"Bridge of Spies"
Posted by deleted 8 years, 11 months ago to Movies
"Bridge of Spies" illustrates the stark contrast between the material wealth of the United States and the abysmal poverty of East Germany during the Cold War. Its tone is that of an optimistic American and the film's protagonist, James Donovan.
Without revealing the plot structure and important outcomes, it would be remiss not to mention Donovan's commitment to life and reason. Donovan understands himself and his love of life riding on the train in the US, providing a clear contrast to the Eastern Block.
I therefore recommend "Bridge of Spies" and I believe it will shift your focus and give you reason to stand with the moral ambitiousness and courage of America. America as you know it should be.
Without revealing the plot structure and important outcomes, it would be remiss not to mention Donovan's commitment to life and reason. Donovan understands himself and his love of life riding on the train in the US, providing a clear contrast to the Eastern Block.
I therefore recommend "Bridge of Spies" and I believe it will shift your focus and give you reason to stand with the moral ambitiousness and courage of America. America as you know it should be.
Add a vowel. Latin to Latino...Works for me.