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Which one will provide the greater freedom to the individual, Obama or Romney?
Like it or not those are the only choices we have. Pick the better and vote or you become part of the problem.
We are not going to undo the last 130 years of collectivism in the US overnight, to change things we are going to have to shift public thinking, particularly the politicians. If we can shift to a bit smaller government guy each time in our house, senate and presidential races our great grand kids may see the kind of freedom or great grand parents did.
I think it completely unreasoned to think we can reverse 130 years of damage in 10 years.
I agree. No matter how you slice it there are unfortunately only two viable possibilities for president this election cycle, Romney or Obama. No matter how much we would like another viable choice the reality is that one of these two will be our next president. The MSM will not even acknowledge the others or the problems their own lack of acknowledgement create. We need better choices and competition, just like we need free markets; we need fair competition in politics. If you live in a swing state or even one which is remotely close to a toss-up if you don’t vote for the lesser of the evils with a chance of winning you may be aiding in the election of the greater evil. I find many faults with both viable candidates, but I can’t live with knowing I helped continue the status quo. It would seem that letting one party remain in power after displaying such disdain for the capitalism that gave this nation the prosperity it has achieved will only embolden them for more destruction. Our demise has only been delayed, the destruction slowed to some degree because we keep threatening one party with replacement by the other. We must make what positive steps we can and try to influence through education and viewership/ ratings the MSM so they will give other candidates their proper due. Until we awaken the MSM and the masses to the facts we have all come to realize, namely that there is only a modicum of difference between the two parties and we deserve better choices, we will continue in this state. Of course the alternative is to try to correct the defects of one or both parties from within. I believe whether you agree with them or not, that is what the TEA party is trying. Give serious consideration to the congressional races and vote!
I personally think we have to do it from within one of these parties. Why? Because for two decades that I have been involved in politics in my local area Libertarians have tried as a third party and failed. Why would I think that continuing that strategy would work at some point in the future? I see nothing changing there.
I think the tea party has forced Mitt Romney and other republicans to be a bit more for small government. Some more than others, or perhaps there is enough vote to get some truly small government guys in. Either way its having greater inroads than any other method we have tried to date.
Obama does not own his white side. He does not trust voters enought to be honest about his sexual orientation while in Chicago.If a man cannot be honest about himself, how can you trust him with your life and freedom. Atlas is already shrugging.
I am still wondering if we will get an election and if so will it be honest. I expect riots and much civil unrest if Romney wins and that means we all lose even more freedom. That will not surprise many of us. I believe Obama would cost us everything if he gets re-elected and Romney would do the best of his ability given the insurmountable odds he will face.
I also expect the left to throw in as many monkey wrenches into the machinery before they leave. The are so greedy and self serving they have know idea that the country can't support them cradle to grave after all it has their leaders why not them?
To start promoting folks vote for anybody right before the election is suicidal for the country. I voted for Perot because I did not trust Mr.New World order or His plan to divide Israel among the terrorist nations. We know how that turned out my vote ended up being for the Slick Willey and that was even worst I think not sure though.
I do believe Romney is better than the Bushes and all the liberals either way. After this election there should be a major push for a viable 3rd party.
It is key that it take place after this election and not during it. Nothing can be left to chance as in 4 more years it wont be 47% that a man like Romney knows he cannot get to vote for him, it will be well over 50% and we will never have another chance to get anyone in that is not a welfare state supporter again.
A third party will simply give the totalitarians more ammunition in the form of big government canidates winning by large landslides. They would spin it as a sing that most people can see that capitalism does not work and we need to move to socialism. It would do nothing but embolden those that are the worst in our society.
As I thought about this, I think that a true third party would simply weaken the republican party to the point where both the third party (likely libriatarian) and the republicans would fail, leaving only large government progressives in offices.
The TEA party movement has given us an increase of representation in the senate and the house of people that will stand with Ron Paul rather than against him. I thin k if we were to all put our energies there, perhaps we can swing the party to a small government focus. I think it the best shot we have.
If you split the conservative/individual/constitutional/libertarian vote up we get people like Obama in office. We cannot afford that right now.
Fact: Gary Johnson's campaign draws votes from both Republican and Democratic parties fairly evenly. His campaign also draws votes from Independents, and from the otherwise too disillusioned to vote at all.
I recoil from the thought of either another Republican *or* Democrat this cycle or next. Both have been, are, and will continue to be monumental failures.
I do like chopped liver, too, though ;^)
See Gary Johnson's Infowars interview where he breaks it down:
(That's right -- on my evil YouTube channel).
Romney is not the guy I would love to have, but he is no Bush, no Clinton and no Obama. He may actually reduce the size of government, particularly if we get some good congressmen and women to push him that direction. He will need to be pushed by those in congress that are small government constitutionalists (Mike Lee for an example) but I think he can be pushed that way.
If Romney does not win it will be the end of US as place with a chance of having the freedom we all deserve with the only option being a civil war.
That to me is not worth the money, and not the way forward.