We Love You, Morons, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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Are most people too stupid, ignorant, and benighted to comprehend truth in the sciences, appreciate beauty in the arts, and embrace wisdom in politics? That question captures the bedrock assumption guiding a sliver of the populace, a self-anointed elite who cover their disdain for everyone else with altruistic professions of humanitarian concern. They’re curiously contradictory posture: we despise common tastes, choices, and beliefs, but we stand four square for the common “folk” (one of President Obama’s favorite words). After over a century of such sententiousness, the “common folk” are beyond irritated. Before the charade blows up completely, however, this claim to intellectual, aesthetic, and moral superiority, its widespread acceptance and its devastating effects, must be dissected, analyzed, and understood.

This is an excerpt. For the full article, please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: http://straightlinelogic.com/2016/03/31/we-love-you-morons-by-robert-gore/

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    Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 8 months ago
    Wonderful article!! It reminds me of a scene in my home town. In a triangular intersection a "work of art" was put up that resembled nothing more than weirdly shaped twisted giant orange I-beams with cables connecting the edges to the ground. Upon the morning ribbon cutting of the multi-million dollar scrap heap, the county executive proclaimed it as a great art work. Then, in the afternoon, she bemoaned that there wasn't enough money in the budget to buy new computers for the local high schools. Meanwhile the little gangsta darlings are busy spray painting their gang-sign graffiti all over the area, which is now referred to as "urban art". We Love You, Morons! NOT!!!
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      Same thing happened in Berkeley, California where offshore sculptures began to populate the near shore waters of the east bay coast line. This translated to onshore problems. In one building construction workers cleaned up a pile of junk only to find out it was, supposedly, a multi million dollar work of art. Last heard of their were frantic searches of the city garbage dumping facilities. That was two decades ago and this crap is still polluting the nation and the nations budgets?
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  • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 8 months ago
    I went to an exhibition of modern art.
    There was just one item there on the wall I liked and spent some time in admiring - it was an air-con outlet.
    I thought about all the arts that went into its design, manufacture and placement. Then there were the aspects of cost and value concerning the choice of that design of outlet, and of the gallery and exhibition.

    I did not get close to search but I think that unlike the other items on the wall no artist's name or title were on or near the outlet.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 8 months ago
    Robert ...i look forward to articles from you and i am never dissappointed...
    i have been with my girlfriend for over 9 years...her heart is in the right place on America, yet in her mind she is unable to figure things out...she despises what is being done to our country by politicans...initially thrilled with Trump and now disillusioned with him...at a loss to put it all together...
    the govt school system has created so many "good citizens" unable to think their way out of a paper bag...she is slowly getting it and enjoys reading and talking about your articles...we appreciate the insightful work...
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 8 months ago
    Spot on Robert...yes, we are the 'Elite" on the street, the creators, the producers, the doers...and our unassigned rulers are in fact: the great unwashed and consequently, found so often: wanting.
    The fight for survival I document in my writings are as you state: "The shrieking you hear is from those who have perpetrated fraud, recognizing that without their ill-gotten and undeserved power and status, they are nothing and have nothing to offer that anybody else would want. Don’t expect them to give it all up without a hellacious fight."

    This IS...The Fight for Conscious Human Life.
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  • Posted by dwlievert 8 years, 8 months ago
    After reading your simply outstanding historical “overview,” I feel guilty I didn’t eagerly consume it when you first posted it!

    I take it as a superbly-crafted, matter-of-fact narrative of what is, at least to any objective student of history, the obvious. It is both somberly instructive and, dare I say it, inspiring in its optimism!

    Optimistic because it is no coincidence that a few short years following Gutenberg’s invention, beginning with the ending of the Catholic Church’s 1500 year dominance of Europe, followed grudgingly by “royalty’s” partnership in same, the seeds of freedom and its ultimate expression, Capitalism, were planted.

    The Internet is likewise today planting seeds. We may go through drought, plague, or the continuing attempted destruction of said seeds, but they will, as they did 600 years ago, invariably sprout, grow, and produce the identical fruit as they did previously.

    This time they are likely to be aided in their spectacular bounty by a rejection of the prevailing morality that poisons them. An individual will come to be understood as having the unimpeded right to their own life, having no obligation to any other higher purpose, unless it is one of their own personal choosing.

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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 8 months ago
    We love you and are going to take care of you -- just so long as you listen and do what we tell you to do. We are the powerful ones. Power makes us wise. Our wisdom is for your benefit.
    Those people who keep disappearing? Oh, those. They were the ones who questioned our wisdom. You don't want to disappear too, do you?
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 8 months ago
    Those three blank or white-painted canvases that pretend to be art remind me of an experience an art teacher told me of when I was a teen and a wannabe artist.
    Art teacher went to an art show. He saw a white canvas beside a black canvas (also of the same size).
    Each "painting" came with a seperate title.
    The white canvas was called "White Rabbit In A Snow Field."
    The black canvas was called "Black Cat In A Coal Bin."
    I think this side-by-side display was more an attempt at humor than anything else.
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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 8 years, 8 months ago
    Unfortunately the evidence to date says that the majority of human beings do not understand very much or much care to. I very deeply wish this was not so. But Ayn Rand knew it and it is clear in her writings that she knew it, especially The Fountainhead. We don't get ot pretend about any aspect of reality - certainly not because we are afraid of being called "elite". Why is it wrong to be other than "average" or "no better than anyone else" in any way whatsoever?

    It is certainly true there is a lot of fake superiority. But the measure of the superior or the great can never be reduced to mere popular opinion.

    The answer to all this is true meritocracy.

    Actually we are in one of the longest peace periods (at least in wars among nations) in history and a period of massive declines in violent crimes. In any case blaming experts as such is rather populist nonsense.
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