Drastic Sactions against Russia
Posted by strugatsky 10 years, 10 months ago to Politics
Jay Carney has just announced that the toughest sanctions to date are about to be implemented against Russia: he has personally promised to temporarily cover up the Soviet posters in his house!
That's about how effective sanctions will be against a powerful player... who, in this case, could be a valuable and natural ally at this time in history when the US needs friends.
Is it America's problem? Not for a few years. But, look back at the history of the 20th century, and you can trace every major war to prior appeasement. Any reason that this one should be any different? Of course, had America been strong economically in the first place, with well-developed energy supplies, it could easily have supplied Europe, both Western and Eastern, with energy, cutting off Russia's primary income, and none of this would have happened. Of course, our Comrade President would never do anything like that.
The thing is, I know lots of Russians and I don't know any of them that would not be vaguely annoyed with those posters hanging around in the kitchen like that.