Senate approves equal rights for women...and responsibilities.

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago to Government
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As I recall Hillary was against equal rights for women while her husband was a strong supporter of equal frights.

Well ladies you are now close to being first class citizens a well deserved promotion if NOW doesn't screw it up for you again.

College Money? Government Job Sign right here! Congratulations you went from draftee to volunteer when needed status. And notice no limitations any and all jobs are open to you... depending on where assigned you might well get to drive a tank in combat.

Regular Army I was and still am against the draft. It's the sign of a despotic government living in fear to have such a tool on hand. Draftees were more trouble than they were worth to be honest though some turned out first rate. you think Humpty and Dumpty either one will turn down the offer?

Hillary being anti women will argue against it of course. She wants them safe for Bill's staff.

Trump.. who knows.

But remember it's the fascist socialist left that just past this measure. Let's find out how many Rinos and how many of the 15 that voted against suspending civil rights are still on which side.

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  • Posted by Eyecu2 8 years, 3 months ago

    They had it correct in WWII where women were in a separate service. They are fine for support roles but should NEVER be deployed into any combat area. I know that they have been for many years, and that they have done honorable service. That does nothing to offset the simple biological differences, which can put fellow service members in harms way.

    I served from 86 - 91 and had women in my unit. Invariably they would be assigned a task and be unable to complete the task for which males would have to come behind and pick up the slack. Additionally the Army, or at the very least my unit, always rotated the females out every 2 days for a shower when we were in the field; whereas the males NEVER got rotated back for showers. I fully understand the hygienic reasons and differences between males and females but this does nothing to address the effects that this has on morale in a long term deployment.

    The ONLY way that I will ever change my mind about women in the military is if ALL mention of sex is removed from ALL military regulations. Everything from physical fitness test through to hygiene opportunities. Soldiers would have to be treated completely sexless.

    While I would then withdraw my objections about women serving, I would strongly oppose that happening as I firmly believe that God made the differences between men and women for a reason and we are wrong with the direction we are heading as a society in this regard.
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    • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years, 3 months ago
      I served in the Marines from 75 - 80. The majority of the women in my unit worked in office jobs. On Friday afternoons, the women were allowed to go home and the men remained behind to clean the office, even though we worked in an entirely separate location.
      Equal Opportunity, my a$$.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 3 months ago
    I am not a fan of the draft wither. However, if women want to be considered "equal", they have to deal with ALL the same requirements as men. Same draft, same pushups, same physical requirements, on and on.

    I play soccer with a woman, and she is the one of, if not the highest skilled player we have. Not as fast as most of the guys. Not as strong as most guys. Can't kick as far as some guys, but everyone wants her on their team, and there is no question she could complete any baseline requirement.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
    Every Right has a Responsibilty regardless of sex, race, religion or level of education.

    2. The military just spent a ton of money coming up with ways to 'accommodate certain cultural and biological differences. So most of those questions have been addressed.

    3. The answer is either or. Either the entire draft system should be jettisoned and banned. My opinion as a regular professional soldier now retired) OR it should be completely equal unless it openly states mmmm for example certain women are exempted as national resources for breeding purposes. I hope that poured gas on your fire.

    4. It does address pregnancy under the new regulations but does not state how that improves national defense.

    5. Whatever is done must elevate women, like it or not, to first class citizenship no matter what Hillary and NOW think to the contrary. They should not be allowed to turn their backs on their sisters. nor should the rest of us do the same. But like the Quakers they should not be exempt from responsibilities as a special group.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
    Every Right has a Responsibilty regardless of sex, race, religion or level of education.

    2. The military just spent a ton of money coming up with ways to 'accommodate certain cultural and biological differences. So most of those questions have been addressed.

    3. The answer is either or. Either the entire draft system should be jettisoned and banned. My opinion as a regular professional soldier now retired) OR it should be completely equal unless it openly states mmmm for example certain women are exempted as national resources for breeding purposes. I hope that poured gas on your fire.

