Transatomic Power's Safer Reactor Eats Nuclear Waste - Businessweek

Posted by $ nickursis 10 years, 3 months ago to Science
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Here's an interesting Gulch like take on power generation, make it from our existing stock of "garbage" or waste. How Galtish is that? Of course the people who have to approve it have "no way to review novel or new designs". So what did they do in the 40's and 50's?

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  • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 3 months ago
    India is active in the liquid-salt thorium reactor development venue. India has no uranium deposits, but it has a lot of thorium and since only a small amount of 'waste' from a conventional reactor is needed to seed a thorium reactor, this would greatly benefit their plan to bring power to all parts of their country.

    I would like to take this opportunity to quibble with the term 'waste'. This is a good example of derisive labeling. "What are we going to do about all of this horrible nuclear waste?" people wail. It is not waste, it is byproducts; it is not something that needs to be gotten rid of but something that needs to be preserved as a resource. To whit: use in seeding the reaction in the next generation of reactors. To call it 'waste' is to fall smack dab into the agenda of people who are against nuclear power.

    I would also like to mention that, back in the 60's, before the environmental movement shut down nuclear development, there was discussion as to whether, with nuclear plants as the source of electricity, it would cost more to bill for electricity than the effort would be worth. India may be the nursery of the thorium reactor but we would all like to have the benefit.

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    • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 3 months ago
      India is not alone. China is working on it, mostly to capture as much IP as they can. I head a story the Toyota and Mitsubishi are working on it in Siberia. Recently it appears that Norway is getting interested. They are an interesting new entry since they have a trillion extra dollars to spend and know they are sitting on one of the better supplies of thorium. So, its a race at this point and our DOE and NRC need to figure that out.
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    • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 3 months ago
      I completely agree with your aversion to the use of the term "waste" for used nuclear fuel from commercial light water reactors. The main limit of fuel rods in reactors is the zircaloy cladding on the outside of the fuel rod, providing structural support and containment of gaseous fission products, like radioactive xenon gas.

      Zircaloy has more radiation damage resistance than alternative materials, but it still has its limit of useful life before a locally weak spot cracks and starts leaking radioactive fission gas byproducts into the cooling water. When such a leak is detected, the fuel assembly containing the bad fuel rod is removed, even though the other fuel rods in the fuel assembly still likely have some useful life left in their zircaloy cladding.

      The used nuclear fuel of the fuel rods in the "spent" fuel assembly still contain a significant amount of actinides and heavy metals to support additional fission energy release. To more fully utilize that fuel, it could be extracted and reprocessed into a form that some of the advanced reactor concepts can use.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 10 years, 3 months ago
    sounds similar to the breeder reactor of the Jimmy Carter era, the problem will be that the granola chomping nutbags that always file lawsuits and cause costs to rise to such a level that the projects die...are all a bunch of Luddites that want us all living in grass huts.
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  • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 3 months ago
    Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are a Generation IV reactor concept that has been around since the 1950s (like most concepts). It always has looked like the most promising concept for utilizing used nuclear fuel from light water reactors. There are several significant technical challenges. The biggest is the fact that it uses fluorine salts that the actinides and other heavy metal fuels are dissolved in. Fluorine is one of the most corrosive elements in the periodic table of elements.

    Pumping a molten, heavy metal fluoride salt mixture through the reactor's primary loop and going through a heat exchanger to dump heat to the secondary loop (which uses either a Rankine or Brayton cycle to drive the electric generator) introduces a couple of big problems that nobody has wanted to tackle with much R&D spending:

    1) Severe chemical corrosion of all components in the reactor's primary loop (pipes and the intermediate heat exchanger) is a big life-limiting and maintenance problem. In a Gen II (current) or III (being built) reactor (light water reactors), chemical corrosion of pipes from cooling water is the biggest maintenance challenge (significant cost) over the typically 60 year life of a nuclear power plant. Using fluoride salts makes all of these material compatibility and maintenance issues an order of magnitude more problematic.

    2) Pumping a radioactive, molten fluoride salt mixture through the primary loop pipes and intermediate heat exchanger degrades their material properties faster (in addition to the corrosivity problem) due to radiation damage of the metal alloys in the structural material. This significantly shortens the useful life of the structural material, requiring more frequent replacement of pipes and intermediate heat exchanger (difficult inside the reactor's radiation containment...).

