Like I said on the original post, Reid has several lies within this rant of his. First, this has nothing to do with Bundy's taxes, the Bundy supporters did not have automatic weapons (really Harry?? They had machine guns??!), and they certainly did not wish harm to their children. What an asinine thing to say. Reid's goal here is drum up support for his agenda and have an excuse for an invasion on the Bundy ranch. He is attempting to rile up citizens against other AMERICA. He's a disgusting human being and for life of me I do not understand why the Mormon church has not excommunicated his ass....or this country. How can anyone vote for someone who says these things? How DO they justify the millions they are spending to harass Bundy when Bundy only owes one million. Oh wait...he doesn't HAVE to justify it...because he's above the law. WAKE UP AMERICA! Reid, and many other corrupt heads, need to go!.
Harry needs to go? How long has he been there? Is it perhaps time to boycott Vegas and Reno? How would those Nevada voters vote if they got to pay all the other taxes like the rest of us instead of getting a bunch of relief from the Casinos? Actually none of this seems to make any difference anyway. After all Obama was reelected even with all the facts and figures. Why should Harry's reelection be any different?
I had a friend that was a senior BLM "person." He worked his way up from basic hire to a pretty high level. During that time I never would have thought that the BLM could become an armed military forces of the Federal Government. My friend went unarmed and was concerned with the health of the creatures that were native to the land. He did things like build water stations for birds and animals. He was a very nice and honest civil servant. I say Servant because he sought to serve. What I see with the Reid, and the BLM operations would have to be seen as something that we innocents read about these days that happen to other people in other place like Putins attempt to take of the Ukraine for example. The government armed forces include not only the BLM, but the Internal Revenue Service, FBI, etc., Park Service, etc., etc., and the biggest Army of all, HOMELAND SECURITY!
In the new lingo of the day, WTF?
This really pushes my buttons.
What? Am I just too naive to see the way things are supposed to be.
Harry Reid only goes before the press to change out feet in his mouth! He is the prime example why term limits should be imposed on Senators and Representatives. WE THE PEOPLE stand with the Bundy family. Can it be possible that the tipping point has finally been reached and America will return to the land of the free and the home of the brave? We can only hope and pray!
My opinion is that Harry Reid is a crook. If the mainstream media were doing their jobs, they would ask what old Harry has to gain by getting the rancher off that land, which just happens to be adjacent to Harry's wind farm, or how he might profit from expanding that field , and maybe sharing the land for profit with the Chinese developing the nearby town for gambling interests. But, the mainstream media is in the tank with the Bilderberg group and will do nothing but look stupid.
Good find Rich. I was talking with a friend of mine in the hardware store today and while discussing some of the people running for office in our area it came around to Harry talking about this very subject. A co-worker of his said "they are domestic terrorist!". I just ignored her and finished my conversation then selected my sandpaper. When I left my friend followed me out the door and said that she totally believes what she said, she loves obummer and she thinks ocare is the best thing to ever happen. He said he hates to work anywhere near her and what do with people like her that are so totally clueless. I think it's like AR said "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Leave them alone."
You missed your chance to change an opinion. When a person is most adamant about their position is when they are most vulnerable to change it. Brainwashing 101. Let me at her. :)
When the revolution comes, she will be a Tory. If she survives she will discover the real world is much more competitive and unyielding. Until then, she is a waste of effort.
Next time simply say “No, he is not.” Our brain reacts oddly when confronted with the opposite of what we are thinking and saying when we are emotionally charged about the topic. For her to say with any feeling” Yes, he is a terrorist” she has unwittingly opened the door to a subconscious pattern that involves the brain's willingness to reach out and receive information that will calm her down. Say the opposite in a boring, emotionless, monotone pitch. “No, he is not.” then drop it, walk away. Trust me, halfway through the day she will be rethinking her position not really understanding why.
Exactly. When you come across a fool like that it's best to leave them alone. I was disappointed in the audience reaction to Reid's comment. No matter what side you are on that was over the top. I would have expected to hear groans and mumbling or maybe one person shouting but nothing.
Weasels are a noble family of animals, and are cute and fuzzy. Reid is none of those, and to compare him to a weasel is unfair to weasels everywhere. I think Dirty Harry would be more aptly compared to a single celled organism, maybe something comparable to the scuzz that forms around the water line in an un-cleaned toilet bowl.
People of all political stripes should be outraged over comments like that. I wonder if it was planned? The Feds probably realize a confrontation is inevitable.
as an occasional visitor to Vegas and NTS during my 33 years in oak ridge, I was able to enjoy the area and the residents a bit -- and still hope to, when we visit Front Sight this year!
I say we make an example out of Harry Reid, everyone should donate to his competitors campaigns and do everything possible to remove this snake from office. Show him what the will of the people means.
Harry "Worthless Warlocks" Reid stands behind a microphone spewing his rhetoric to some that will listen. Those few laugh and joke about something that really is not comical. But as I said they stand behind that wall shaking in their carcasses and lying through their teeth. Reid knows no truth.
They are "terrorist" if terrorist means anyone involved in conflict who you disagree with. The word is meaningless. I did not read the article, but I suspect Reid is saying that because he's out of arguments and resorting to name-calling. "Terrorism" has no meaning.
Your comment is right on point and no one in their right mind could disagree. He has been delusional for many years and there's no cure for him.
Fred Speckmann
In the new lingo of the day, WTF?
This really pushes my buttons.
What? Am I just too naive to see the way things are supposed to be.
For if it were, he would not now be alive to spout off.
Who Is John Galt?
I think Dirty Harry would be more aptly compared to a single celled organism, maybe something comparable to the scuzz that forms around the water line in an un-cleaned toilet bowl.
Buh-bye, Harry. So long.