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Au contraire...
Most people, to the extent they are successful, do work with facts and truth.
Arrogance precludes trust and progress. Start with respecting what others get right. From established trust and some shared values, the possibility of additional learning emerged. People are not interested in answers to questions they don't have.
One should always be interested in the answers to questions they had not thought of...no one gave anyone a lock on ideas.
There is no way one can know answers without first knowing questions. That is the nature of answers.
Communists, all totalitarians and collectivist routinely lock in their own ideas and lock out free thinking from peoples minds.
Just plain observations.
Note: the two sides of the coin could also be the same but from a different perspective...suspicion is upon the edge in those matters.
Just an interesting thought.
You got me thinking about something.
Let me start with asserting, as the well known book about "Where Mathematics Comes From" does, that mathematics is a human invention.
Now. Reducing reality observations to simple elements, to help us handling the complexity, is as common as breathing.
So, for certain purposes, the mathematics is reduced to the simple concept of the number line, from -infinity to +infinity.
For many other purposes it is very useful to reduce a question about existence to "good" and "bad" or, figuratively, black and white.
This last one brings us to values and ethics, i.e. philosophy. Ayn Rand used the A and not-A to illustrate her most fundamental principle about philosophy of existence (A is A).
Let me call all this "reducing to one dimension".
Of course, the number line ignores the whole world of mathematics, which includes algebra trigonometry, imaginary numbers, non-planar geometry etc. etc.
"Black" and "white" or "light" and "no-light" ignores the whole spectrum of frequencies in the visible region, which means ignoring all the hues and colors, which make the sight such a satisfying and inspiring perceiver.
A and not-A ignores the infinite supply of complexities so characteristic of all existence.
Analysis is a study technique in chemistry and a study technique in logic and philosophy. In opposition to synthesis, analysis identifies elements composing a complex brew's nature. By learning what elements are present, we can begin to understand the brew's usefulness or danger and many other thing about it.
Analogously, reducing to one dimension, numbers, colors or values, is a useful technique in search of understanding and, CRUICALLY, a tool of the human mind in its thrilling and fabulous search for knowledge.
Would you agree?
P.S. Hello, khalling. This is "dedicated" to you.
A little math places that date at 1963.
Look at us now . . .
And that's just a small part of "look at us now."
Public gets what it asks for. They wanted misery? Let them have it.
There was another one for national land use controls in the late 1970s under Carter that almost passed. Were you involved in that? It was a big defeat for the viros, and the defeat made a big difference to a lot of landowners everywhere, so fighting it really did matter.
I haven't been able to find a copy of the actual legislation but have read about the greenline regulations as promoted by its proponents. Instead of the sweeping legislation they lost, as a "compromise" they got a single enormous area at the Pine Barrens in NJ under the control of USF&WS that ruined people. Another one followed at the Columbia Gorge in Oregon and Washington, and they are still pushing, using NPS "Heritage Areas" as an incremental approach.
EPA has been increasing its tentacles in the name of "clean water" ever since. Obama has just expanded it administratively, bypassing Congress, and that is now being fought in the courts.
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.
Robert Frost
Since then there has been no independently owned land in that state unless one had a pre-legal days pot farm.
Oregon was known for decades even before that as Appalacia West....70% directly government owned and infested with Californians.
The only paths from this to capitalism are revolution and compromise through the middle.
Do you only advocate revolution?
As for your laundry list where's the connection? First you wanted an excuse to support what you deem evil. then you want to wander through the garden paths of the world to get there. then you try to change the subject.
Take a time out you are usually much better ...maybe a Red Bull or a Monster.
It means: To plot and plan the demise of another person.
I think that those who abuse animals tend toward evil and certainly lack a conscience but are they evil? No.
Abortion is only evil if the person has full knowledge of the development of her fetus, has a moral awakening, and then goes against her conscience in order to please someone else.
That is the "middle".
Without a clear definition of the word based upon reality and reason, the word becomes a catch-all for whatever you don't like or agree with.
That is nonsense.
The word denotes and defines a person who is without personal boundaries and who is also destructive.
1. They consider life to be a win/lose situation in which they need to cause loss in order to gain.
2. They consider everything to be "theirs" with no consideration for the real owner.
3. The vilify the person whom they are targeting.
4. They "scapegoat" their personality and motives onto the person whom they are targeting.
Kinda sounds like Bernie Sanders, doesn't it?