    There are other less challenging problems with MSRs, but the 2 above are the ones that have been show-stoppers to any significant R&D investment over the years. There are 5 other Gen IV reactor concepts receiving most R&D funding, due to being less challenging, etc... Two of those also help close the nuclear fuel cycle (minimize waste) but are breeder reactors (a proliferation concern since the plutonium can be extracted for use in weapons) -- LFRs and SFRs:

    1) Lead-cooled Fast Reactors (LFRs), being advanced by Russia in their BREST family of reactors, use more conventional solid nuclear fuel elements in the reactor core that mix in used nuclear fuel. The coolant is liquid lead instead of water. Molten lead has a high heat capacity, making it thermally a great coolant. However, lead has a high melting point. If the temperature of the lead drops too much, it starts solidifying inside all the pipes of the primary cooling loop (which usually have heaters to try to avoid this...).

    2) Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) advanced mostly by the U.S. and a few other countries are similar to LFRs but use liquid sodium as primary coolant. Sodium has a significantly lower melting point than lead. The drawback is the risk of sodium fires, if hot sodium comes in contact with air (like if a pipe springs a leak at a joint). So, the reactor core has an inert atmosphere and inspections are more frequent for pipes, etc... The U.S. DOE successfully built and ran test SFRs (EBR-I and EBR-II) from the 1950s through 1994. While successful, they were expensive projects.

    I think the likely long-term future combination for U.S. nuclear power plants will use a mix of 2 types -- VHTRs (commercial) and SFRs (DOE). For closing the nuclear fuel cycle, a DOE-operated SFR (with required adjacent used fuel reprocessing plant) would be dedicated to more fully utilizing spent nuclear fuel from commercial power plants. For commercial power plants, VHTRs (Very High Temperature, gas-cooled Reactors) would operate with higher efficiency than Gen II light water reactors. VHTRs, due to the higher temperature of the helium gas exiting the reactor core, can also be used as process heat for hydrogen production and other industrial facilities, in addition to electricity generation. R&D on VHTRs is much further along than most of the other 5 Gen IV reactor designs.

    Of course, the biggest roadblock to innovation is the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC, which is separate from the DOE). Any new reactor design takes at least 8 years (usually far more) to obtain NRC licensing approval for commercial construction and operation. The nuclear power industry is the most heavily regulated industry in America, which results in a depressingly slow pace of innovation...
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    • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 3 months ago
      Hello robertmbeard,
      Fascinating. Thank you for detailing the issues in a most comprehensive way. As a layman I really appreciate your explanations. Question: Could materials other than metals be used to provide the piping for the fluorine in the MSR reactors, thus mitigating the corrosion problem?
      This problem seems similar to a problem common to investment casting plants that use Kolene to dissolve ceramic from inside their castings. It too is a molten salt bath. The process is so corrosive that it will dissolve aluminum castings, and can therefore only be used on certain steel alloys. I don't know what material the units tanks and piping are made of, or lined with, but I know they have been used reliably for 75 years... If this problem could be overcome, would this be the best type of reactor compared to the others you have discussed?
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      • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 3 months ago
        In most of these reactors, pipes and heat exchangers are made out of high strength stainless steels, for corrosion resistance and the need to contain hot (300-950 C or 572-1742 F, depending on the reactor design) coolant at modestly high pressures (usually 1000 psia or more). Power plant thermal efficiencies (and thus final electrical generation efficiency) improves with higher temperatures. Current Gen II and III reactors are on the low end of that core outlet coolant temperature range above.

        As good as high strength stainless steels are for corrosion resistance, they still require inspection and replacement in current Gen II/III light water reactors. I should point out that corrosion rates, like most chemical reaction rates, increase significantly with increasing temperature of the reactants. Thus, for a power plant design, you want to operate at temperatures as high as practical. For designs more susceptible to corrosion reactions, you either limit the operating temperature to limit the corrosion reaction rates, or you look for alternate corrosion resistant materials/coatings, or operating conditions that promote formation of stable corrosion byproducts (oxides, or fluorides for MSRs) that create a protective layer of scale that inhibits further corrosion.

        I'm not the materials or corrosion expert, so I don't know what other alternatives may exist to handle high temperature, corrosive fluorides at modestly high pressures. I would guess there are few alternatives to high-strength stainless steels currently used and would be more expensive.

