Hi, I'm new here, name's Lukenbocker
Posted by lukenbocker 11 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
Well, I'm new here. I had to wait for Part II to come on Netflix. I can't wait for Part III, I'll have to view that in the theater (if we're allowed to next year). It is sad to me to see what can and most likely will happen if our country continues on its current path. Every little freedom that is taken, every additional penny taxed (I mean taken) is one step closer to the death of our great nation. I would hope that once the NSA has eliminated this kind of communication that we will still be able to find each other and strive for the greatness that our founding fathers envisioned.
Consider joining or starting an Atlas Shrugged reading group.
And welcome to the gulch.!