ReasonTV: Gary Johnson and William Weld on Hillary, Trump, and Why You Should Vote Libertarian'\
Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 5 months ago to Politics
3:42 - We're the only free-trade ticket out there. We're the only one.
5:30 - We're small gov't people. We cut taxes. We shrink gov't. The Democrats would go the other direction.
You cannot do the Washington thing of assuming anything other than a 5% increase is a cut. That's what the two-party duopoly has gotten us into.
If you only have a 2% rate of growth in overall gov't spending, you balance the budget in five years.
18:02 - Has life in America ever been better than it is today? No, it hasn't!
5:30 - We're small gov't people. We cut taxes. We shrink gov't. The Democrats would go the other direction.
You cannot do the Washington thing of assuming anything other than a 5% increase is a cut. That's what the two-party duopoly has gotten us into.
If you only have a 2% rate of growth in overall gov't spending, you balance the budget in five years.
18:02 - Has life in America ever been better than it is today? No, it hasn't!