Glenn Beck’s ‘Agenda 21′: Yes it can happen, because it is

Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 8 months ago to Education
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I liked the book. It was like a prequel of sorts to Anthem but had some excellent points. Agenda 21 is basically the reality of Ayn Rand's Mr. Thompson.

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  • Posted by MrSankey 10 years, 8 months ago
    Just like there are good teachers and bad teachers there are good individual loving projects and then there are others. Locally we have union 5 offering a community design project where the students act as a community planning board and a peer was sharing how excited he was about this project. I asked do they tell the students that less than 12% of the workforce are even members of a union? Do they teach individual property rights? I was informed no I'm missing the point it's about community responsibility and collective support.

    Yea I missed the point alright.
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  • Posted by KYFHO 10 years, 8 months ago
    Ten years ago I started beating the agenda 21 drum and no one would listen. No one. It then came and took away my commercial property rights and still no one would listen. Now it seems to be a big deal because it is finally affecting more and more people, but sorry folks....agenda 21 started during Bush the elder's term. He signed on to it....all unofficially of course (ha!) and now it has taken root. Also, it's evil spawn, I.C.L.E.I., which I believe is the root of common core. They have a wonderful website that even shows which cities have signed on to iclei. And the agenda is to take all your land and water rights away and to indoctrinate your children that it belongs to everyone and at the same time to no one and is to be worshipped. And gee, guess what? It's working.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 10 years, 8 months ago
      Indeed -- A21 is starting to affect more people -- I think that I am one of them, tangentially... a moratorium on commercial wells, water rights assignments -- all while I (and my neighbors) live along the Columbia, Yakima and Snake Rivers. We have a backlog of petitioners for water rights -- I was one of the last individuals to get in, then they closed it down (I have additional rights applications that will likely never see the light of day -- similar for hundreds of other land owners).
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 10 years, 8 months ago
    Another part of Agenda 21 is the elimination of private property. In part, this is done by essentially making private property useless. Case in point - I own some acreage out here in Eastern Washington State. Over the past few years, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain water right for irrigation -- this is strange since I live along the confluence of the Columbia, Snake and Yakima Rivers. Without irrigation, property here is perty much useless. Wash State Dept of Ecology is apparently taking measures to put moratoriums on commercial well drilling -- the CID (Columbia Irrigation District) has been trying to get the right to put in wells to augment the canal system - this lobbying effort has cost 15 years and many thousands of dollars - to no avail. I am in a waiting line with ~200 other property owners and 1000+ acres of land among us, that could be productive, were we to have irrigation. And so here we sit, on our property which cannot be put to use -- all while we continue to pay property taxes. To paraphrase Rand - When the producers have to seek approval from those who produce nothing, it is then that you will know your nation is doomed.
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    • Posted by KYFHO 10 years, 8 months ago
      And the feds are currently working an epa ruling that would make them, not local authorities, the rulers of all water in America. All water...on your property or not. I too live in the northwest and have watched more and more waterways taken out of owner's hands and turned over to the state for salmon habitat restoration. Even in the middle of the city. It's all control.
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  • Posted by iam124c 10 years, 8 months ago
    Re. Agenda 21: I am not sure of this, but the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge, near Lawton, Oklahoma has all the earmarks of Agenda 21. Among the earmarks, there is a HUGE fenced off area within the refuge wherein no human is ever allowed to go. I asked if this was a means of allowing nature to restore that area to the natural state. I was told, "No. Humans will never be allowed in that area again." Or words (exactly) to that effect.
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  • Posted by WBD 10 years, 8 months ago
    It was only in the last year that I discovered Agenda 21 and ICLEI, I've been pounding the anti Global Warming drum for almost 10 years. At least I was on one rail of the right track.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 10 years, 8 months ago
      I've been pounding the same anti-GW drum for quite some time. The response I usually get, from liberals, is its for the good of the planet. Most folks are so stupid they believe the lefty talking points without doing their own research into the studies which support GW/Climate change/whatever. All are flawed, not proven science at all.
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  • Posted by $ johnrobert2 10 years, 8 months ago
    I think I posted about Agenda 21 several months ago, warning about it. Concerned the attempted takeover of another ranch in Nevada. And Dirty Harry's non-efforts in stopping it.
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