Obama Apologizes for Prisoner Swap, Judge Napolitano Says He Should Be Impeached

Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 6 months ago to Government
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The scandals are coming so “Fast and Furious” that I can’t keep up. One must wonder if they create these situations so as to numb the public and instill ennui.

The prospect of Impeachment, while appealing, may have unfavorable repercussions in the next few elections by aggravating and mobilizing the democratic/progressive base. Strategically what should be done to minimize the damage and improve the future outlook?
SOURCE URL: http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/06/obama-apologizes-prisoner-swap-judge-napolitano-says-impeached/

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  • Posted by kathywiso 10 years, 6 months ago
    I shudder to think of the things we DON'T know about that he is doing. This is even beyond Atlas Shrugged, no longer fiction... The king releasing prisoners that are surely going to be killing American's in the near future is treasonous and deserves a good hanging. If this doesn't wake the dead, nothing will.
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  • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 6 months ago
    First off, the title of this article is misleading:Obama did not apologize for swapping the prisoners; he apologized for not informing congress.
    Should he be impeached? I think so, but.. this story is too new and I would like to have all the facts first. It appears to me (and I am speculating) that it was Obama’s team’s strategy to offer such a sweet deal at this time to get Berdahl back on cue to take the heat off the V.A. scandal. I don’t think they were asked for the five Gitmo prisoners by the Taliban. I think the prisoners were offered.

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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 6 months ago
      Yes, I think we made the first offer as well. Did you see Krautheimer's opinion on the matter. He supported Obama's decision. At first I was incredulous. Then I guess I followed his reasoning. Ultimately, you show your enemy how much you value your soldiers' lives. That is a powerful message-not to governments but to people all over the world. But the response to that is also very important: do not negotiate with terrorists. Do not recognize them as sovereign 2.Do not make decisions that endanger your citizens 3. do not send the message to your troops it is ok to abandon your post 4. do not send the message to your troops-we will endanger all of your lives in saving a turncoat
      It is one of those important dissonances that must fight it out against each other.
      In this case, I think there is something more insidious. I think the President does everything possible to limit the power of the United States. To punish the nation where he can for the sake of "equality" to other nations. Those beliefs are either deep seeded or there is money/power behind the decisions or both. No matter, when it all topples, he is vying to be at the top of the pyramid- citoyen of the world

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      • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 6 months ago
        I hear your frustration, kh, It does appear he is bent on demoralizing us as a nation, but, I think you give Obama far too much credit. I think he is counting the days that he has left in office like I am. He wants to make good on his promise to close Gitmo before he leaves. All of the prisoners have to go sometime.

        Has it crossed anybody’s mind that Berdahl may have been on a top-secret classified mission? Perhaps he was meant to look like he was a turncoat; perhaps he was meant to be captured. Who knows? I mean, the wh did stop the New York Times from paying for his release a few years ago. These guys supposedly just wanted money to begin with. That thought has crossed my mind too.
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 6 months ago
          yes, I thought about that. All the declarations verbally...the note....seemed a little over the top. What about the escapes? were those feints as well? Real soldiers died trying to rescue him....but I have also thought it seemed unusual to me that so many of his squadron would speak up in the media...It makes for a great show. did we send him in as a spy only for him to become a double agent? his background is less than impressive for the spy business.. however, it makes me think of Tin Soldier...and the little drummer girl
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 6 months ago
            The escapes seemed to be more about him roaming free in villages he was not permitted rather than him actually trying to return to US service personnel. Perhaps they began to suspect him again because he did push his boundaries? Building him a metal cage sounds less gruesome and more utilizing when you realize it serves the purpose of being mobile as well as restrictive. It wasn’t like they could hide him in a real home with doors and locks.

            I just don’t know. There’s an untold story either way, but I doubt we will get to the truth while Obama is president.
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        • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
          Yes. I too contemplated the notion that Bergdahl might be under orders... some kind of covert mission and suggested as much in my final reply below to Jaysun. The problem is, it just doesn't fit well... why would we send out people to potentially die looking for him for ninety days after he went AWOL? Surely if he was on official business his platoon would be told something other than to go look for him... something isn't right...
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    • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
      Good morning Mimi,
      Quite right. I believe I made note of the misleading title in a reply to YNGH a few comments above. I am also waiting to see what happens, particularly when it comes to the military tribunal. Thank you for your cautious consideration and input.
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  • Posted by $ johnrobert2 10 years, 6 months ago
    Impeachment will never happen. If what has gone before is any indication, there are enough apologists out there to successfully block any attempt at redress. And the more he gets away with it, the more egregious the next scenario will be until we have no form of government except feudalism, with him and his cronies in control.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
      Good morning johnrober2,
      It does seem quite unlikely. It would take two thirds of the Senate and even after the election, despite the predicted turnover, the numbers will not be there. Between the sycophants and the compliant media I believe the best we can expect is to slow the hemorrhage.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 6 months ago
    Elected officials (GOP and Dems) rail on Snowden for a year now, telling us that he's a traitor and that he put our citizens at risk. Then, Obama releases these 5 top-ranking terrorists. Then, a few days later they announce a shift in how they will look for terrorists, more towards looking at American veterans and patriotic people.

