TEASER ALERT: Want to be part of the cinematic legacy of Atlas Shrugged?
Prepare yourself... you're going to be part of Atlas Shrugged history.
This July we'll tell you how you can play a vital role in the film.
This July we'll tell you how you can play a vital role in the film.
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What do you mean? The lapel pin is a U and an S: http://lh4.ggpht.com/ROIsSVgaqjKA4JVHYJW...
I would like to play a journalist who hasn't sold out to the State.
My husband and I were married at the lodge in Ouray, Colorado where Ayn Rand stayed while researching the area that in her imagination became Galt's Gulch.
40 miles to the gallon is just one. How about a list that was going around the troops for an attack on Hanoi that was or may have been a mass desertion of sorts. Was that the real
reason we pulled out. How many coverups has
happened to projects that would have helped the
world. Hooray for Gault. Junkman
Thank You~
1) Self employed in a wildly over regulated industry.
2) Love Rand, Objectivism, and AS.
3) Can afford to go. :)
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