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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 4 months ago
    Common Core the early years:

    "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."
    Vladimir Lenin

    "Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever."
    Vladimir Lenin
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 4 months ago
      Robert A. Heinlein wrote of his visit to the Soviet Union in 1962 in essays entitled, "Inside Intourist" and "Pravda Means 'Truth'".

      During his visit, he and his wife went to the Alma Ata collective, where the school children put on skits for them. The grammar-school aged children sang songs, and recited poems. Heinlein's wife spoke Russian...

      The songs and poems were all about the five year plan and the need to protect the revolution.

      The Heinleins discovered that the children began school at 18 months of age, after which their mothers saw them perhaps 2 hours a day.

      Feminism has accomplished the same thing.
      Karen Straughan, "Feminism: Socialism in Panties" -
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  • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 4 months ago
    Ok, first this is a totally inappropriate assignment for an 8th grader. At the same time, a lot of really useful learning takes place when you attempt to play "devils advocate" on a issue. I attempted to do it in high school by writing a research paper on making the UN a world government. ( I thought I could be funny ) but, after digging hard to find something that could make a real case for it I ended up turning in a paper on the failures of the UN. I got a A on the paper, and my teacher let me in on a secret and very dangerous book. That book, was Atlas Shrugged. So, I would suggest that a more advanced student would be put in the horrible position of trying to disprove the holocaust and the result would be that they would have a far better understanding. But, 8th graders are not ready for that kind of depth just yet. What I find interesting is there was somewhat lower hanging fruit. Just take the assignment text load it into word and do a search and replace.. Replacing Holocaust with Climate Change
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 4 months ago
    This is another case where we get the issue corrected but no explanation as to how it happened. The department that made up the questionnaire is named but an actual person or persons had to write it. Who and why?
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    • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
      1. Why did it happen in the first place?
      2. The superintendent, Mohammad Islam, once attention was drawn to it didn 't understand the fuss.3. Death threats?! That 's how we win the intellectual battle?
      4. A UN Resolution? ! That 's how we justify true history? 5 . Sensitivity training?! Really? Yea that 'll work. 6. A proper assignment might have been to discuss all the millions of people who went to the death camps but why everyone remained docile including jewish people when the govt forced them to wear patches and then register their property. While people were hiding and fleeing in the dead of night few stood up to Hitler.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 4 months ago
    "There are just so many things wrong here I don' t know where to begin."-- Same thoughts here.

    8th grade? Why is the school doing this? Why would they get death threats (some kind of nutjob out there)? The whole thing....

    You know...why can't we let our children have a childhood anymore? We must stuff their minds, at this young age, with thoughts like this. When I was 8 I was running around with a bb gun and fishing pole. When kids do that now they get shot by the police. They are bombarded with all kinds of innapropriate input. College will cost them more than the house their parents bought... It's clear that kids are not a high priority to our society. A very wise engineer I used to work with (long since retired) once said, "You know...You get one childhood. And, when it's over, it's long gone. You don't get another one." This reminds me of that...

    Sorry for the rant...
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 4 months ago
    "The United Nations passed a 2007 resolution that condemns any denial of the Holocaust – which killed roughly 6 million Jews during World War II – and urges all member nations to “unreservedly” reject any denial of the Holocaust. "

    Start with the above.

    Six million Jews out of 21 million killed in the death camps. It's not the number, it's that they were targeted as a race/ethnicity. The other 15 million or so were Gypsies, capitalists, communists, people who had things Party members wanted, people who were too vocal in opposition...

    While the Holocaust happened, the U.N. can go straight to hell with its condemnation. International Political Correctness does not trump the 1st Amendment.

    "Jafri also said that the Education Services department was behind the assignment, and will be required to undergo sensitivity training."

    I'd go to jail first.

    "Sensitivity training" is just a milder, gentler term for "re-education camp".

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