I tend to think of them as irrationally jealous of real competency...and have an inordinate need to do a "premptive strike" on the competent.
then discovered the Congress of all groups had reached the same conclusion and such laws as there were or are ditto the same along with statistics on actual occurences of third trimestrer, late term and partial birth. SCOTUS agreed by not granting cert That stance was enough for me using citizens rights as tool. Added to that go ahead and make that a federal law in that manner then get out of the business and let the States do there's and be left alone. As we've seen the Sick Frogs my code for Sec-ular Prog-ressives have decided to use any and all issues to get their way. But for the moment the abortion issue became less important.
Social Security became the third rail and avoiding the problem became real third rail.
Changing the constitution without an amendment should be in that position. But it's moot at this point.
Evil - That which I know to be wrong (add any number of descriptive adjectives) Good - That which I know to be right. (same qualifiers) An evil act.Doing that which my personal moral code had deemed to be wrong full well knowing I am committing and act of evil. Compounding the evil act. Blaming it on someone else or a higher authority and asking for clemency for same.
Or are we back to center.
The Constitution was the center of political discourse for the former USA. Now it's the center of the left or whatever G. Lakoff and Looney Clooney, or Obeyme proclaim for that day.
Doesn't apply I don't serve the Party.
Perhaps only good people are capable of being good and when seduced by evil intentions/promises and fall for them, the good person moves towards the Middle?
I see a pattern to all of this slide toward the middle and consequently the end of this country and individual rights.
Currently, in this country, good is viewed as "what's best for the greatest number". That is the first step toward the "middle".
The next step is: Get enough "votes" (rule by concensus) and your rights are voted away from the individual (second move...more slide toward the dark side).
Third: Steal through legislation/regulation.
Fourth: Make no legal recourse against the government.
Fifth: Take everything from the "makers" in the name of giving to the takers because that is what is for the "greater good" (but the loot will go to the hierarchy).
That is the definition of evil when it comes to government. We are moving very rapidly toward the end. Watch for President Obama never leaving office...
They are good at redefining reality!
At the top, in the really old days was God who gave divine right to monarchs 2nd spot working down, who had a group of supporters henchmen, Barons, protective echelon, who supervised everything from Bankers to Enablers and political parties. this is where it crosses the left to right system. next moochers and 'the faithful' and on do to citizens, people, and flyovers of various who cares descriptions oh yes and baby factories and draftees.
Two things.
Above God is a group sometime called the Establishment.
At the point where one crosses the others are something called media and educators. they slide along for the ride sort of clearing the way.
There is an escape hatch.
Climb down the vertical bar and jump off to the land of expats and others who aren't playing the game anymore. it's a long walk back to the point on solid earth that is beneath the center point marked Constitution or any of it's major ideas but the scenery is magnificent.
Now the whole thing is automated and sort of flys between two extremes NYC and LA.
Looking down those on top see what they call flyover country. Nothing important. Occasionally see people. Not worth commenting on.
Down below people look up and as the parade passes look at each other and comment.
What bunch of amazing a**holes.
Armed with this system everything makes sense except the parts that make no sense.
Dangling down is a sort of hose. watch out for that. it's a vacuum It takes all cents.
And that's how it works. complete non sense turned into an understandable fiction of reality or is it reality of friction.
The friction, uplift and subduction of tectonic plates eventually leads to an earthquake.
The same principles apply to politics...and there's a LOT of "stress" building up.
my middle is a dividing line called viabilty. I guess only letting the female side of the equation choose is endorsement of baby factories and fun donors?
The "middle" Is compromising/sacrificing your self-interest or your knowledge of what is best for you for the sake of another or the hope that "approval of others" will trump your ability to own yourself.
Think of Peter Keating/Katherine.
Where is or more properly where was the political center of the USA?
Washington wants you to think that it is "Right vs. left" (whatever that is supposed to mean) but in reality it has been a subtle whittling away of individual rights.
IDK if there wan't a "center" that was created by these evil people in order to move toward it and justify the slow enslavement of the individual.
Using the Constitution (since no one else is) as the Center ....if you believe ....
Government Controls People = Left
(by their choice)
People control Government = Right
(using the space abandoned by the King who did the Ruler by Divine Right trick
But Citizens Controlling Government was the whole point of the Constitution. Nothing mugwump about it.
Took about two decades for the former established aristocracy to star whittling away and re-institute neo- feudalism
Extremists the right Anarchists.
Not much population in those areas any more.
Extremists to the left Communists and Nazis or International and and National Socialism. Secular Progressives, Socialists including Democrats and Rino Republicans who are the right wing of the left
Use that system everything is clear.
Power is seductive to all but the very best men...and they don't seek political office.
Yes, obviously there is the "black and white" of reason. Establishing the context in which black and white is shown to clearly exist is the difficult part! Those constantly looking only for black and white, at the exclusion of the immensity of the gray, must lead desperately unhappy lives!
Guilty as charged ...both your actions.