    4. It does address pregnancy under the new regulations but does not state how that improves national defense.

    5. Whatever is done must elevate women, like it or not, to first class citizenship no matter what Hillary and NOW think think to the contrary. They should not be allowed to turn their backs on their sisters. nor should the rest of us do the same. But like the Quakers they should not be an exempt from responsibilities special group.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 3 months ago
    Not true; there is a place for women in the military,
    but it is of necessity a limited place; ignoring all the
    biological facts of women's not being as strong as men physically,etc., is bound to have a detrimental effect on the strength of the armed forces and the safety of the nation.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 3 months ago
    I am against the draft for women or men, as it is in-
    voluntary servitude.--Also, I do not think it is right
    to put women in combat (unless it were absolutely necessary as a last resort), even if they go voluntarily. It is just a fact that women are generally not as physically strong as men;
    they wouldn't be able to do the job in hand-to-
    hand combat, and the nation's safety should not
    be put at risk in that manner.--Not that I have any experience with actual combat, although I
    once was in the Navy, though only as a 4-by-10
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 3 months ago
    I believe that any woman who can do whatever a man can do (outside of reproductive abilities) should be able to be co-equal with any military person. BUT -- no fudging. Tote that barge, lift that bale, do as a man or else you fail. There are a few woman who can pass that test. Very few. But bless their hearts, good luck to them.
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  • Posted by brkssb 8 years, 3 months ago
    Involuntary servitude, slavery, is now equally applicable under the law of congress. To comment on equal rights and slavery is a contradiction in terms.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 3 months ago
    Having been drafted myself, I'm thinking that female enslavement sounds kinda ISIS.
    Don't get too bent out of shape, y'all. Old Dino's tongue is stuck in his toothy cheek.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 3 months ago
    interesting...usually you follow the money trail...but basically, there are only individual rights...not men's , woman's, black's, white's, civil, right to health care, right to education, housing, food stamps,etc...
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 3 months ago
    Sounds like they will starting up the draft again...
    Wonder how the "Safe Spacer's" are gona survive this one...I would love to be a drill Sargent now.
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    • Posted by Riftsrunner 8 years, 3 months ago
      It is all hyperbole. It just requires females to register for selective service, like all males 18-26 currently are required to do. I am sure this will be decried as the patriarchy putting women down again, even though it is really equality. I personally would rather have the whole selective service registration done away with, but barring that I am relieved that the feminists are getting a nice bite on the ass by this for believing they are not being treated equal to men.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
      After I I retired the Army started using Stress Cards. Things got to rough for hte snow fllake they whipped out a walk on water card and hit the snack bar. What was needed was DI tossing it on the ground and pissing on it. No room in combat for Pissy's
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
    That 87% of the Senate are in favor of murdering innocent American young women should be very revealing.

    "McCain countered that including women in the draft was a matter of equality."
    Saying its a matter of equality is no excuse for passing a law that forces Americans to die for the state. Clearly McCain is still suffering from dementia. The other 84 senators who voted to approve this barbaric law have no excuse.

    "Rand Paul of Kentucky, filed an amendment that would have gotten rid of the draft altogether, but it too failed to get traction."
    Once again, the statists betray the people who elected them even with an obvious choice to favor good over evil.
    Wonder what Gary Johnson will say.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
      II just finished up a post in another forum asking When did the left abandon democratic principles and 'representative democracy'? Then explained the reason for filling in polls etc for the next month or so as pro-libertarian. Got back to home base and found my State oriented U-Gov polling sheet and immediately became a Libertarian for it's purposes. It's one step for mankind in the two percent needed to get them in the debates OR expose the closed shop leftists only candidate system we now labor under and against. One of the other sites critical thinkers took me to task point by point. It was a fruitul profitable discussion. So the question remains? Why did the left abandon democratic principles? Granted they are anti indirect balloting of the type used in a Republic but now they are also against direct balloting. Strange?
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
        Was it the only path left for them to power after the fascist GOP raped and destroyed individual liberty and states rights in 1860-1890?
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
          don't know about the Fascist GOP that being a left wing trait and they hadn't evolved into lapdogs of the socialist left by then, nor was it while your claim was ignored by the entire country for 150 years while the GOP supported civil rights and the left wing socialist fascists hold an unblemished anti civil rights record but what's your excuse from the Marxist Leninest camp these days? You need to get off that one track thinking and wake up they are the same party and the fascist left has killed a helluva lot more of us than the piss ant penny ante doo wops of the right wing OF THE LEFT.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
            One party now, but the GOP was the statist Whigs renamed. The GOP crushed liberty via war and claimed to be liberators. The Dems were not allowed to participate at all unless they pledged alliegance to the state which was owned by the GOP.They were completely separate then and that was the scope of my comment. The Dems rebelled on a local state level until the "national" statists took direct control of state govs, too. Itb wasn't for civil rights. It was a power grab, plain and simple, with civil rights as an excuse.
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
              I think I made a100% on that history of the last century - in the century what the Rino fascists are now is not what they were then even less what they were in 1776 or the late 1800s. What applies to their current supporters is the Patriot Act which now reads. ....suspicion of supporting......helll those folks are very open about supporting. So what does 1864 have to do with 2016? NOTHING!
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              • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
                You asked the question:
                "Why did the left abandon democratic principles?"
                You must study the 1860-1890 period to find the answer.
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
                  Already did that I'm talking 2016. So why did the left abandon democratic principles such as representative democracy which was their version of representative republic. Had it served it's otherwise useless purpose and time to change definitions again. Note this happened at the same time the Democrats declared them selves Socialists. Would not really care everyone knows they are left wing socialist fascist anyway but.....Now they ahve absorbed the Rino Party it does not bode well for the future in leftist America. (We're not sliding left we have arrived. Any government that can circle file civil rights and the Bill of Rights with an 85% approval vote out of the Senate is not heading left. They ARE left. So why do I need to go back to high school history classes? We already know they abandoned it before they invented the phrase at least back with Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Nothing new there.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
            Come to think of it the women have been refusing to take the path to power as long as I can remember and especially under the leadership of the Clintons. Rights yes, repsonsibilites No Cute butts over sexual predators yes any day of the week. They won't get equality unless, like now, they are dragged into it kicking and screaming by their hair.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
    The Constitution does not deny women the right to be equal citizens insofar as the draft is concerned. Nor does it in the most commonly quoted sentence do more than give the requirements for men serving in the State Militias. Mostly to do with age. Another section gives the federal congress the right to set standards and regulations for all the military State or Federal and a third states only States can grant commissions. The rest is either powers not granted or powers inferred or powers outright denied.

