Parents Outraged After School Gives Students Really Questionable Advice on Dealing With Bullies

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 5 months ago to News
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I wrote an article entitled "The Bully Box" a long while ago showcasing this type of idiocy. Sadly, it appears to have only gotten worse. Our kids shouldn't stick up for themselves? They should depend on authority to save the day? Hogwash!

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  • Posted by MattFranke 10 years, 5 months ago
    When I was a boy, my pappy taught me to never start a fight, and most importantly, to never stand down from one. Always try to reason with the person, if possible; but when that fails, the only way to get a bully to cease and desist is to let them know the boundary, and let them know when they cross it. A bully doesn't understand reason, only force; and that is the means with which one must communicate with them.
    Like an out-of-control child, if not kept in check, they will continue to push, and to cross the line, and then the next, and then next. Before you know it, you're cornered. Kinda sounds familiar doesn't it?
    Speaking of keeping bullies in check, Cheers to Cliven Bundy and all his supporters!!!! On to Diamond Bar Ranch!!
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 5 months ago
      You are right. A bully only understands force and pain. I was a bully's worst nightmare when I was young. I used to relish catching a bully in the act and stopping them cold.

      Just recently, 35 years later, I was thanked by an old school friend for cracking a bully in the jaw. That felt pretty good...
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 5 months ago
    If somebody physically hurts you just show that you are hurt - don't get angy?

    Um...I don't teach my kids this. I teach them to not get hurt. I teach them to use their minds to avoid being bullied. But, if backed in a corner, to defend themselves. Kids should know how to defend themselves.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 5 months ago
    I, too, was one of the "bullied" by the "gang" of bullies in school. Went on for years (and was fed the same psychobabble this pamphlet spews by the "Well meaning administrators") until I had enough and beat the living tar out of 2 of said group... who then turned me in for beating the you know what out of them. (Looking back, I can say "What did I expect..." but then it just showed them as even worse wimps than they perceived me of being... Oops!)

    1 - I got 3 weeks detentions for "fighting and violence", which after the 3rd day I was told by the babysitter, er, "detention teacher" I didn't have to show up - I was covered, just keep my head down. =~)

    2 - After one feeble attempt to return to their old status quo (during, of all things, a gym class), which ended when I grabbed a convenient softball bat and took off swinging after them (with shouts behind me of "Lookit her go" and "Get'em!"), the bullies not only stopped their jacka$$ery, but avoided me altogether. They'd even turn around in the hall rather than come face to face with me. Must've been channeling some Anne Bonney or something... or maybe she was channeling Susanne. Heh heh heh...

    3 - My group of "associates" - ok, some were even friends - grew exponentially. And yet some of my old pals (who were also on the "most picked on list") started avoiding me as well. Guess they liked being cast in the victim role or something... Bleah!

    SO when I read that schools are STILL foisting this "blame the target, praise the attacker" psychobabble on kids to deal with a bully some almost 40 years later, it makes me furious. Mad enough to look for a softball bat again!! --lol--
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
      Something very similar happened to me several times. Unfortunately I attended three high schools in four years and had to keep "proving" that I wasn't anyone's patsy. Sure none of those times were nice. I certainly didn't "win" each fight. But once punks know you're willing to stand they move on to someone who won't (like those who listen to this BS nonsense) .
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  • Posted by SRS66East 10 years, 5 months ago
    I think we can call this approach to bullying the "go gently into that good night approach". No thanks, I'm teaching my girls to stick up for themselves. Bully pushed you? ... Push them back, Bully spews garbage out of their mouth about you? ... Spew some back, Suspended from school for sticking up for yourself? ... ok we'll use this time to go to an amusement park. Eat that public schools, I am the parent and I will undermine your propaganda and be sure my children see it for what it is.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 5 months ago
    Sooo, bullies AREN'T an enemy, they are a friend that we should let walk all over us so we don't provoke them into more bullying? What the hell is happening? The world has gone backwards and it will keep happening until WE stop it. ALL parents who received this should be at the school's front door in an outrage because other wise they are allowing the school to bully THEIR kids into believing bullshit. Why don't they teach taking a stand for what you believe in instead. THIS is the reason why we are losing our freedoms...teaching kids that laying down and taking is the right thing to do. And then they grow up and vote for weak, unprincipled, utopia promisers. Here's my suggested pamphlet for bullying. "Bullies are evil and need to be confronted or they won't stop. Do not be a door mat. Speak up and point them out and call them what they are. Avoid a physical incident, but if he touches you, fight back hard. It's your right to defend yourself and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise."
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
      As I wrote once and as I one said to a teacher, Bullies are kids that haven't experienced their boundaries. The entire social experience of Grade and High School is to personally define what you can and can't get away with; to learn lessons. A black eye or bloody lip because you said something about someone's sister or mother is a great lesson that kids don't soon forget. Kids can handle kids problem (95% of the time). Wuss' need not apply. I can tell you the inspiration behind my Bully Box article sometime.
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      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 5 months ago
        Yes...And when you're the one being bullied you learn to toughen up and take a stand or put up with it. It's a risk reward thing. Important lessons to learn. Do tell :)
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        • Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
          I'm trying to find the article online. It was a long time ago and I may not remember it completely. The article was written within days of the encounter. I'll link it when I located it.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 5 months ago
    There are a lot outraged people in the world.

    It reminds me of an issue where a kid hit my 5 year old with a hula hoop. We were talking about it in the school.
    "Just avoid those people who play rough."
    "What if they come bother me?"
    "Tell a teacher."
    "What if the teachers don't come and they keep bothering me?"
    "The teachers will help, but if they don't just grab a hula hoop and swing it hard with so the fastest moving part hits his face."

    I'm not sure if the teachers heard me, but they may have. People need a Leviathan, in this case in the form of teachers who don't tolerate unwanted roughness.
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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 5 months ago
    I often got picked on and teased in grade school, but there was only ever one time where another kid actually tried to beat me up. The key word there is *tried.* It didn't turn out so well for him...
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