        Again, I wish those MIT students the best of luck. But when you develop new power conversion design concepts, the last things that usually get attention and resolution are issues of maintenance, operability, reliability, and total life cycle cost. The thermodynamic conversion cycle is easy. The reactor core physics work gets most of the early development. But the early estimates of life cycle cost always underestimate costs associated with maintenance and reliability of components and any oddities associated with operability or complications during construction.
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        • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 3 months ago
          Hello robertmbeard,
          Yes, an alloy of stainless steel would be my first choice, although I am always hearing about new plating/coatings that can be applied including diamond. I'm sure there are many factors to consider including conduction, convection, etc. If a particular alloy of stainless will do the job economically, I would design with a redundant system for emergencies as well as maintenance so components could be changed out at necessary intervals. Certainly cost is a factor to be considered... unless it is our government spending tax dollars of course. :(
          Excellent exchange.
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          • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 3 months ago
            Hastalloy X or one of the Haynes Alloys.

            There have actually been a number of newer better superalloys invented since the LFTR at Oak ridge was shut down. If they could operate walk away safe back in the 60's and 70's with material science from 40+ years ago it should not be hard to blow that success away..
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            • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 3 months ago
              actually.. one better..

              The corsion problems with lithium salts at high temperature are pretty much just engineering

              It seems that the biggest problems they need to do a bunch of solving for involve chemically separating the reaction products from the lithium salt and the remaining actinides. Some of the *waste* products from these reactors include some really useful rare earth elements. Also, it there will be some medically useful isotopes. The rest of the actinides should probably remain in the reactor till they are consumed.

              This video is worth taking a look at..

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              • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 3 months ago
                Hello iroseland,
                The video was quite informative. According to the video, it would appear that the pencil pushers and bureaucrats have stood in the way of development of safer alternatives despite many engineer's and nuclear physicist's alternatives. One must have funding to see anything accomplished and the tried and true is winning. In this field we are still using old technology... If computer and phone tech, developed in this fashion we would all be still using floppy discs and rotary phones...
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            • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 3 months ago
              Hello iroseland,
              Yes, Hastalloy is very tough. It is used in Wheelabrators in the foundries I support for shot blast/peening, finishing and ceramic removal. In the past, I produced several molds to produce patterns for casting of Hastelloy Wheelabrator parts (Blades/vanes, impellers). It does have mechanical properties that suggest possible application. It is very abrasion resistant, but I am unfamiliar with its salt/corrosion resistance characteristics.
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    • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 3 months ago
      Most of the hard engineering and material science was done in the 60s and 70s. Sadly the folks who did that are mostly dead now.
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      • Posted by cowboynuclear 10 years, 3 months ago
        True enough, but Kirk Sorensen has done a remarkable job of raising this technology from the apparent dead for the last decade plus. You'll find videos galore, TED talks, Google Talks, etc all over the internet. is a good start, and I saw someone else with a link to one of the conglomeration videos that Gordon McDowell keeps putting together.

        As a nuclear engineer - although granted with only a year of experience before the industry really went dark (pardon the pun) in the early-mid 90's - I was a big fan of the Integral Fast Reactor concept, an SFR (to use robertmbeard's terms) using liquid sodium first and second loops, metal fuel (vice ceramic) and on-site reprocessing via pyroprocessing concept. LFTR is a better concept by far, with most of the corrosion questions not looking nearly as insurmountable as 60 years ago.
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        • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 3 months ago
          I should probably clarify why I specifically pointed to VHTRs and SFRs as most likely Gen IV reactors the U.S. may use in the future (when?). I always gravitate to an "all of the above" policy both for types of energy sources and for technology R&D.

          If MSRs, which have a lot of good features, ultimately can be developed and result in a superior combination of life cycle cost, safety, fuel utilization, etc., than it should be the preferred reactor design. I personally was excited to learn more about MSRs when first introduced to them.

          There are a few reasons I specifically highlighted VHTRs and SFRs as most likely. First, they have received the most R&D funding in the U.S., and to varying extents, the most test reactor experience (especially EBR-I and EBR-II). So, they are closest to full development with better characterization of design issues, etc. for use either in commercial power plants or in a DOE-operated facility (in the case of SFRs).

          Secondly, politics and bureaucracy have stifled innovation and progress in the U.S. commercial nuclear industry for years (due to varying extents to the NRC, environmental activists, DOE, politicians, etc...). If I had to bet money on any Gen IV reactor concept being built in the next 15 years, I would not given all of those impediments to innovation (especially the NRC). Keep in mind it is "illegal" in the U.S. to build and operate any nuclear reactor without mountains of licensing paperwork to/from the NRC. The DOE national labs and the NAVY nuclear program (subs, ships) do not fall under NRC's jurisdiction and are the only areas where innovation has very slowly occurred over the past 60 years. So, as wrong as it is, possible advanced reactor concepts like the MSR have to not only overcome the many technical design challenges, but also DOE R&D funding bias against the concept, NRC ignorance and licensing bias, environmentalist lawsuits, politicians abusing power, etc...

