I almost wonder if this is a joke b/c it's so stupid. But poking around the website suggests it's serious.
It's amazing how they could write one paragraph with so much I disagree with. I esp reject the narcissism. I want everyone to be Roark or Dagny Tagart of their own little world. With electronic communication it's possible. Anyone can have a tribe of people who are into some obscure topic like fixing up old "cheese cameras" that were once a free Velveeta gift and now have a cult following. Or they can start the next Google. People should be free to do what they want. That's not narcissism b/c the same principle that makes me respect my life and freedom makes me respect everyone else's.
This webpage sounds like it was written by Ellsworth Toohey.
Am I missing something because I didn't really see an organized rant on Ayn Rand. I see a lot of hate for Fox News, and Republicans. Did any one look at their shop? Typical Libs, vulgar and rude.
I've seen some tripe these people have put out and it's usually full of fabrications. Problem is...people believe it. I've used it to point out to a couple friends of mine the hypocricy in their points. That's been good. These people do put forth the argument we recently saw here - that Ayn Rand was just for the wealthy people. (for example)
They seem to be concerned mostly with Crony Capitalism. Ayn Rand opposed that as much as she did Socialism and Communism. Not sure why the left doesn't get that Crony Capitalism is similar to their political philosophy and the antithesis of what Ayn Rand wanted.
Welcome to the Gulch, Jaysun! Their plan to end the gridlock is to help get as many liberals into office as possible. They do not even attempt to win in the arena of ideas. They do whatever they can to eliminate any competition - tax them, write laws specifically targeting them, speech codes that allow only their free speech, cronyism that punishes us and rewards their friends, etc.
Well, if everyone in Washington was a liberal, wouldn't that make it much easier for them to pass all the legislation they want? That *would* technically end the gridlock...
It's amazing how they could write one paragraph with so much I disagree with. I esp reject the narcissism. I want everyone to be Roark or Dagny Tagart of their own little world. With electronic communication it's possible. Anyone can have a tribe of people who are into some obscure topic like fixing up old "cheese cameras" that were once a free Velveeta gift and now have a cult following. Or they can start the next Google. People should be free to do what they want. That's not narcissism b/c the same principle that makes me respect my life and freedom makes me respect everyone else's.
This webpage sounds like it was written by Ellsworth Toohey.
Did any one look at their shop? Typical Libs, vulgar and rude.
Funny! Have we got them on the run? What no comments allowed?!?! What a surprise. :) Smear without substance...
'To help get as many liberals into office as possible so we can end the gridlock in Washington'
there is no explanation as to HOW they will end the 'gridlock'
It's a riot.