, letting terrorists go, Benghazi, no action on Marine incarcerated in Mexico, hostility to Israel, Czars bypassing Congressional oversight, President bypassing Congressional oversight, student loans, inability to fire incompetent employees, lies, deceptions, etc. Reverend Wright and his “God Damn America”, should have been some kind of a clue, but the people were just too blinded by something else.
There isn’t much I can find that I like about this administration, in fact the sum of it is nothing. And it appears that there is no way for us to do anything about it as long as there are the ignorant, totally uninformed, or misinformed out there that are (mostly) legal to vote. Unless someone has the ability to educate these people or show them the light, I see this country going into the ground. We have to do a better job voting, and perhaps this time we need to set some new requirements for our leaders. Make them tell the truth and sign a contract to do what they say. I did not vote for this last administration, but must admit that after hearing what they had to say at the beginning, I thought perhaps this just might turn out to be a good thing, perhaps they will do us right, everything they promised might just be what we need. I was wrong, totally wrong, and everyone that voted for them was wrong. They did not live up to their promises, none of them, period. This is what we need to make those that vote for a single letter after a name understand. You cannot continue to elect those just tell you what you want to hear and then do none of it. The real pain is that the people were deceived, twice. God Help Us!!!
She would never survive the mainstream media blood fest.
Talk about throwing out chum behind the boat!
The Democrat Party of exclusion, and conclusion, would have used his past to demonize him...which would have been correct.
We need to find a way of loudly and truthfully calling out every single one of their lies and deceits. Is it possible to set up on Internet a "Political Fact Checking and Truth Verification" site? How do we assemble the funding? It ought to be strictly rebuttal of untruths and exposition of truth. Not opinions. What do you think?
We are past independent counsels, and light years past Congressional hearings.
It is time for r*volution....
How will we get out of this?
We won't. We'll have to go THROUGH it. Economic collapse. Maybe civil war. Hopefully those suffering will recognize that it's because they were MORONS - but the 40% of men and 60% of women who voted for this stuff are likely too stupid to EVER figure it out. We can only hope that Darwin acts with a vengeance and they all die. (Unfortunately, that goes for a lot of the people who voted for the OTHER moron who was running in the last election too.)
More likely, the lemmings will buy whatever excuse the government hands them, wave the flag, get behind their tribal leaders, and run right over the cliff… again.
There were 4,000,000 (that's million, for those of you in Rosa Linda) fewer Republican voters in '12 than in '08. Obama won in '12 by 2,000,000 votes!! So who should be blamed?
If you want to talk the talk, then walk the walk and VOTE! Even if it is inconvenient, or you have to register, or you have to go stand in line.
2) You are correct that the public nominated morons. See #1.
3) "Many, many" is relative. In absolute numbers, there are probably 10 million people who are reasonably intelligent (by the standard of knowing what's going on, being up on current events, recognizing ulterior motives, understanding that the average voter is a moron whose primary accomplishment is not choking on their own drool). That's a big number. But not compared to the 120 million morons who voted for Romney or Obama.
4) The United States is not yet beyond rescue - but it soon will be. If we were to cut the Federal government back to its Constitutional levels (about 5% of what it is now), end the wars, eliminate welfare (for both the poor and the corporations) pay people what they're worth - instead of what the government SAYS they're worth (no more special treatment for minorities and women) and get rid of most government regulation, we could do better than the 1950s and 1960s.
That probably won't happen. A majority of women, a minority of men and a super-majority of minorities would rather suckle at the government tit until the milk runs out.
The most likely result is that America will undergo severe economic collapse. Here's a surprise: We don't have enough money to fund the budget now. We sure don't have enough money to fund the $211 trillion in unfunded mandates coming due over the next 50 years. People, you've screwed your kids and grandkids. Congratulations. They will suffer. They may starve and die. They sure won't have it as good as you did.
Traditionally, when a government collapses under such conditions, a "savior" arises and people give up their freedoms to be "rescued". Sort of like all the people who voted for Obama for all the "shovel-ready" jobs he promised. Later, the "savior" turns out to be other-than-altruistic (Hitler, Stalin, Obama, etc.). The wild card in the whole matter is 300 million firearms in private hands. I think that's why the communist/socialist/Nazi/Democrats are so eager to enact "sensible gun control". If you're going to enslave a people, it's "sensible" to disarm them first. The Republicans aren't so much anti-gun-control as they are willing to accept votes for being anti-communist/socialist/Nazi/Democrat on the issue. But it presents a problem for the smoke-and-mirrors crowd who has been taking all the money from the rubes. Eventually, the tricks are laid bare. Everyone sees the Emperor has no clothes, and some might even recognize that they've been cheated, robbed, raped - and (300 million firearms in hand) decide to punish the malefactors.
Just read an article that said for the first quarter since Obama was elected, the gun industry has seen a decline in sales of firearms. Bear in mind that every quarter since November 2007, the industry has seen year-over-year increases. The article put the decline down to two reasons. 1) People no longer think that Obama can enact legislation to confiscate guns, and, 2) People are running out of rack space. That is, they no longer have any more room to store more guns and ammunition. Now, I'm not sure I completely buy the second reason - but if you have an AR-15 or two, a couple .22LR rifles, a good shotgun and a couple of handguns and several thousand rounds of ammo for each (okay, 10,000 rounds for the .22LR) well, you probably just meet the minimum requirement of gun ownership. But the point is, the government cannot control the 100 million people who are so armed if it pisses them off. And boy will a lot of them be pissed off when things go south.
So I figure I'm on enough lists already, one more wont matter. If I go to the range an buy a few boxes of ammo, the range doesnt care or count if I use all of it, just that they get the lane time fees and the ammo money.
You do not have to use up all that you buy every trip.
Regardless, I have no desire to be listed on more lists. I'd rather have "plausible deniability."