You think it's all over? Think again. “We have 28 votes on the Rules Committee to force a floor vote on unbinding the delegates"

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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They sneaked by the complaints on vote theft but now the floor gets to vote it's conscience.

“Dump Trump” leader: We have 28 votes on the Rules Committee to force a floor vote on unbinding the delegates
posted at 2:41 pm on July 11, 2016 by Allahpundit

"Via the Daily Wire, this actually isn’t the first time anti-Trump delegate Kendal Unruh has made this claim. She told the Wall Street Journal a few days ago that she had private commitments from more than 30 members of the Rules Committee that they’ll support a “minority report” on a rule change that would allow delegates to vote their conscience on the nomination.

Here’s one way to look at this. If in reality she’s way, way short of the 28 votes she needs, what incentive does Unruh have at this point to tell the truth?

Unruh explained that “28 committee members are required to pass a minority report, which then goes to the convention floor for all delegates to vote on. It then requires a simple majority to pass.” She added that she does “have the 28 votes required for the minority report,” continuing, “Not everyone who is with us is willing to be public yet, due in part to the threats being made by Trump’s campaign and the RNC itself.”…

Here was Unruh’s explanation of her personal opposition to Trump:

“Simply put, he doesn’t represent our party and he can’t win in November. Not only do the moral objections to his candidacy run deep, but his positions are also absolutely untrustworthy. He speaks by the seat of his pants and floats ideas out into thin air only to retract them the next day when they are ill-received. Republicans deserve a candidate who is grounded – in morals, in policy, and in constitutional truths. It’s not that Trump isn’t our preferred candidate or that we’re sore losers because our guy didn’t win. Donald Trump has only – conveniently – become a Republican in recent years, and even after switching his registration, he’s continued his personal donations to corrupt, liberal Democrats. How can he run against Hillary when he’s funded her? When he spoke to Bill Clinton on the phone prior to announcing his candidacy? Trump can’t win against Hillary in November because people don’t trust him either. The American citizens will continue to catch on to the fact that Trump is an entertainer who knows how to tickle ears and elicit enthusiasm. But ear-bait quickly turns into into insanity, as we’ve already seen, and Trump is already losing so badly to Hillary that it would be nearly impossible for him to recover by November. The delegates need to be free to choose a different nominee so that we can win in November and set the Supreme Court on the right side of the future.”

Assume she only has 10 Committee members who are prepared to support a “conscience” rule. What happens if she goes public with that? You know what happens: Trump declares victory, “Dump Trump” skeptics have a belly laugh over how feeble the movement to oust him is, and — most importantly — any Committee members who might be persuadable if they sense momentum against Trump decide that there’s no momentum to be found and resign themselves to defeating the rule. Unruh’s biggest problem in getting a floor vote on unbinding the delegates is that such a thing really isn’t in the Overton window of convention developments. Fencesitters won’t join a coup until they sense that the coup is happening without them or not. As such, Unruh has every reason to tell friendly reporters that this is in the bag and that, at a bare minimum, there’ll be a dramatic vote among the 2,400+ delegates on the floor on whether they should be allowed to vote for whichever nominee they want. If she’s lying and she ends up with, say, just 10 votes on the Committee for a rule change later this week, she’ll simply claim, honestly or not, that a bunch of people who had committed to support her got cold feet at the last minute for fear of retaliation by Trump and the RNC. That excuse will be all too plausible given how thuggish Trump’s inner circle has been about dealing with delegates whom they fear might revolt.

There’s another reason to think Unruh’s bluffing. If “Dump Trump” really had reached the point where they could force a floor vote on unbinding the delegates, presumably they’d have lined up a replacement nominee by now. It’s easy to ask the delegates to free themselves to vote for someone else if there’s someone specific standing by as an alternative. Asking them to bounce the presumptive nominee when he’s been fundraising for a month and staffing up for the summer and fall when there’s no obvious replacement is a much steeper request. How long would the convention drag on before they settled on a new nominee? According to Rosie Gray of BuzzFeed, who listened in on the “Dump Trump” delegates’ conference call last night, they’re still at the point where — well, where a lot of anti-Trump voters were the day after the New Hampshire primary. Lots of agreement that Trump is bad, bad, bad, zero agreement on who the consensus anti-Trump should be:

about six other articles same subject same 'URL


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  • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 2 months ago
    The question I would like them to answer is how they will like the next 4 to 8 years with Hillary as President. Dumping Trump, like him or not, will cause a significant number of people who voted for him to not vote at all. That by most estimates would give the Hill the presidency.
    So if you want to dump somebody, leave the party and start your own. Try in Venezuela. It's looking for somebody with no political sense to run things, They miss Chavez so much.
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    • Posted by $ sjatkins 8 years, 2 months ago
      Hillary is much much better than Trump and I don't like her policies much at all. But she is a highly seasoned, experienced and competent politician that is at least somewhat predictable.

