Banned from Breitbart

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 2 months ago to Culture
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I've been a contributor at Breitbart for at least 12 years. I used to correspond with Andrew Brietbart indirectly in the late night hours. Today I was banned from all sites because i wrote about the CONSTITUTION and its actual meaning. AB must be rolling over in his grave.

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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 2 months ago
    I used to respect the Breitbart network but it has lost all credibility. It's been on a downhill slide since AB has been gone.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      I agree. I wrote them explaining the absurdity of the situation. I essentially told them unban or remove my account entirely.
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      • Posted by ewv 8 years, 2 months ago
        The image you posted looks like a message following an attempt to post based on a prior decision to block comments, not the content of your attempted post. Is that the only evidence of "banned from all sites"?

        The comments on articles there are managed by the http://disqus.com comment system, with options for logging in through disqus, facebook, etc. The disqus comments are embedded in the breitbart page to look like it's at breitbart. The blocking of users and removal of comments, however, are managed by the website using disqus, in this case breitbart. That is typically done by some 'moderator' associated with the site, who may or may not know what he is doing, in response to someone else's complaint flagging some previous post. They don't tell you that they have blocked your posts or why; you find out later when you try to post. It doesn't mean that editors at breitbart have banned you.

        You can easily open a new account either at Breitbart or through disqus, but if the message you posted here is all there is to it, you should not assume that the blocking was a breitbart editorial decision. Contact someone there with a reasonable request for correction. But first look back through your comment history to see if there was some post that could have triggered a complaint.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 2 months ago
    Breitbart has gone south and it's a shame, a damn shame.
    Is it true that trumpet owns or funds breitbart now?
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    • Posted by LarryHeart 8 years, 2 months ago
      Ok To be fair ...I hear the print on Hillary's toilet paper carries the words "We the People of the United States... When in the course of Human events..."

      Why do you make fun of Trump? Would you rather have Hillary as President?
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 2 months ago
        That reminds me about what I saw flipping through a mail order catalog a couple of weeks ago.
        Shillary's face is transitionally replacing (still for sale) Obozo's face on rolls of novelty toilet paper now.
        Same company also offers TP for Trumpet haters. Never let a candidate go to wa$te.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 2 months ago
        It's not an either or situation with regard to my principals, American principals. I stand with the constitution more than ever now. The Hillsdale lectures were a real wake up call after having to listen to the anti constitutionalist all my life...I knew they were wrong...now I have a defence.

        I can only hope that Pence will school him and keep him on the straight and narrow.
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  • Posted by khalling 8 years, 2 months ago
    wow AJ. what was your comment?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      I believe it was this..

      "This may come as a shock to some BUT Twitter is a privately owned company, they can allow or disallow whatever they wish on their service. If you can't get this concept I ask you visit an on-line law library and lookup who freedom of speech protects against (hint, Government). If this reality sickens you don't use twitter (or any-other social networking site because they can all do the same)."
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 2 months ago
        Love it, AJAshinoff,
        I was raised hearing "sticks and stones..."
        Much of what is wrong with the world today... people can't handle the truth, or opposing views and want to censor... poor babies.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 2 months ago
        The first sentence is true, but that shouldn't end the discussion. If a service engages in unfair banning, we can and should raise a stink about it elsewhere and possibly threaten it with a boycott -- just as Breitbart itself (as represented by Milo Yiannopoulos) is now doing against Twitter for banning him.

        Always remember that we, the marketplace, collectively decide which outlets are "mainstream" and we can change that determination.

        And Breitbart is not mainstream. They could become so, but only if they behave better than this.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
          What constitutes unfair banning? Who decides what is/isn't fair on a private server?

          Slippery slope.
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          • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 2 months ago
            We all do.

            Asking government to do something would be a slippery slope. But boycott activity, or equivalently promoting a competitor, is simply other people exercising the same right that the original banner did. They don't have to trade with me; I don't have to trade with them either.