    So this is not a case of women per se in the military but equal rights for women in all the responsibilities of citizenship.

    Nice thing is nothing is denied. They may be assigned to or ask to be assigned to any part of the military. Including Infantry, Armor, Artillery etc. Not just Commander-In-Chief.

    In one respect it's about time women were not longer treated as second class citizen. In the other why do we still have a military draft at all?

    Is the government that afraid of their various chickens coming home to roost.

    So the term no more cannon fodder takes on new meaning a step up I suppose in some peoples minds from 'baby factories.'

    In 1776 it was taken for granted men would fight and women would provide the fighters. My how times have changed.

    85 percent of the Senate all Rinos voted to suspend civil rights 87% of the same Senate voted to give women equal rights. Wonder how the house is going to shake out the votes. More Demo's but then they've always been anti civil rights. We'll have to wait ut I'm betting it's not time yet for women to be first class citizens.

    Would it be murder? Of course not. Sanctioned killing by the State is a number of things executions for one but even the Christian Bible states God reserves to the State to the right to kill in it's defense.

    My problem isn't with women or with war obviously and as an infantry soldier with no part of that job description BUT the founding fathers did by not mentioning them reserve women to rovide the following generations. Still ...aren't they worth more than just being baby factories? Which is the most insulting to someone who is relegated to the second class of citizenship and not only by the choice of others. In the Clinton days the womens movement chose to turn their backs on the idea of equal rights.

    Thorny problem that may be knottier than one first assumes.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 3 months ago
      Everyone has, so called, equal rights until government gets involved in prescribing rights as a means to cancel the rights of the citizens. Rights then become what the government permits rather than free choices by the citizens.
      Several decades ago, the fight against the draft was based mostly on the ninth amendment. The fight was nearly won but the desire to have slaves by part of the population ended in a special conscription law which could be used to provide more cannon fodder to make congress persons think that they are solving a problem.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
        'Congress Persons is 'sexist.' Not to mention illiterate. A Congressional or the Congressionals does nicely without offending. Think about it and what the PC (for political crap) left has been getting away with these last few years.

        PerSON! PerSon? Is there a PerDaughter? I don't THINK so.

        Which reminds me when you enter a dining establishment or eatery of some sort and see a name tag starting with Wait Person get up and leave and explaint, "I don't wish to wait I would rather have service."

        Do you wonder why these idiots with terminal case of stupids are looked down on so much?

        Well Stupid is as stupid does and a terminal case of the stupids is cured only by someone with a Degree in Undertaking.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 3 months ago
          Darn, I was trying not to offend with 'Congressmen', which in English would have meant both male and female Congress members. If idiots really do not want gender mentioned, wouldn't it be best to just use 'it' which would be non-genderist nonsense. Like 'the Congress-it preyed on its constituents for their life-blood', sorry, 'their' has 'he' in it. What do people do in other languages, like German or Russian, where all kinds of things do not strictly follow the gender of the object. Are people in those countries all having their minds freeze up over nothing?
          Remimds me of the 'It' at the my old University of Wisconsin in Madison who a few years ago made a stink that caused all kinds of trouble for an instructor who was stupid enough to use the word 'denigrate' because it thought that it somehow dissed the un-pinkish skinned.
          Wasn't there someone who said something about bringing down a society by messing up the language?
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