Egypt doesn't understand the Olympic Games, or sportsmanship

Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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Politics and islam here we go again. I suppose there will be no version of a Christmas Truce with these guys. I expect those days are gone.

This is an example of simple bad behavior, intolerance and poor sportsmanship. If the guy wouldn't bow (traditional) or shake the other's hand (modern option), then he should have simply forfeit. Why didn't he? Because if he had won, he would've gloated.

Time for Israel to take back the Gaza Strip.
SOURCE URL: http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/olympics-egyptian-refuses-shake-israeli-opponents-hand-after-losing-judo

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  • Posted by mudirikwa 8 years, 6 months ago
    For a Israeli Muslim to lose repeatedly to a Jew must be worse than hell. So far they have lost every single war and incursion on the Jews. Like clock work.

    I can assure you every Jew watching this Judo fight had a notable orgasm at the ending.

    Shall we say the Jews had a "happy ending"?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      +1 for being so non-PC!

      Arguably the difference between hard work and self-reliance (with some US support) versus envy, sloth and treachery. The Israelis turned a desert into a productive oasis. The lazy watching just develop envy and hatred. It can't be their fault they have nothing.
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      • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 6 months ago
        AND, they're taking the humanitarian aid coming for them and using it for building tunnels and buying weapons. They don't want peace, so talking about it is a waste of time. If anyone wants to discuss it, where was Israel when Spain was invaded? How about when the Turks were pounding on the doors of Vienna? Where do you think the Dracula story originated? How about the Barbary Pirates? Where was Israel then? It's just a convenient excuse for behavior that's been around for over 1400 years, almost all of which had no Israel. Just notice the behavior that had to be used to stop their incursions. Eventually, someone in today's world will come to the same conclusion.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
    Man, those two guys look like they could be brothers.

    You have to realize something about islamic muslims (actually one in the same) they are what's called a Preliterate society. It's not that they are poor at their language but their language itself is poor and doesn't express many of the concepts we in the west take for granted...that is why they are still bicameral like, not much different than early OT mankind...just never grew up.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      How come they invented optics, chess etc back in the Middle Ages, or was that Persia, before islam?
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 6 months ago
        Yes, that was Persia before Islam. Same thing as the concept of zero. Once Islam took over the region, science took a backseat. Why? Because science requires one to test and sometimes rebuke conventional wisdom. Look at what happened to Galileo when he challenged the Roman Catholic Church's notion of the Earth-centered solar system.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
          I thought "zero" was invented by the Spanish, but heard that factoid from Edward James Olmos from Stand and Deliver. Probably not the best source ;)
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          • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 6 months ago
            India it was.
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
              A little research says Babylonia and Mayans independently developed the concept of zero. Perhaps India as well, but some conjecture that they took it from Babylon. Arguably Babylon is a precursor to the people who became muslms, but no muslims back then, so for these guys genes 1, religion 0.

              I guess my Stand and Deliver reference wasn't so wrong. The point there was the Mayans, not the Spanish. Makes more sense.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
        My guess would be islam was not all pervasive until the ottorman empire...I might check that out. It certainly wouldn't take sophisticated language skills and concepts to do that...it's brain work.

        You also must remember that even a brain, unaware of itself can do amazing things...self introspection is not necessary to devise battle plans. Bicameral man would have no problem using a computer...laughing, many use them and dumb phone while not being aware of self, without a conscience and not even using a mind.
        Think about that, ya gota laugh.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
          Seems like the bicameral mind would be inherited. Is this a subspecies or a culture?
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
            Laughing at the subspecies...maybe?! but reasonably, we all existed in this state until about 12 or 1500 years BC, we see it the writings and the use of metaphors but, the bicameral brain still exists in our heads, it's comfortable to just stay there, it's automatic and there is no responsibility but the difference between those conscious and introspective and those not is the lack of cooperation between the halves. Having that cooperation gives way to the mind which allows one conscious to observe one's own behavior. (conscience?)
            Haven't we been observing people that are just not aware of the actions, what they are saying nor the consequences they have created...like being responsible for killing people as a result of their decisions or actions...any one come to mind here...I can promise you...she comes to no mind...it's all bicameral brain for her. The same for most muslims and sadly...a good part of the rest of the world.
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
              An interesting paradigm to study. How many things fit/? Gotta look into this.
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
                Julian Jaynes: the break down of the bicameral mind. (since I've been studying quantum physics, I would replace the word/concept: "Mind" with Brain)
                The ability for one to have "self introspection" observing one's behavior is a correct definition of consciousness which gives us our conscience and it all gives way to our mind. - outside our heads like an energy field.
                He talks about the illusionary voice because we have no idea if it was their own voice as we understand now, which speaks for our subconscious, in a manner of conscience...which records everything. (That's just a little bit evolved from his original work)

                Also, take a look at spiral dynamics by Ken Wilbur. He categorizes the levels of awareness into memes.
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
                  Outside our head like an energy field? That part sounds like Dianetics.

