More Code Words
Posted by UncommonSense 9 years ago to Politics
Do you believe everything the MSM says or reports on? No? OOooh. You might be a conspiracy theorist since you are questioning their inability to use logic and question things that don't match up. This is all 'for the children' of course...yeah, nobody will disagree with that. Enjoy.
And since when did the government instigated CUT in my retirement buying power get cut from the COLA computations.
That is exactly how they repudiate the debt by sticking it to the old people and the retirees.
A fine is a tax on getting caught
Showing their own perverted successes in history backwards until the beginning...
Progressivism: Confounding your language since the Fall of Babylon...
The first time I heard "for the children," it was with Hitlery's voice when her Teflon hubby was smiling in the Oval Office.
I understand the Austrian critics of that whole idea, which I'm not debating here. I'm saying Keynesian economics is not about gov't spending, unless you also say it's about tax cuts during expansions and cutting spending during expansions.
There should be a different word for the thing you're describing.
We need two words. One for the Keynes they teach in school and another for what you're describing.
"It patriotic to pay your taxes"
What a sham.
Hmmm, sounds vaguely familiar.
But the two focal initial focal points were found in France and the British Colonies of North America. The latter decided mankind was able of ruling itself and a subset was mankind could come to the aid of it's neighbors without absorbing them as payment. Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States of America and the Monroe Doctrine gave the world the idea that government chosen by free and free thinking responsibile citizens using ballots instead of bullets was a worthy and attainable goal. If the citizens were responsible in their choice of government and kept control. In the end they ended with a new version of the same old ruling class dressed in new verbiage.
For a while the idea was Citizens over Government supplanted the old idea of Divine Right of Monarchs with mans ability to divine meaning to discover or intuit as it's replacement. The source of power became the thinking citizen. For a while. It required two co equal words rights and responsibilities.
The French version ended with a new version of the old ruling class and gave birth to other thoughts we now call socialism, fascism, communism, marxism, which spread throughout Europe eventually the Far East to China. It held that some would always be rulers and some would always be powerless citizens. Government Over Citizens or the Left resulted.
From this sprang a distortion caused by the new Left wishing to present itself as the Center of Political and Philosophical thought.
In the USA they moved the signpost marked center to the center of the left and today even further to the center of the extreme left each with it's own left and right wings. Communism and Nazism therefore are left and right to a socialist extremist. Republicans and Democrats are right and left to a socialist.
But to a thinking divining responsible citizen the center remains the Constitution.
It's as simple as that. With all the reframing, redefining propaganda of each faction stripped away. Rather it was as simple of that. The major requirement of independent thinking responsible citizens controlling their employees the government is absent.
Therefore the center is where the neo aristocracy, the establishment, the exempted by Plato ruling class decides it should be in their new version of feudalism
The crowning achievement of their philosophy is the ability to make the population think otherwise and voluntarily enslave themselves.
The pen is indeed mightier than the sword. It only took redefining a few words for as you may have noticed citizens are neither free and independent nor are they educated to be responsible - the equal partner of rights is AWOL? No it was willingly abandoned as a last act of independence and an acceptance of thralldom.
It's a Republic In Name Only
the violation of man's rights (in particular, self-de-
fense) under the guise of safety for society.
He actually said borrow from yourself as long as you can afford to pay the interest. After all it's your money. Which is true if the borrower has enough time left to pay himself back.
Instead it became borrow from the umpteen generations down the line.
Lately that has retreated in time back to affecting the current generations of retirees and not in a pleasant way.
The cycle of economic repression system is- use any manufactured or available crisis to set off a major spending spree and not necessarily spending that has a real purpose other than vote buying. Nor is based on any financial reality other than steal from the future.
That leads of course to inflation which leads to devaluation. Normal stuff. What they don't mention is who pays the bill? Has to be paid the bill's are due and owing now not int he future.
The answer is by repudiating or refusing to pay the bills from those who cannot do anything about it. The elderly, the retirees, those who have unfunded retirements or funded retirements where the money became IOU's. Grandpa and Grandma...The military...those at the end of their working life
Recently the nation went bankrupt as it couldn't pay the interest nor the principal. The Crisis were toxic housing loans and ethanol /food production. Retirees took about a 30% cut in buying power. It's never been replaced.
Not counted in COLA you see. You can't COLA a bill you are refusing to pay.
But they called it a Depression.
The second round that of paying for the money borrowed to double the debt is arriving soon.
If you are nearing retirement can you survve a second 30% cut in buying power?
I was just up in Arizona. Fuel was $1.59 a gallon. NICE! Except the inevitable was already known. The prices are going to go back up through the mechanism of taxation. Sam wants his 'fair share' of the 'found money.'
As Keynes himself put it so well...borrowing froj the future works only if you can handle the debt load.
I saw one list of figures which broke down GDP into it's component parts. After counting the debt load NDP was projected to be next to zero.
Only if you can make the payments.....the Keynesian escape hatch our government thinks it can escape by inflation, devaluation and refusing to pay the bill. Grandpa and Grandma this time. It's your turn next. There is no where else and no one else to raid.