            Somewhat related: I just found out about a new competitor with Twitter. http://sealion.club/ -- But DO NOT MENTION this URL on either Twitter or Breitbart or you will get "shadowbanned" there (that is, it'll look to you like your account still works, but your posts will be made invisible to everyone but you).
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years, 2 months ago
    I unsubscribed from Breitbart after AB's death. It is just too superficial. What would you expect with Hillary and the Constitution, shredding? In any case, my fear is she support implementing UN Agenda 21/2030 and that is just way too bad to even consider he as an aption.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 5 months ago
      Good for you 👍🏼👍🏻Agenda 21/2030, lol that sounds like a conspiracy Fact. Almost 5 yrs ago you were one of the crazy kooks running away from the cliff that everyone was marching to.
      Today we see 👀 their Evil plan unfold and the deletes stealing more power
      I have posted on this forum about Rockefeller’s UN Green Agenda Lackey from Canada .Maurice Strong on climate 'conspiracy', Bilberberg and population control
      Read the full transcript of former UNEP boss and environmentalist Maurice Strong's interview with Leo Hickman

      Maurice Strong the mentor to Al Gore. Strongs, Aunt was an immigrant to China from Canada and a vocal CCP supporter. Weird. Strong made his fortune in Canadian oil with Rockefeller’s guidance. Rockefeller had a different future planned for him as Maurice Strong was given a powerful position in the UN. His push for sustainable ( insert fear du jour) development and starting the global climate
      Scam . Enslaving US all for a one world Technocracy. The Evil 13 bloodline families really have it in for us. They couldn’t have just lived in their Mansions with a lack of morality and sick actions wallowing in their own depravity . They had to take total control over our freedom and lives . Trump slowed down the swampers for a few years but COVID attacked and Buy-dem and his handler are trying to catch up with the last 4 years ,he signing EO after EO. Plus he is catching up on all the money laundering they were cut off from.$ 2 trillion 8% for Covid relief. $2trillion for infrastructure 5% for roads and bridges. Come on man!
      I still have faith that patriots will thwart the enemy. In the revolutionary war Washington lost virtually all his battles till he won. He took a Durham boat across the Delaware River.
      I still think that the color revolution with no statute of limitations and with the evident election theft will be a continuing problem and a prosecuted crime . I see things related to the military and Trump that cause me to hold the line.
      I expect the duly elected President to return to the office. The best is yet to come! To me that means accountability and prosecution . It has to happen organically. Optics are very important. I can’t be Trump orchestrating this drainage project.
      It is a do or die operation and the truth will shine in the light.
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 5 months ago
        Now Hawaii has gone nuts, Bill Gates has talked the state into becoming UN Agenda 2030 compliant. I know the have a goofy Senator, but this is insanity. They have no idea what his is really about, but rights will be lost by the fistful.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 5 months ago
          As they march right off the cliff..........Gates the Eugenicist or the sun blocker or the medical wizard or the beef displacer or the farmer in the dell or the intellectual property thief?
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  • Posted by RonnyDio 3 years, 5 months ago
    Breitbart has long been a controlled opposition site, they may as well be 2012 Fox news. I was banned immediately after asking how exactly Breitbart sees an electoral victory for republicans now that America's demographics have collapsed and the "new Americans" have passed the tipping point for full control of all federal elections. They ban anyone who dares bring up uncomfortable truths or the fact they happily make their living pushing supposed "traditional conservativism" while kneeling on the altar of multiculturalism, endless "legal" immigration, and the MLK propaganda. They're just web candy for Hannity level boomers who are as we speak preparing the "DeSantis 2024" fundraising machine.
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  • Posted by DBVA 4 years ago
    I was banned from Breitbart over a year ago after posting an Aunt Esther reference from Sanford and Son—no warning, just an automatic outright ban. There were a string of comments that were Sanford quotes, but mine was over the line, I guess. Okay, fine. Now, any time I try to post a comment on Bizpacreview, it’s automatically flagged for review. It started when I tried to post a comment about people not wanting to discuss their opinions with liberals for fear of reprisals. Ironic, huh?
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  • Posted by BannedBrew 4 years, 4 months ago
    Can anyone tell me how to contact Breitbart Moderator, I've been banned for quite awhile and still haven't been able to figure out why.

    However, breitbart seems to have really gone downhill since then, seem like a lot of people have been banned with zero explanation
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  • Posted by epitula 4 years, 5 months ago
    I never ‘personally’ attacked anyone - in fact though I disagree/disagreed with him while President I never said/wished him or his family harm. In fact I still say he’s very handsome. So why am I banned from Breitbart?
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  • Posted by FranckE 4 years, 6 months ago
    I have been banned as well, and not entirely sure why. Below are the articles I have posted to together with my comments

    1 - Whoopi Goldberg: If We Had Leadership, We Would Not Be Stuck in Our Houses

    Comment: Does her (stupid) comments also apply to socialist countries like France, Italy, Spain,, (to name just a few) that are currently under lockdown?

