The Southern Poverty Law Center: Legitimate Resource or Ruling Class Alinsky Front Group? (Two Strike Policy in Effect)
Since Mark Potok and his group are cited here from time to time as a legitimate resource, I thought I'd open up discussion on it.
I say the SPLC is an Alinsky front group which was set up specifically to demonize all opponents to our Ruling Class and as “Hate Groups” thereby delegitimizing and stifling any input which that group might have in public discourse.
I submit this link to David Horowitz's Discover the Networks for you consideration
Two Strike Policy in Effect
I say the SPLC is an Alinsky front group which was set up specifically to demonize all opponents to our Ruling Class and as “Hate Groups” thereby delegitimizing and stifling any input which that group might have in public discourse.
I submit this link to David Horowitz's Discover the Networks for you consideration
Two Strike Policy in Effect
What I mean is that they engage in the tactics of Saul Alinsky.
As you said, "Their secret sauce is in labeling any group the far left disagrees with as a hate group."
This is Alinsky Tactics 101.
From what I can tell, that article is basically just trying to claim that bigotry isn't actually bigotry.
I'm a huge skeptic, and I always demand evidence for any and all claims, but I do make a point of conceding a valid argument when such evidence is presented.