Texas Attorney General Abbott to BLM-"Come and take it."
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 10 months ago to Government
The rule of law is in place so crony govt pet agencies, BLM in particular here, cannot just swoop in and do what they please through intimidation. The line is drawn in the sand. I think Texas will win.
And they wonder why so many of us are armed?? As for Congress, it doesn't seem that any of them really care much what Congress does or doesn't do.
Lessee... Homburg hats? Naw, too problematic, as some people would have to wear other types of hats.
Identical neckties? Same problem - some people couldn't do that. (Well, there *are* the round hemp variety, but I digress...)
I got it! How about a snazzy armband, everyone can wear one, all the same color. We need a logo on it, tho... just to show it's an official armband. That's the ticket!
Is Harry Reid the "Bud Abbott" here?
What the heck is going on? It's like a Grand Conspiracy is in operation with land grabs and all that.
Of course such a conspiracy would extend back into the Bush and Clinton years where the BLM has been following a long-term planned execution of a scheme to grab land et cetera.
Far fetched?
Actually their first act will probably be to nationalize the Guard to enforce it. Gone are the days of the State Militias standing in the way of "progress"...
On another note, I don't understand how people can think the way they do, that because they train like military, that it makes them some sort of untouchable authority over me. It's unacceptable. I do not recognize that sort of "law". It is against every single principle this sovereign nation was founded upon! Intimidation, force used against people exercising their free will!?! A dictator is running things and clearly needs to be stopped. The how of it, though, requires backbone, which is sorely lacking in Congress, or in most other elected patsies in office.
Depends on a few ideas that are percolating where my husband works...
While I so love our home and business in Jefferson, perhaps it's time to return to the Lone Star Republic...
We have to get the guns out of those idiots hands when they're on the job, Then we have to get rid of them.
*Mimi goes to watch a rerun of Rawhide*
That is why so many have come back with their lives destroyed from all the places they were never supposed to be sent to like Afghanistan
I paid $50 a box at Wild Sports a few days ago. I paid $60 a month ago at Big 5. STS Guns has .44 mag at $42 a box.
Lessee... TX N.G. to the south, OK N.G. to the north, BLM in the middle. Could be the biggest tactical error since the Little Big Horn...
(for the simple-minded in the audience: republic = rule of law; democracy = rule of the majority.)