          I hate to sound pessimistic about future nuclear progress in the U.S., but it is the most heavily regulated industry (commercial power) and doesn't fit the political agenda of most environmentalists (despite having virtually no carbon emissions that they focus so much on)...
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    • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 3 months ago
      these young people should know what you know and if not that is unfortunate.
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      • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 3 months ago
        I'm sure they know about the concerns I pointed out above. I certainly did not want to sound overly critical of their interest in MSRs. I wish them the best. I just recently completed a master's degree in nuclear engineering and have spent a little time studying Gen IV nuclear reactor concepts. Of the 6 Gen IV concepts receiving attention, MSR's are getting the least R&D and are considered more of a "long-term" alternative due to some of the concerns above.
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    • Posted by dbhalling 10 years, 3 months ago
      This might be a stupid question, but could you use an ionic liquid instead of Sodium?
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      • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 3 months ago
        It would depend on the specific liquid and the type of reactor it's being used in as coolant. I don't think the "ionic" characteristic would provide a specific advantage but other characteristics potentially could.

        Good coolant characteristics include high heat capacity, low pumping power requirements at the operational flowrate, good thermal conductivity, etc...

        There are important neutronics characteristics required, as well, of the coolant. In a typical light water reactor, which requires fission neutrons to be slowed (moderated) to lower speeds and energies to fission the most U-235 fuel, the coolant needs low to zero neutron absorption cross-section and high neutron scattering cross-section (so collisions transfer energy and slow down the neutron).

        In most advanced reactors that have the best nuclear fuel utilization, most operate with a fast (high energy) neutron spectrum. In that case, any coolant needs low neutron absorption and low scattering characteristics, so that the neutrons maintain high energies.

        There are other design considerations tied to the coolant choice -- cost, corrosivity, flammability, safety features needed to mitigate or avoid accident scenarios, etc... Like any design choice, there are tradeoffs made.

        All Gen III and IV reactor designs feature passive safety features and redundancies to avoid the safety deficiencies of past reactor failures. And any commercial power plant design is required to operate safely, reliably, and economically for usually 60 years.
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        • Posted by dbhalling 10 years, 3 months ago
          My thought was that an ionic liquid would not be flammable and not be corrosive.
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          • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 3 months ago
            In some cases (not all), that would be true. I should point out that the coolants used in most of these concepts are not perfect in every area but usually do have superior properties in the areas of greatest intended benefit to that specific reactor type.

            Gas coolants such as helium in VHTRs do not have flammability or corrosivity concerns, but gases have inferior heat capacity to liquids for use as coolants. The biggest benefit for reactors using certain gases is that higher temperatures and operating thermal efficiencies (and electrical generation efficiency) for the overall power plant can be achieved. The associated downside is the high temperature material property limitations of materials used by parts of the system and, in some cases, the cooling challenges during emergency shutdowns.

            Fluoride salts in MSRs are highly corrosive, which is beneficial for dissolving used nuclear fuel into the mixture but more challenging for long-term corrosion of structural materials in the rest of the system.

            Sodium has superior (near zero) neutron scattering and absorption cross-sections for use in a fast energy spectrum, breeder reactor. This makes achieving criticality easier and contributes to better nuclear fuel utilization. It is also a superior coolant. The annoying downsides for sodium are the safety risk of a sodium/air or sodium/water exothermic reaction (fire) in the event of a leak into a non-inert atmosphere. Thus, the design and operation of an SFR is more complicated in order to avoid or mitigate that issue. The melting point (206-208 F) is also just above typical ambient temperatures, which creates a risk of solidification of sodium in pipes for a system that is shut down long enough to cool down. That design challenge is addressed with pipe heaters, etc...

