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It makes me wish we could have a few hours to sit and trade thoughts back and forth. Txs for posting the interview and I strongly recommend that anyone interested in what truly understanding Rand and her philosophy can do for a life, listen to this interview.
We are in Vegas and meeting with other gulchers.
I wish we could sit down over a beer and dinner also.
One thing that comes to mind is , in this country we don't get bright reasoning experienced ethical candidates to guide this resource rich USA.
I could easily support .........Hallings 2016 with you Dale as VP.
Status on Rangar book 3?
Enjoy the Summit, wish I could have gone.
I agree completely with the part about job jumping. Not only do you learn the most in the first year, but employers usually pay a percentage more than the last job, without much regard to the employee's skills/accomplishments. For this reason, it's beneficial to jump and get ahead.
People thought he was crazy for taking the Tektronix sales job. I bet they thought the same when he hung out a shingle. IMHO it's a good sign if at least some people think you're doing something really risky or wrongheaded.
I need to listen to the 2nd half yet.
Great interview. Well done. Great material and Mark did a fine job asking the right questions. You covered some of the territory of your presentation at the Summit, along with your personal backstory.. Good stuff.
Thank's for sharing your time with me at the Summit and for introducing me to Mark (HeroWorship). I had a great time and it was wonderful to sit down you K, RMP, share a table, and exchange thoughts in Planet Hollywood. Hot stuff all around! :)