Science Journal - scientific research tool for your smartphone

Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago to Technology
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"Science Journal is a tool for doing science with your smartphone. You can use the sensors in your phone or connect to external sensors to conduct experiments on the world around you. Organize your ideas into projects, make predictions, take notes and collect data in multiple trials, then annotate and explore your results. It's the lab notebook you always have with you."

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago
    Oh great. It's not enough that too many people spend most of their time in public texting, talking, listening to music, reading, watching videos, or playing games. This is just another element of distraction to add to the pile.

    I suspect the next thing we can expect to see is people walking around with a VR headset, their favorite fantasy world imposed on the real world. Reality is rapidly becoming the second choice. Why waste your time aspiring to real achievement, when electronic fantasy is so much easier?
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    • Posted by Enyway 8 years, 4 months ago
      Not everyone is texting, talking or listening to music. I use Audible to listen to books. I spend a great deal of time in my car. If your problem is technology there is no hope for you. Try focusing your attention on the people who use the technology instead of the technology itself. Basically, technology does not kill, people do.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago
        Note I didn't generalize, so don't take offense too easily. Remember, half of the people you meet are of below average intelligence, and it shows. Technology is a two-edged sword: a beautiful implement for some, and a dangerous destructive element for others.
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        • Posted by Enyway 8 years, 4 months ago
          First of all, you are correct. The quality of intellect is is circumstance. That is why our culture is, well, circumstance.
          I forget my second point. Suffice it to say I agree. But then, all things have two points, minimum. There is no up without down, no inside without outside, no good without evil. That is the balance with witch we all must deal. Expect the worst, but hope for the best.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
    Sorry, I only have a dumbphone.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 4 months ago
      Want to play with a smart one,Herb? You can get new android ones for as little as about $25 when on sale. I use mine more for GPS, music, sound amplitude measuring, and ebook reader (with adjustable text size to suit the reader) than I do for communication. I don't use it for email (screen/keybd too small) but do receive text on occasion, too. Android will amaze you if you can learn a little tech. Its at least as easy as windows.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
        I have a cell phone I use mostly for http://emergencies.It has a red button that one push puts me in touch with an emergency operator or GPS's my location for EMS. I keep it for that, and to call my wife when she's in her garden which saves me from yelling out the window for her. I also go running errands, having lunch out and a possible movie one day a week when the BW is checking in her Avon. So, as you can see, my phone is more for me falling down and breaking my nose, which I did a few months ago. I have thought about a smart phone, but once I make up my mind, I'm a tower of indecision. (Oscar Levant)
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        • Posted by 8 years, 4 months ago
          Great LeVant quote, Herb ;^) I didn't get a cell until I knew I would be living overseas (Honduras) and had to have one to do property research there. I started using it for music, audiobooks, and other distractions, and went from there.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 4 months ago
    The modern smartphone is getting closer and closer to being a Star Trek tricorder. It's not just a communicator it is also an environmental recorder and analyzer. Magnetometers, seismometers, spectrum anayzers, navigator, image recorder and on and on are all part of the device. Now it can even understand and respond to spoken words and even translate them to another language. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 4 months ago
    Cool. I hadn't thought as much about smart phones for this as Raspberry PIs with shields and Arduinos. It is amazing how well some of these sensors work.

    On a related note, I use "Dash Command" (Android parallel is "Torque"). It is an app that can connect (with some hardware) to your car's OBDII port, and see all your engine and chassis data reported there. It also uses the smart devices sensors to show acceleration in all directions (accel, decel, +/- laterals). You can plot them overlayed on a track, and see how you do on each corner.

    In the case of my older Subaru STI, I have replaced the dashboard bezel over the radio with a slot for an iPad. This serves as my music (Pandora, iTunes, etc), Navigation, hands free phone and car computer interface. 9" screen, no waiting!
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    • Posted by 8 years, 4 months ago
      NICE, Thor!
      Having a convertible makes it unwise to put obvious magnets for thieves in the dash. Even if they could not use the device when it was ripped from the dash, replacing the convertible top is about $1000. Removing the device (as I think you are describing) is one alternative albeit a PITA to do every time I park. My compromise solution was a $100 bluetooth capable removable-face single-DIN head unit with front panel USB port. It doesn't attract attention and can entertain using either the 32GB USB stick.(with 2Gb Atlas Shrugged audio book;^) or my android phone. It pairs with the phone automatically every time I get in the car and works perfectly. I use Navigon GPS on my older android phone.
      I haven't used the phone for access to the OBD2 port , but if I was doing any vehicle system monitoring that would be a great feature. There are android apps to log anything in the OBD2 system and I have been thinking about writing one for a special function that would use engine speed as an input parameter.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 4 months ago
        Torque is what all the kids use for OBD2 connection, diagnosis, maybe tuning in special cases. With the right vehicle parameters, you can get instantaneous hp, torque, fuel/air flow, etc. I almost went and bought a cheap Android device just for this app, but I have the other app already, and am mostly an iOS guy.

        My wife has a convertible (Mini Cooper S). I'd like one too, but need more go juice under my foot. Haven't found a modern one with all my requirements (4 seat, AWD, manual trans, 300+ hp/<4.5 sec 0-60, <$60K). I make do with a Lotus 7 kit car.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 4 months ago
          Any pictures of your car online? What engine and base car?
          I had a Lotus production engine in my Jensen Healy back in the early 70s. Loved driving that car when the engine was running properly but the engine was a chronic maintenance headache (for a relatively poor college student;^) But the sound of it was sweet music and the handling was so much fun.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 4 months ago
            Mine looks a lot like this blue one, but it has a louvered hood and scoop to accommodate the supercharger:
            It has a 2.0 liter Ford Zetec, with a Jackson Racing Supercharger, about 200 hp, 1,400 lbs.
            It is something else to drive. 50/50 weight distribution. Can chirp the tires in four gears. Corners like it is on rails, and can drive right under a semi trailer (which I've done...while parked). It is a little scary to drive on the highway, because people don't see you, and the steering ratio is 2-3 times faster than a normal car. Until you get used to it, you are correcting all the time, and white knuckled, but after a bit, you get used to it. People love it, and I wanted something other than another Shelby Cobra, which was my favorite for a long time.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 4 months ago
    I may just have to upgrade from my flip-LG. . might
    want to check on the correlation between political
    riots and the phase of the moon. -- j
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