FBI Bypasses FAR and "selects" new service pistol

Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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I love (sarcastic several things about this. The FBI eliminated every competing gun with a very narrow specification. One has to wonder how 4.26" barrel (excluding S&W M&P) matters versus 4.25". This is a pathetic method of sidestepping a real competition in the best interests of the taxpayer. There is nothing in the spec about longevity. The Ruger American has a rugged barrel, capable of shooting +P ammo all day. Don't think the Sig can do that.

Separately, notice the specification calls for magazine capacity of 16 rounds minimum in a full size and 14 rounds in compact. What allows the FBI to carry such a firearm in states with unconstitutional magazine capacity limits?
SOURCE URL: http://www.bluesheepdog.com/2015/10/19/f-b-i-selects-new-duty-pistol/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 8 months ago
    4.26" matters in the same way that honest, innocent Americans are jailed as felons by the BATF for having a shotgun that is a quarter inch too short.
    It's statist bullshit.
    The FBI is as competent as the rest of the fedgov, except when it comes to burning their enemies alive. They are very good at that.
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