Veteran beaten to death in routine traffic stop for missing front license plate
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 8 months ago to Video
This is another example of cops wielding too much power, and acting with a pack mentality. Who is hiring these people who clearly cannot be trusted with the power they've been given.
The video is interesting because the woman filming is narrating and reacting to what is taking place on the street in front of her. This is a travesty.
The video is interesting because the woman filming is narrating and reacting to what is taking place on the street in front of her. This is a travesty.
Its here and we may expect to see growing numbers of these kind of incidents.
Article 2, section 1, clause 5 (how many times do I have to teach this?)
The President must be a "natural born citizen". The Founding Fathers did not use flowery language in the Constitution for its own sake. To them, there were different classes or types of citizenship. Among these would be "Natural born", "Native born", "Naturalized" and "Non."
They do NOT mean the same thing, and for a reason.
A native born citizen is one who is born in the U.S. an example of a native born citizen is Barack Obama.
A naturalized citizen is one who goes through a legal process to be declared a citizen. An example of this would be Arnold Schwarzenegger.
A non citizen is someone who is not,in any way, a citizen. An example of this can be found on most any construction site or in the parking lot of your local Home Depot...
But a "natural born citizen" is someone who is born a citizen to citizen parents. The parents can be naturalized, but they must be citizens at the time of the child's birth.
The reasoning behind this stems from the nature of the ruling class, the aristocracy, of Europe. King George III, the monarch from whom we wished independence, was the first British monarch of his name to speak English as his first tongue. His predecessors spoke German first, being the heads of the Hanover Dynasty.
A little over a century after the War of Independence, Queen Victoria's grandson took his rightful place of rule; he was Kaiser Wilhelm, of Germany.
The aristocracy of Europe was inbred for a millennium at least by the time of the War of Independence, and quite often the decisions of European monarchs was based more on their relationships and interactions with other European monarchs than on the needs and desires of their own citizenry.
The Founding Fathers hoped to protect us from that kind of thing by requiring the commander in chief to have no divided loyalties. To be, in the 2nd generation, American. Only.
::deep breath::
This is how the rule of rational just & fair law dies & is replaced with brute tyrany & the rule of force.
Those who aren't familiar with the Kelly Thomas case should look it up. It is probably the most brutal example of this kind of thing. It was a total snuff job that happened to be filmed without the cops knowing it. Then, the officers all got off. I've never even known of anything quite like that story. And, I think it is a good example of what can happen to any of us.
I didn't give specific numbers, although I did find 'em--I was not sure of the source. Start with Wikipedia.
The reason? The following experience. In Norther Texas during a bodacious blizzard my son (14 yrs. at the time) and I were stopped at a road block by a state trooper wearing cold weather gear that wasn't up to the task of keeping him protected from the blowing snow and freezing temperatures. He was re-directing traffic to another route. I told my son what a great job this guy was enduring under really bad conditions. I then proceeded on our way as directed by the cop. After just a few minutes I say a red light blinking in my rear view mirror. I was driving about 30 miles per hour, and there was nowhere to pull over that wasn't ice, so I slowed more and did not stop. I told my son that there must be a bad wreck somewhere down the road--the cop car was coming on really fast. He threw his cruiser in front of my car; I was sure I was going to crash into him, but I managed to stop within maybe an inch or two of his car.
To make this account shorter let me just say that the reason for this chase was that I had miss-understood the cops directions, and was driving on the closed road.
As the cop charged up to my car, I started to roll down my window. In a crouched position, with his hand on his side-arm he SCREAMED "GET OUT OF THE CAR," repeating the same over and over. I got out of the car. He grabbed my right arm and threw me stomach first against he car; frisked me, etc., all the while screaming (I don't remember what). When I finally understood what he was scream-saying, I tried to explain my action(s). He demanded my drivers license. I had the good sense to had him both my license and my military I.D. card. As soon as he saw my I.D. card he calmed down some.
Now, consider this fact. These days many more completely innocent Americans are killed by cops than there are American Military people killed in combat!
Never mind my humiliation. (Consider non-mooch's link) What might have happened to my son???!!!??
My God, what have we come to?!? And, what are we going to do about it???
Did you lodge a complaint? Did he remove the cuffs? were you hauled to jail? how traumatic for both you and your son. My grown children will tell you, they are more nervous about policemen then they are about crime in their neighborhood. what does that tell us?
Another example of thugs with badges... some join the force to serve and protect... some to have their way.
Just more abuse of power. They know they will not be held accountable...
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton
I know one personally. A woman I went to school with. She has told me some stories... it would seem she is in the minority around here.
The cops around here would die of exhaustion, trying to beat everyone who doesn't have a front license plate.
We don't have front license plates...
I'm not advocating universal laws, but training and commonsense application of reason by law enforcement. If a cop in a non-left turn on red observes this action they should properly pull over the car. If they observe that the license plate is from a different state, or that the drivers license of the driver is from a different state, then they should inform them of that state's law on such and let them go.
However, we've done such a job of hamstringing cops and judges that there is little discretion permitted anymore. Granted this is because they used discretion inappropriately in the past and it was thought that removing the discretion would be better - but now we get kids suspended from school for biting a pop-tart into the shape of a gun.
Check your privilege, people.
"The veteran is African American, and the cop is European American."
FIFY, racist...