                  I just saw a blurb on this looking in Wiki. I read Scientific American Mind all the time. Will look into it. Thanks.
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
                    Caution and discretion must be used on this fringe because the new age creatures are making these things mean what they want it to mean...just like the progressive left.
                    But to the point, we know there are "brain waves", they can be measured. We also know everything vibrates at a frequency, we also can measure anything alive or even machinery when operating (electric) that a field exists around it. The body and brain are no different. Again, one must be careful...eastern mysticism takes this over the edge.
                    We can surmise that even particles carry information (at least rudimentary info, as in spin, charge, etc)...so do you think the brain, your thought, your intentions or emotions might be any different? We can and will take this, very carefully forward... measure and weight every step.
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                    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
                      As long as this sticks to measurable physical parameters. I am good. I am well aware electric fields from brain activity are measurable outside the head. These electric fields change with brain activity, and as changing fields could be described as "waves", and certainly some elements of thought are discernible from measuring this field. Experiments showing the ability to control things from these measurements have been demonstrated. However, I would not use this fact to assert the mind exists outside the head, because the electric fields outside the head can be severely disrupted without significantly affecting thought.

                      I am very aware of quantum communication. My company does work in this area. Using the Bell's Theorem approach:
                      I am unaware of any evidence that this physical effect/vehicle is used in the brain. Certainly Orson Scott Card thought about that, but he only assigned the capability to alien species.
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                      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
                        Agreed...however, in theory going forward, there seems to be no self inspecting mechanism, introspection or self visualization in the brain. We can observe that those that live in the brain and unaware need a false identity we call the ego...this is dramatically demonstrated by the poor and oppressed cultures and subcultures; conversely. we see those actively engaged in the mind...ie, you and I here and now...need no such ego...we are content and know who we are.
                        I realize these are only observations and may not point to causation but it is a place to start...I'm not the only one on this track but probably one of a few that actually see it...I have to keep studying and learning, trying to prove it wrong in a sense in order to find the truth.
                        I can observe the underlying movements in science and I see that things are about to be turned upon it ear once again...this happens from time to time and falls well with in the process of learning if we all can get over the established thinking which has lead us to this point.
                        Am I right or wrong here...maybe I'm just crazy?

                        PS. thanks for the link...will view in the next few days.
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                        • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
                          I think quantum computing and FTL communication are a ways off, but clearly feasible.
                          I also think there are easier ways to explain some of the things going on in the brain. The basics of the problems in autistic learning were found recently to be associated with a learning process in the brain by watching another. It turns out the same part of the brain is used to "do" a thing as to "observe another" doing it. Autistic people don't have this learning function.
                          I don't follow where you are going with the first sentence exactly, but I am not aware of a mystery of the brain that requires more than complex electrochemistry to describe it. We are nowhere near then end of that hypothetic path.
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
                    Caution and discretion must be used on this fringe because the new age creatures are making these things mean what they want it to mean...just like the progressive left.
                    But to the point, we know there are "brain waves", they can be measured. We also know everything vibrates at a frequency, we also can measure anything alive or even machinery when operating (electric) that a field exists around it. The body and brain are no different. Again, one must be careful...eastern mysticism takes this over the edge.
                    We can surmise that even particles carry information (at least rudimentary info, as in spin, charge, etc)...so do you think the brain, your thought, your intentions or emotions might be any different? We can and will take this, very carefully forward and measure and weight every step.
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  • Posted by Donald-Brian-Lehoux 8 years, 6 months ago
    WWIII is coming BUY food AND BE PREPARED TO DEFEND IT!! Vote veteran someone that puts America B4 any party, we come from all backgrounds. Divide and conquer is what they do. End double standard,DC politician on Obamacare,SS mrpresident2016.com
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      Co-opting my post? You rat bastage ;)

      I don't know about items 3, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of your agenda. The rest seems ok. Think SS and Medicare/caid need revamping to be affordable too. Putting congress-dorks on it will help, except few need it.

