Al Sharpton Enters Dangerous Water, Makes Easter Message About Crucifixion and Resurrection of Obama
Reverend Al manifesto thumping for the holy church of Marx and its holy prophet Obama.
I've said it before, Marxism is a *religion*
I've said it before, Marxism is a *religion*
But wait. Did I spell his name wrong? I think I did not.
And I wholeheartedly agree.
I'm sure there's a Federal alphabet agency to address people like you with a SWAT team!
baby the title of Royal Baby
We don't have Royalty here and left England many years ago to become a democracy
Although I do have to agree that we have people in our present administration who might think they are
In fact we have someone who stood before the American people and said she hated America and look where she is today
In a democracy I gues its alright to say anything which is our right
Hi, Blarman; O yeah, I'm going there. I wanted to stay as close to his name as I could.
Another oxygen thief flapping his jaws.