Liberty Movement Rising in Clark County, Nevada : Personal Liberty
We have all heard the old story of the debate within the ancient Roman government over the idea of forcing the slave population to wear distinct armbands so that they could be more easily identified among the regular population. The concept was rejected on the realization that if the slaves were given a visual confirmation of their considerable numbers and strength, they would be encouraged to revolt against the Roman tyrants. That is to say, as long as the slaves felt isolated, they would remain apathetic and powerless.
The government should remember its history, least it should be forced to repeat it.
Not a slow change like the turning of the ship of state or the pace of nature. A snap change like the release of the pent up energy of a lightening storm. It almost became an explosion in the desert of Nevada. The explosion wasn't extinguished. Only a slower fuse was installed. But the forces arrayed against a small time rancher in that desert won't make the same mistake of allowing a week or more for the word to get out and for citizens to respond against them again.
Make no mistake. Leviathan doesn't give up it's power easily. There will be an explosion. There will be blood. There will be many lives wasted in courts and prisons around the nation. The storm is coming.
As the article continues, "The reality was much the opposite. Liberty groups arrived in droves and were staunchly unified — not by a centralized leadership, but in defense of the basic moral principles outlined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Sources on the ground at the Bundy ranching operation relayed to me that at least 1,000 activists and militia members arrived over the weekend, with many more on the way."
I think the results might be widespread with the Patriot movement. Thank you.
The price of freedom isn't duly noting and cataloging the crimes of the tyrants, it's *fighting back*.