      Trump on the other hand seems to have no ideals he will not sell out. He is bombastic, bullying, says plainly he will bring the full power of government down not just on legitimate wrong doers but on anyone that he things is not treating him fairly, recommends massive tariffs, wants to go after many internet and digital economy companies, wants to build a freaking wall between the US and Mexico and has threatened any and all companies with off-shore operations. He has advocated using torture and expanding use of torture?
      Do I need to go on? It is crystal clear that Trump is not fit to hold the most powerful office in the land.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
        It is crystal clear that neither one is fit to hold the office. It' isn't either/or it's none of the above and there are at least three other choices before we even get to discussing your willingness to accept and promote evil. Secular Devil Get Behind Me I don't support your congregation.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Any facts to back that up or just trumpanda? This isn't Venezuela and if you haven't noticed it isn't the USA any more either. So I should care if your left wing NY liberal socialist corporatist with fascist tendencies gets the job instead one of the other left wing socialist versions. A police state is still a police state.
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 2 months ago
    If "dump Trump" succeeds (which I doubt), how will Republicans make up for the huge number of Trump supporters who will feel cheated and stay home? Not one of the other Republican candidates has sufficient popularity and support to unite the party and overcome the Clinton machine.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Good point Jeb Bush made it first. But if Jeb is chosen whose going to make up for the voters that would cause to stay home.Like he's going to make up for feeling cheated?

      Now let's examine that word. Trump got his votes under the winner take all rules. Without them he has less votes than Cruz.

      So whose he going to get to replace those who got their votes stolen when Trump used that state level bush league rule with zero validity say dump trump I'm staying home.

      Tit for Tat it's the second reason Trump should be dumped but it should have been the first reason and it put Hillary back in play.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 2 months ago
    Cruz and Carly...I know, I know...jump all over me...but they were second...and after all the trumpeting, maybe, just maybe the establishment would welcome the constitutional approach to things.
    I know, I'm dreaming and most gulchers don't like someone that expresses his morality and ethics in religious who else would I entertain?...Scott Walker? VP ???have no clue...........................................................................................I'm so confused...just when I thought I'd hold my nose and vote for Johnson...hell he's got my last name...laughing hysterically at myself right any more curve balls Michael?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Honest I only asked for a second bowl of gruel. I didn't even mention Carly but I would Love to see her in no hold's barred debate.

      "Mrs. Clinton with your background as an enabler especially getting the NOW to back up your husband and turn their backs on their sisters how could you possibly claim the Woman's Card.


      Mrs. Clinton i believe that card (holds one up) is sitting right over here in my hand as of this moment.

      For tht reason lone I'd put it Carly/Cruz but Cruz wouldn't do second place...or would he.

      Or if it's Cruz Carly I'm ready to go to school. It's an eight year graduate course in how to be President for eight years. Then repeat the above part and I have the woman's card sitting right here in my hand where it belongs.NOW it's not in the hands of the enablers.

      What a great post one up for you and it was worth getting up at five am to make this reply. I would go for Carly for that reason for VP but Cruz Clinton that would be iffy. who else they have and not Jeb nor that Utah reject. but whoever I like the idea of Gingrich as a Presidential adviser or the real power job Chief of Staff. Looking at this picture though there's some wear and tear and a lot of extra weight so COS might be a bit much. But adviser? That's how iyou get the Establishment on your side. for the other two. Popularity and Acceptability.

      Any one remember my rules why the Demos should have gone for Carly to replace Clinton?
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 2 months ago days could run as a man for eight and then, thinking your a women...use the women card for another eight...
        Just'd have, Bi, reverse trans, genderless, not to mention the now, all to normal, traditional queer designations to run as pres...after all that!...we won't know who or what the hell you are. . .and neither will you!
        I can just see it now...
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
          DAMN I forgot that and they could be a married bi couple as well. Thanks for reminding us and one up vote!
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 2 months ago
            You could be president for ever with all the new, daily, gender and genderless designations...heck you could be the first cat or dog president and marry an elephant if you certainly is a, "be what ever you will" Alistar Crowley. Mr 666 kind of world; Superman's arch nemesis, Bizarro, would be proud.

            I guess we'll see if Demonocracies really do die when they become too demoncrapic.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 2 months ago
              "you could be the first cat or dog president"
              You're an otherkin hater. j/k. I just like saying "otherkin hate" and "ace erasure" b/c I'm over 40 y/o, and I don't get it.
              It's like when I told our 7-y/o he can't to the public bathroom with Mom b/c he's old enough he had to use the bathroom for the gender he was born. He looked at us funny b/c of the gender binarism or whatever it's called. We corrected it to "the gender you identify". My wife and I certainly mean no offense to anyone. We really never imagined we'd get old.
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 2 months ago
                I guess you could stretch that into hate because I would like to bop em upside the head to see if it "Reboots"!
                (To be considered Hate...physical animosity must be present.)...The whole world needs "Rebooting!

                It's a strange world when one rejects the natural and physical laws. If North and South stop electricity is produced and everything comes to a stop...AHAHAHAHAHAH!
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
    Assume that the floor vote works and Trump is Dumped. now Now Big boys and girls don't cry. I said assume.

    Who should the floor pick

    Legally anyone they want as long as they are within party rules. The only rules that count. How about Petreaus, Gingrich, both, neither one. Joe the Plumber?

    Second Question Who are they most likely to pick? My answer whoever the GOP establishment honchos are tell them to pick.

    Pence whoever that is or Newt G. or whats his face from Utah? There aren't any on the GOP candidate's list unless they go with the next highest amount votes, especially if the winner take al votes entered the picture as one of the reasons.

    So instead of conjecture and BS Who Would You Pick?

    Hints. Which candidate would counter the slim pickings womens vote? A real feminest but not a leftist. One who could openly say I view this opportunity to train for eight years from now and could be believed if for VP but who for spot number one?

    I still think it's a big charade to get the choice of both candidates up for grabs in the conventions. Especially if the establishment is behind it. they don't like Hillary any better than iyou do.

    And why?
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