Say Goodbye To "Net Neutrality" – New FCC Proposal Will Permit Discrimination Of Web Content | Zero Hedge

Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): Net Neutrality ensures the "Little Guy ~ small businesses, everyday people who's views do not match the gov't are not able to get their word out equally thanks to the companies with deep pockets 7 of course political connections to have most of the internet bandwidth.

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  • Posted by dbhalling 10 years, 10 months ago
    This article is correct that the proponents of Net Neutrality have purposely confused the issues. The article makes a number of mistakes, because it does not start from the basis of property rights. The real purpose of net neutrality is to allow the FCC to impose the fairness doctrine on the Internet. This will not be good for the little guy as the article implies.

    What the real issue is that some services require uninterrupted bandwidth and are willing to pay for that, such as Netflix. Net Neutrality proponents want to deny the property rights of the ISP and force them to not be able to sell their bandwidth. While no doubt large companies may try to game this - Google has already been caught providing biased search results - for instance in the last presidential campaign. But if the FCC gets involved, it will mean the government decides who goes to the top of the search engines, which websites will be banished to the bottom. ISPs are fairly simple to setup and more and more options are becoming available. But if the FCC limits how they can use their property, we will see fewer people being willing to invest in this area. The answer is never to have the government decide fairness and ignore property rights, which is what Net Neutrality is about.
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    • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 10 months ago
      Partly agree - I like the idea of net neutrality but if it can only exist with gov supervision regulation intervention, then better without it.
      Perhaps another net provider can offer a service with guaranteed net neutrality and appeal to a different market.
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      • Posted by dbhalling 10 years, 10 months ago
        Net Neutrality is a myth - google is not neutral. Your selection of what to view is not neutral. If it is really just about first come first serve bandwidth, then the market can provide that if people want that. I doubt anyone really wants that. I want netflix to be able to get prioritized bandwidth when I am watching a show.

        This whole thing is a solution for which there is no problem. All the complaints are hypothetical. This is a manufactured problem, designed to let the FCC take over the Internet and impose the Fairness Doctrine on it.
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