            In the normal evolution of product designs in other industries, every successive generation of the product addresses or improves on the problems of the previous one. So, through steady learning and innovation, better designs are matured. The DOE has funded a significant amount of basic nuclear research and demonstrated concept viability for many reactor design concepts, as a result of testing in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and to a lesser extent afterwards. But due to various factors (like NRC regulations) mentioned previously, the pace of U.S. nuclear power plant innovation has been depressingly slow, since the normal evolutionary design maturation process occurs in fits and starts, or not at all...
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  • Posted by rstandal 10 years, 3 months ago
    There are always problems but the proof of concept is done. It ran for thousands of hours in Oak Ridge. Its time to build a power plant and work the production issues. From what I've read corrosion is not a major stumbling block.
    It seems to me that if we wish to remain competitive in wold power generation it's time we turn loose the productivity and imagination of Americas industry.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 3 months ago
    what we need is an island on which to try a SFR,
    recommended by robertmbeard, on this post, crossed
    with a thorium reactor using set-aside (Not Waste)
    fuel rod pellets, to prove it in. then, strong-arm the
    NRC with evidence that it works. rotating blackouts
    produced by BHO's curtailment of the coal-power
    industry should get the public on our side.

    if it were mine to design, I would have multiple
    fuel flow paths, multiple coolant flow paths, and
    multiple cooling tower flow paths -- to allow long
    runs during alternate-pipe maintenance.
    too expensive? how expensive are shutdowns?

    just thinking ! -- j

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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 3 months ago
      Shutting down a liquid metal plant is very difficult. It becomes a solid. That is why any emergency shutdown is almost permanent. The USS Seawolf from the 50's started out with one, and the problems withit made the design prohibitive. The Russians had one in the Alpha, but they had most of them go bad too. I would be nice for innovation and creativity to surface and make a breakthrough, any problem can be solved, if there are no politicians or lawyers nearby.
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      • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 3 months ago
        Chief, I am a graduate of K-25, the manhattan
        project UF6 plant (6.5 years there), where the
        gas solidified when shut down. now, this does not
        result in a wall-to-wall solid, I admit, but preparation
        for this is not impossible. 208F is the melting point
        of Na,, so you engineer in heated chambers for
        the piping --- and crank up robots to do the
        maintenance! cubic $$, yes. I wouldn't think it
        smart to think of this for a sub.

        maybe I'm missing something. -- j

        p.s. Yes, the primary obstacles are politics, the
        media, and the lawyers.

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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 3 months ago
    It reminds me of the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor design from South Africa. For its forty-year span, you load it in advance with all the fuel it will ever need. And when its fuel is spent it is SPENT. You then pour concrete on top and bury the whole thing in place.

    But the real goal--and let's not kid ourselves--is fusion.
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    • Posted by cowboynuclear 10 years, 3 months ago
      PBMR is actually quite different both in physics, lifespan, etc. The big thing different with PBMR was that a) the fuel pellets were not ceramic, b) the pebbles were coated in their own sintered moderator (graphite); and c) they were meant to be HTGR (high temp gas rxr), using something like CO2 or another gas for the primary coolant.

      As for fusion, the old joke joke about fusion always being 50 years off is quite descriptive. At least with tokamak type designs you could envision a heat transfer mechanism to deliver power out of it. The only fusion mechanism enjoying success at the moment is the laser compression, and how do you make a power plant in that configuration???
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 3 months ago
    I have read about reconstituting spent fuel before, but this sounds even better. Very intriguing. They predict the cost of nuclear produced energy would be cut in half. Cheap energy is a prerequisite for a growing economy.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 10 years, 3 months ago
    There are new stainless alloys for MSR's about twenty five years ago Sweden created 904L stainless for such purposes. Your Nickel Alloys are even more expensive. I'm sure by now there are more formidable stainless alloys will work very well in such reactors. Exotic pipe coatings have a certain life expectancy. They are more prone to erosion by the molten salt flowing through the piping. Once you have the materials aspect of of building the nuclear worked out is the getting approval to build it and stop the Luddites from holding everything up with frivolous law suits.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 3 months ago
    Like all innovative ideas, it has to be tested and the glitches worked out. After testing it may or may not work. However, I doubt if the state will allow it to get off the ground. There are several reasons for this, not the least of which is that it goes against their desire to control the nations power. Their enemy is coal, and nuclear power in particular. I'm not a scientist or engineer by any means, but this is another opportunity for me t point out how we are sliding into another Dark Ages, where the controlling entities hate innovation and see it as a threat.
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  • Posted by Danno 10 years, 3 months ago
    That the article did not mention the caustic reactions problem indicates to me this is money grab that will produce nothing. If an article is in Business Week I generally ignore it.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 3 months ago
    Other than the fact that this deals with radioactive waste vs. regular waste, this is the approach that my former company use to take, but that was before I went Galt......Sigh.

    This is a more interesting approach that vitrifying nuclear waste (encasing it in glass), which is the traditional way.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 3 months ago
    It's good to see the smart ones working on this. Ever since I discovered that the Voyager spacecraft were powered by radioactives, I wondered why we couldn't build power plants that use radioactive waste from nuclear power plants.
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