I am Looking for people to talk to

Posted by omniscientMind 8 years, 11 months ago to News
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I am in need of more objectivists. I need people who will discuss with me the ideals of Ayn Rand. I wish to start spreading the ideas and our beliefs who is with me?

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 11 months ago
    Welcome to the Gulch, omniscientMind. I do not claim omniscience. One of the students taking my Materials Science & Engineering exam, however, did have a T-shirt today that used periodic table elements to spell out Ge Ni U S. I am putting on a John Galt Academy Awards and Movie Night (with permission from and payment to the movie and web site producers) on 3/30 to honor my students' achievements. A fellow Gulcher is sponsoring the awards themselves.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 11 months ago
    Start the discussion. Post a comment about what particularly you'd like to talk about. There's a few of here that would welcome the conversation.
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  • Posted by JBW 8 years, 11 months ago

    You sound like the gent who wrote me an Email who signed himself Sorin Cosofrett? In any event consider this, Ayn Rand's philosophy rests on the axiomatic concept of existence. What I have done is to accpt this and to recognize existence as all around us out to infinity. My argument is simple: It seems foolish to think that out there someplace existence suddenly quits.

    Jim wright
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  • Posted by jconne 8 years, 11 months ago
    Consider these serious sources:
    HBL - Harry Binswanger List, a discussion forum and blog plus MOTM, Meeting of the Minds, a live audio conversation.

    The Undercurrent - a student publication by Objectives which is now part of:

    STRIVE - Students for Reason, Individualism, Value-pursuit and Enterprise.

    Various Ayn Rand clubs or Objectivist clubs schedule group reading and discussing books, articles and courses like the ARI philosophy course by Peikoff. The GBOC, Greater Boston Objectivist Club is up to lecture 42 of 50 lessons.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 11 months ago
    Been there.
    Done that.
    When the big split between Branden and Rand happened we disbanded the efforts. Most of the tapes and lesson plans were supplied by Branden. Things got chaotic for a while and by the time the dust settled, most of the core people had gone their separate ways, many becoming active in the budding Libertarian movement. Just a little history. Discussion groups are OK, but I would suggest formal classes on the basic principles. Perhaps someone with a background in education.
    If you have the time and the willingness to work, it could become most satisfactory.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 11 months ago
    Oh yeah. Intelligent discussion without the shackles of political correctness is the way to cleanse a mind and be yourself (at least thats the way I see it)
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  • Posted by KnowledgeisaBurden 8 years, 11 months ago
    Have researched over 5000hrs about current events since 2008, what, who, why, when. Plethora of links to intel, am curious to why most folks are not interested in knowledge and are comfortable with willful ignorance. Arostotal said: Tollerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dieing society
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    • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 11 months ago
      The worst current events period in my life happened from 2008 till today. I coincides with
      two terms . I would rather produce than participate, rather read Ayn Rand than some media brain control newspaper.
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      • Posted by KnowledgeisaBurden 8 years, 11 months ago
        Using history as a guide for evaluating current events, having the ability to desearn facts, and fighting against the willful ignorance/laziness to research are all facts supportted by the fictionious character of atlas shurugs, tho quite adapt to relating to actual events. Living in a dream state is EXactly what is desired by the psyop controillers, encourage all to watch 'State of Mind" on you tube, full length version, wake up
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        • Posted by Stormi 8 years, 11 months ago
          Thank you for stating what we are up against. From public schools which teach kids doctored history and love is the answer to all, to the TV bombardment of minds with mindless content meant to dumb down and control audiences, to the government outright brainwashing, we have a hard fight ahead.The main thing being killed, the thing we most need - REASON. If handlers wanted functioning adults, "Atlas Shrugged" would be required reading in high schools. Now, even videos are being doctored to make the person, world leadrs even, seem as if they are saying something other than what they originally said. They can reprogram the mouths and dub in new content. Have watched "State of Mind" before, but now will watch again. Also, watched several videos on brainwashing in schools, report on governent experiment to brainwash young children, an another video on how TV mesmerizes viewers.
          Welcome OmniscientMind, you see we do like to tie objectivism and the need for it to current events.
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          • Posted by KnowledgeisaBurden 8 years, 11 months ago
            Here is a 'twister', actual government report written by one of the Mensa' group who was hired for a study where they were serquestered in a military bunker. None from the group were mandated to sign a non-disclousure statement, findings SO SHOCKING in 1964 that it put a halt to the NWO, the one bush senior bragged about. Book is out of publish but found one at gun show, it is on net as a pdf file for $4. Read 'Report from Iron Mountain' This is short and ties much of the treasonous actions together to understand
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            • Posted by Stormi 8 years, 11 months ago
              Thanks for the info, Amazon still lists various versions of the book. I have heard the same conclusions about the necessity of war from the writings of economists over the years. However, in 1976, Kissinger said if they could control banks, food and oil, they could achieve NWO by 1978. Did not happen, but they are still working on it. My guess is they are substituting race war and ISIS type war, for those by countries. They have to control the sheeple somehow, and get access to all that funding to achieve their goals, while distracting the people..
              Love you screen name, definitely gift and a burden to be in the know. For a few seconds every once and a while, I wish I did not know, but I am right back trying to learn more the next moment. I hate a bunch of low IQ people like Obama and the press, guiding my life to the destruction of the US..
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              • Posted by KnowledgeisaBurden 8 years, 11 months ago
                Have worked for various engineering firms as a construction manager/inspector over QC/QA, experiancing how the 'enviroment' is used as a tool of control, methods of psycological conditioning being used for 'contol'. This program is world wide, book explains how and why, gives teeth to most who disagree with this climate warming lie, just one of the areas of control for the masses... If you wish for more of any subject pls ask I may know something about it.... Is there a particular subject you have eyes on?
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                • Posted by Stormi 8 years, 11 months ago
                  You hit on the area I have been researching for over 15 years, the environment as control. I went to high school with Tom DeWeese, who has been trying for over 20 years to educated the sheeple, via his American Policy Center, on how they are being manipulated. From municipal planning to meddling in farmers' lives - it is all about using the environment as the way to control what we eat, where we may live, stop us from driving, control who may reproduce, it is all based on pseudo science. It was all tried by Hitler, using the children. If only more people read history, or studied science. Be it UN Agenda 21/2030, or your planning commission, or your mayor, they are out to change us "for the environment", based on flawed premises. "UN Agenda 21" by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh is excellent, esp. her description of her own Romania, which is living with Agenda 21 in place. Sad.
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  • Posted by tdechaine 8 years, 11 months ago
    That is what GG should be about.
    Best to make it conversational but not to invite long dissertations about Objectivist principles with which your audience should already be familiar. Non-Obj. readers here should be enticed by the conversation to read AR but not expect an Obj. education here.
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