    LOL! That's a real knee-slapper.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 6 months ago
    I stand, mouth agape in awe like a deer in the headlights, as I watch what our leadership does. Sometimes I think I'm living in a bad dream and will wake up and walk out my door to find that my community is really free: that our schools are not out to destroy my kids, that my tax dollars are going to actually fix potholes, that our borders are secure and that I can just stroll onto a jetliner with an open beer in my hand without having somebody looking at or squeezing my junk. Announcements that we, the patriotic American citizens, are going to be targeted as domestic terrorists now just days after we released those five verified high-level terrorists.

    Am I sleeping? It all feels kind of hazy...
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  • Posted by conscious1978 10 years, 6 months ago
    Given this administration's history of incompetence, is there any chance they bungled the benevolent "bringing a child home to his parents" story timed and designed to turn down the heat regarding the VA? It just seems like another classic media diversion that backfired.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 6 months ago
    Regarding impeachment, that actually has a higher probability than the Convention of States. If neither work, the few of us who have not yet shrugged should shrug.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 6 months ago
    Regarding "One must wonder if they create these situations so as to numb the public and instill ennui.", that is the Cloward-Piven goal. If we shrug, we actually encourage them toward their goal of public ennui.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
      Good morning jbrenner,
      On both points I quite agree. What is going on is so stupid I find it difficult to believe people who are apparently capable of tying their own shoes are simply making so many idiotic fumbles, unless there is more to it. And I am not much for conspiracies... but...
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 6 months ago
        When someone lies, they frequently are not caught directly in the falsehood (although these bumblers often are); they are most often caught in the coverup. When one builds off of a flimsy foundation, the structure inevitably crumbles. That should be a corollary to "Contradictions cannot exist.".
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        • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
          I was outraged, though not surprised by the words of Susan Rice once again on the Sunday talk shows when she said Bergdahl "served the United States with honor and distinction". If I was her, I would be ticked off if I was fed another piece of unqualified propaganda to disseminate. I don't know if she is a collaborator or a dupe... Either way she looks like a fool.
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  • Posted by Jaysun 10 years, 6 months ago
    I was under the impression that we would have to give them back 'at some point' so why not give them back earlier and bring home one of ours?
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    • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
      Hello Jaysun,
      The usual procedure is that after the war is over we return prisoners of war, but that is after a peace treaty is signed and all hostilities have ended. Their Terrorist organizations are still at war with the U.S. In this case it could also be argued that some of these guys should be tried for war crimes and perhaps jailed or executed instead of being released like the war criminals of WWII were in Nuremburg. There is the further complication that we have a long standing principle of non-negotiation with terrorists, now violated and setting precedent. We have a recidivism problem already with prisoners released from Guantanamo. These guys will be back out there killing Americans. How many more should die so this one soldier who is reported by multiple sources to be a deserter can come home?
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      • Posted by Jaysun 10 years, 6 months ago
        its tough because I want to bring him back but then again if he returns and those 5 go on to kill more Americans was it worth it? then the answer is no.
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        • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
          Hello Jaysun,
          Understandable. We all want Americans to come home safe. We do not know what may transpire. At least 6 members of his platoon state he was a deserter and that at least six soldiers were killed while trying to retrieve him. This soldier may have been deluded and mentally ill equipped for his duties. He may have developed Stockholm syndrome or just feigned sympathy for the Taliban. Either way he should face military justice once returned so the system may sort it out. One thing is for sure: the five terrorists were among the worst of the worst and two of them are wanted for war crimes by the U.N. this was not a good deal. Unless there is more to this story than is being reported, such as his status being a spy/double agent or something, which now that he has been retrieved could be released to the public... it doesn't make sense... the whole story stinks.
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          • Posted by Jaysun 10 years, 6 months ago
            OR perhaps the Obama administration implanted them with tracking devices and mini-nukes. When they get back 'home' he presses a button and BOOM.. instant 15-20% increase in his approval rating! sort of like the old raid commercials.. 'you check in but you don't CHECK OUT!!'
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