He had no idea his mind was blind...until last week.
Like so many I have interviewed that said they had no voice, couldn't practice a speech in their heads...this man can't picture it.
The picture producing right brain has served mankind and possibly animal kind well...one might say it is instinctive and serves where no language is present but with language and consciousness has produced some of the worlds greatest treasures.
Can You picture it...if not you may have the same condition this man does.
The picture producing right brain has served mankind and possibly animal kind well...one might say it is instinctive and serves where no language is present but with language and consciousness has produced some of the worlds greatest treasures.
Can You picture it...if not you may have the same condition this man does.
On a tangent, I see that a lot in current politics. There are a lot of people aping opinions they have heard somewhere, and very few thinking and analyzing the situation for themselves.
That's probably why we can relate to each other.
I wonder if you could train yourself to see...perhaps a picture at a time.
How the heck do you make introductions without embarrassing yourself?
My son does not have this, but I think my 5 y/o daughter does. We had a vet tech helping the cats in the kitchen while my wife was at work. My daughter asked what mom's doing. I said she's at the office. My daughter stared at the vet tech intently, looking confused. I realized the vet tech has the same physical parameters as my wife. She too apparently remembers people as I do with same part of our brain where we store a pad lock combination. My wife says this does give me an excuse to kiss other women who look similar to her
I thought it was interesting when the suggestion was made about visuals and morals.
I read a piece about how sugar stops the process of cleaning debris and rebuilding connections in the brain and that cutting out sugar and replenishing gut bacteria (probiotics) helps restore short term memory. Another article about blue light is amazing as well.
I ordered specific probiotics for my blood type about a month ago and I think I'm beginning to get back my mojo.
poison and totally addictive (for some)...Guess
that sweet stuff isn't hot stuff!
If you don't know what your blood type is or are not certain then there is a bloodtyping kit you can get and do it yourself.
Using probiotics makes sense cause your gut is where your immune system is. If your eating stuff that's not right for you or even if you are, your proper gut bacteria needs to be replenished from time to time in todays world. we're not getting enough from our food. You might be thinking about yogurt but yogurt might not be right for you. It's a no no for me.
It's worth a shot...but from the start, remember how long it's taken for you to get this way, you ain't gona fix it over night.
I've noticed a slight difference...now I'm looking for light bulbs that shine a bluish light and see if I notice additional improvements.
Note, I did not have a big problem, I only just started forgetting specific words while speaking to a group...it was beginning to drive me crazy.
then I realize 0 is deaf and dumb as well.