    2 - Calls Increase for MSM to Stop Airing Trump Live: ‘You Will Get People Killed’

    Comment 1: Is all what is happening worldwide done to put Hillary in power?

    Comment 2: So far, they have managed to put half the world population in jail in their own homes...

    Comments are just expressing a view, Breitbart banned me for them... Seriously??
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  • Posted by Nordisk-sonn 4 years, 10 months ago
    I'm a conservative. I used to get news from ABC online and leave comments. I was banned after leaving comments that didn't violate ABC policy whatsoever. The other day I was banned by Breitbart, apparently after posting a quote on race by the character Archie Bunker from the sitcom "All in the Family", of all things. I contacted Breitbart for an explanation and got none. I can still read articles and comments there, and note that MANY regular users are "missing". Some may have left by choice, but I really get the feeling that Breitbart has "purged", and I'm not talking about it banning off the chart, hateful uber right types, I'm talking about good and reasonable conservatives being banned.

    I've also seen good comments on Breitabart that didn't violate any policy get removed, just as on ABC News. Readers can flag comments of course but it's moderators who do the actual removing, and don't even get me started on the list of words that can't be used now on Breitbart. For some bizarre reason, you can't use the name "Val" in a comment. You can use the word "killed", but not "kill", so you couldn't easily comment on the book, "To Kill a Mocking Bird". You can say "Jewish people" but not "Jews", which means that you have to get creative when commenting in support of Trump's support for Israel, or expressing disdain for attacks on places of worship. There are many more Orwellian examples of this as well.

    Not sure what's driving this but I suspect that "money issues", advertisers leaving, and pressure from entities like Disqus has something to do with it. Meanwhile, Breitbart is now flooded with liberal trolls. A very few try to interact in thoughtful ways but most come to mock, ridicule, stereotype, agitate, condemn, preach and annoy. Breitbart doesn't seem to have a problem with them, despite their presence undermining the conservative sense of community that many once found on this site.
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    • Posted by nikolai767 4 years, 1 month ago
      I was banned by Breitbart several months ago myself. I've sent them four emails this morning asking for a reason.......crickets. Maybe they are another left-leaning platform now that AB is gone?
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    • Posted by epitula66 4 years, 8 months ago
      Great show - if anything it showed anti racism and was very funny and Carol O’Connor in ‘in the heat of the night’ - is one of the best shows ever.
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  • Posted by dedriannes 5 years, 7 months ago
    I just got banned..they are saying I might be a troll but I have been posting for years. The comment I made before getting banned had the word..Hell in it. Guess that did it?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 2 months ago
    The service has rolled downhill since Mr. B. died. This is the last straw. I'll just drop them and I hope everyone else does also. Man O man that really gets my goat -- and my goat's kids.
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  • Posted by Wanderer 8 years, 2 months ago
    So, having lost your mainstream outlet, what's next?

    Quora censors me by allowing downvotes to cause what I write to disappear.

    Medium recommends nothing but fuzzy, feel good, nobody loses, left wing stuff. My Medium email feed is full of 23 year olds telling me all about the world in glowing, idealistic and totally unrealistic and irrational terms, all the while Medium's editors refuse to let me contribute to any of it's publications.

    The Gulch has no penetration, no readership.

    Most popular sites I visit are shallow, with posts that concern themselves with the pop news of the day. Even sites that consider themselves serious do so.

    So, what's next? Where do you go?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Not crying about it, just disappointed. Frankly, I'm more than tired of explaining what should be obvious to any conservative or any thinking American. Breitbart used to be reliably conservative outlet for conservative chat in relation to current events. Disappointing.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
        My bad, to answer what's next...focus on my novels and place additional emphasis on the game development project. I used to kick around the Atlantic just to argue and sweetness and light (may be mistaking the name).
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        • Posted by Mark_Ten 8 years, 2 months ago
          Have you kept up with their articles for the past year and read the comments by their devoted readers? Andrew Breitbart is spinning in his grave somewhere because he detested Trump. Rumor has it that Trump paid the senior editor off to shill for him. We Constitutionalists affectionately refer to the site as TrumpBarF. We like the satire site at www.trumpbart.com though.
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