      Why not just thrown in with the Libertarians?
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 6 months ago
    The failing of rational actors in an individualist society is to not recognize when someone is a tribalist fanatic, invulnerable to reason. When a citizen of such a culture is reared to believe that all who are not of the tribe (in this case the extended Muslim Ummah as a tribe) are the enemy, to be destroyed unless they submit and join the tribe, there is no common ground. Sportsmanship is an individualist concept, recognizing the worth of another individual, which is of no consequence to a tribalist, who regards the victory of a member of an enemy tribe as a terrible evil event.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      What is the end game?
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 6 months ago
        For Islam, the end game is like any idealist, Utopian theology, it is the conversion or destruction of all who are not members of the blessed tribe. A society of rational individualists assumes that encouraging the most individual freedom will result in the peaceful coexistence of a community of diverse beliefs, which makes such society a dangerous enemy to the Muslim tribe. The end game, unfortunately, is the victory of one or the other forms of human society over the other.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 6 months ago
    muslims do not understand civilized behavior...back in Thomas Jefferson's time (as the 3rd president of u.s.), they were seizing our private shipping in the Mediterranean...Jefferson created the U.S. Marines (...to the shores of Tripoli...), with orders to kill every man, woman, and child in Tripoli...after the initial battles, the muslim pirates begged for peace...after that every merchant from every nation flew the u.s. flag in the Mediterranean...time to remind them of civilized behavior (primarily ISIS,and other radicals)...
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      Go to Volume II of Ledbetters Forgotten History of America for a much clearer and more accurate picture of that and other segments of history Much of what you thought you remembered and forgot often had little bearing to accurate history. especially after the twisting given it in the last hundred years.

      The memory you refer to lasted as long as it suited those who have never learned any lesson of civilized behavior be they
      Muslim or US Polticos
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      I recall Jefferson and Franklin has some strong words about them. I had forgotten this note. Didn't Stephen Decatur participate in this action?
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
        ." Preble’s Boys Preble stopped making excuses for why they were not yet ready and set about attacking Tripoli. Unhappily, his most formidable ship, the Philadelphia, leading a pursuit into Tripoli Harbor, grounded itself firmly on an uncharted shoal and was left at the mercy of the enemy. The crew was taken prisoner and held for ransom under horrid conditions for the duration of the war. Soon after, a remarkable group of young sailors and officers, including Stephen Decatur, carried out with their makeshift navy a series of dangerous dramatic, heroic, and mostly successful attacks in Tripoli Harbor."

        Ledbetter, Mark David. America's Forgotten History, Part 1: Foundations (Kindle Locations 5810-5813). Mark David Ledbetter. Kindle Edition. ,

        Two years later, in 1807, Algiers complained that America had not paid tribute during those two years and began capturing U.S. ships, with tacit cooperation from Great Britain. America paid up, plus a little something extra for putting Algiers to so much unnecessary trouble. Payments quietly continued until the end of the Napoleonic wars in 1815, at which point America, Great Britain, and the Netherlands quickly put an end to Mediterranean pirating once and for all.

        Ledbetter, Mark David. America's Forgotten History, Part 1: Foundations (Kindle Locations 5911-5925). Mark David Ledbetter. Kindle Edition.

        A tradition still being followed which may explain how Hillary will solve terrorism...with more of your tax dollars and your offspring in uniform lives.

        "Decateur was killed in a duel."
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
          Great summary. Decateur was killed in a duel by a disgraced commodore, Decatur would not support. The commodore was disgraced because he gave up his ship (returned) and three Americans who were conscripted from US ships to be British sailors. The British wanted the sailor back, after having protested to the US government they were defectors. These sailors had escaped to the US, which the British called defecting, and rejoined the US Navy. All prior to the War of 1812.
          At the duel, Decatur was fatally shot in the hip, but pressed those arriving to take care of his opponent (also hit). The commodore, was said to have forgiven Decatur, who died that evening.
          Stephen Decatur was a real example of what founded the US.
          Paying pirates and terrorists is a coward's folly.
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  • -1
    Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
    This is one time along with the other TV killing programs like MTV and politics I don't mind not owning one for 20 plus years. It definitely began with the poorly done Atlanta Olympics but Salt Lake City was the first time I noticed out and out open cheating by the officials and to this day that sorry state of affairs based on politics no doubt has spread to every facet and phase of life until it's just ho hum business as usual. I suggest we change the name to the Hillary Games in honor of those who support a way of life with no understanding of Rule Three.

    Could have picked a better time for the wifi service to fritz ....they expect to have it fixed AFTER the games unfortunately not AFTER the elections.

    The real losers in all this are the young people who bust their butts to get to that level only to have it cheapened by the Oympic Committe version of the Pentagon, White House and Congress.

    These are not millenials xy=zeros for the most just representatives of those who are making it through despite the worst efforts of their age related contemporaries.

    Like good professional soldiers who shun the careerist path I hope the true Olympians do not one day view it not worth the time, trouble and effort. and realize they were and will be the example the rest of their contemporaries should be striving to match.
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