What do we think about Puerto Rico's Default
Self governing territory will not set up austerity measures to address this long-foreseen problem.
What do we think about the issue?
Was it contributed to by being a territory vs state?
Can/should this show up on the 2016 election?
What do we think about the issue?
Was it contributed to by being a territory vs state?
Can/should this show up on the 2016 election?
My bet is that the Feds bail them out by paying off that $2 billion hidden in an appropriations bill.
Vicious cycle.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Withhold the fish, and maybe someone teaches them self how to fish.
Unless someone deems the fish is an endangered species and there are too many individuals learning how to fish......
Here I sit, broken hearted,
Came to shit and only farted.
Here I sit, broken hearted,
paid my dime and only farted.
lol, I heard about how it used to cost a dime from my grandfather whenever I asked to stop to use a rest room. Its funny what one remembers.
When they vote no, kick them loose as an independent country with all that entails.
Not sure if anyone has seen the stories on the 'medical slavery' in Cuba. They train their doctors (admittedly very well) and a big source of revenue for the government is to pimp them out to other Latin & South American countries. The Cuban doctors & nurses have to report to work in wherever, the Cuban government stacks them 5-high in 1 bedroom apartments, charges the host country $10,000+ a month each, and only pays them about $300 plus room & board.
Statehood would resolve the whole budget mess by imposing a requirement to balance the budget.
Want to take odds on how that would turn out??
Overall more of an in your face benefit.
What do you mean?
Those that have an opinion any way. The no opinion/do not know crowd is always regrettably large.
Then do the same for all "public" lands in the USA.
Come to think of it give PR to the Chinese.
With money comes influence, so it can't be too long before a Caribbean country is persuaded to allow berthing Chinese warships. The Monroe doctrine has long been toast.
Since I won't use the word for that bastard failed system of Marx, Engels, and Sanders, I'll put it this way.
"Capitalism with a Conscience."
No more 20th Century Motors, Ma Chalmers, slave systems.
Capitalism in action, brought to you by a nefarious Communist society, which still believes in "Workers of the World, Unite".
...and Mao would either be abjectly horrified... or very, very proud...
So what is the reason for retaining them?
Votes? If they qualify to votes they should be regularized in the system of the country and not as their Governor wants held as just another welfare mecca. no pride, no reason to exist hell they refuse to learn English No attempt to join with nor meld with the nation as a whole. Partly because they are not welcome.
Why prolong the agony Giver them their Independence and a couple years worth of change over budget Pretty soon it will be just a another Caribbean vacation spot with a lot of maquiladore operations. and larger factory operations.
Unlike Panama they have no reason to exist as a vassal property of the USA.
However there is a fly in the ointment. Why should Puerto Rico NOT declare default. They would after all only be following the example set for them by Bush II and O Bamba. in 2008 and the following years.
Maybe all the States shiould do the same thing which would tend to destroy this misbegotten spawn of hell from Washington DC.
Puerto Rico
American Samoa
Washington DC
In ordure of importance.
Puerto Rico
American Samoa
Washington DC
In ordure of importance.
I'm sure many a millionaire would pay a premium for relatively untouched lands with beautiful mountain views.
Add the incentive of a Gulch with several years of tax abatement...
territories, not businesses, not bureaucracies, not
this is why we owe nineteen trillion! -- j
The last time I was there was after the Cuban missile crisis when I was a midshipman practicing naval assaults storming the beaches of Vieques, Roosevelt Roads had a substantial naval facility and was a welcome respite for our squadron. And time moves on, not always forward.
They just like the states and the usa government are getting their just deserts.
the best part of living in P.R. is that they don't need heat in their homes and they can live off of the see all the while drinking rum to soften their misery
How?...I have no clue except showing my proverbial bow finger for all to see...a meaningless gesture these days. I've not much enthusiasm for much else at this point.
Maybe tomorrow I will feel differently...