Some thoughts on the 2016 Presidential race

Posted by fivedollargold 10 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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Hillary/Bill appear to have a clear path to the Demoscat nomination, so we will dispense with them for now.

The GOP.

Chris Christie, the darling of several rich northeastern Republicans and of the media, is going to run up against a stone wall (no pun intended) in the Southern primaries. Actually, it's hard to see him gaining much traction in the Midwest or West Coast either. I hope he hangs around long enough to participate in some debates. Will his competitors bring up Bridgegate? You bet.

Paul Ryan. Bookkeeper. Boring. Couldn't even win his own state for the 2014 ticket. Loser.

Marco Rubio. Hispanic. Good-looking, fine public speaker. Should have been Romney's pick for VP. Can we say Florida? Can we say needs to be on the 2016 ticket in order to win? Trying to win, what a concept! Somebody wake up Uncle Milt.

Rand Paul. Not as peculiar as his dad, and that's a GOOD THING. Best Republican for getting out the youth vote. Lacks as many deep-pocket backers as certain other candidates, but can raise money across a broader base. Not prone to foot-in-mouth disease. I really should stop picking on Romney. Disliked by mainstream GOP but so what? They didn't exactly turn out the base last time, did they? I don't know if a Paul/Rubio ticket could beat Hillary/Whomever, but I would find this a fascinating race.

Dr. Ben Carson. Love this guy. Doubt that he would be willing to do what it takes to raise the millions needed for a campaign. Future Secretary of HHS?

Jeb Bush. Would have an organization to rival that of Rand Paul and well-heeled backers to rival Christie. Two problems. Too moderate and too Bush. Or should we say third Bush. The lefty media would be thrilled to have another Bushy to eviscerate. Please listen to Mama, Jeb. Stay out of the race, and if a Republican wins, become Ambassador to France.

Mike Huckabee. Another guy the Dems would love to run against. Nice fellow but too moderate and like Jeb suffers from an unfortunate name. Can't you just see the "Huckster-themed" political cartoons? Seriously, he could gain a goodly chunk of delegates in the South and parts of the Midwest. Enough to get the nomination? Probably not. I rather doubt that he will run anyway. He is making good money with his Fox show and genuinely seems to enjoy it.

Rick Santorum. "Oh, no. Sluggo is being mean to me!" Sorry, I was having a Mr. Bill moment. Poor fund-raiser. Wrong personality to run for high office. Not a good fund-raiser. And for heaven's sake, stop walking around with your mouth hanging open. I fully expect Santorum to run and hang on too long. Can we say deja vu?

Rick Perry. The Texas Rick. In a weird way, he looks better with the Clark Kent glasses. He's going to run. Take it to the bank. Sleep difficulty hampered his last run as we saw big-time in one of the 2014 debates. If he can't overcome this issue, the "political" issues won't matter. Actually, I do expect Perry will benefit from the experience he gained in 2014. Suffers from the Bush legacy, perhaps unfairly, but none the less, I don't think the country wants another Texas governor in the White House.

Other possible candidates: Kasich (likely to run), Pence (only if his wife will let him), the Minnesota twins (not baseball, but Bachmann and that former governor what's his name), Jindal (unlikely to run, but would be an interesting candidate if he could raise money), and fivedollargold (more likely to run as a Whig, which tells you how nutty he is).

Your thoughts?

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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 10 years, 9 months ago
    You're missing the giant in the room - Ted Cruz, who despite his stance on immigration would pose a massive drain from the Democrat-Socialist Party of its hastily-presumed Hispanic vote. Sadly, some people do vote their ethnicity, and in this case that aspect would be a windfall. There are also a lot of Hispanic citizens who are not happy with illegal immigration, so he'd suffer no losses where they're concerned. Cruz has proven himself to be not only capable but eager to stand up on principle in the face of withering critical pressuere; like Paul he's right on most of the key issues, but unlike Paul he's more aggressive and therefore less likely to succumb to "nice guy" capitulation. His father was a Cuban dissident imprisoned and tortured under Castro, so this guy has deep personal knowledge of the concept of collectivist tyranny.

    Another is Lt. Col. Allen West, though it appears he's angling to get picked as a Veep, which would be fine with me. I talked to him before a Westwood speech a couple years ago, and he indicated he's not comfortable with the prospect of the Presidency because he doesn't believe he has enough experience in government. I disagree entirely, of course, but it speaks to his respect for the office and its responsibilities.

    He's probably the closest thing American politics has, ca. 2014, to "another Reagan," and he happens to be black. Which means that a West Presidency would hold the potential to drive a stake through the heart of the Demo-Soc Party, decisively and permanently, at least as it exists in its current, frothing, retro-fascist/Marxist fusion. A "black Reagan" with that same dedication to principle over pragmatism, hardnosed realism on foreign policy, incredible stage/camera presence, zero skeletons and an unflappable self-confidence - following directly on the heels of a "black Carter" who's essentially driven America into the dirt, intentionally aggravated racial division, and made a laughingstock of American resolve on the world stage, would mark a seismic, epochal shift of the black vote off of the "Democrat plantation" and into the GOP (over the long haul, not immediately.) I'm not certain he's as dedicated to the needed, drastic downsizing of government as are Paul and Cruz, but that may be initial perception. Check out some of his speeches via YouTube and you'll get a sampling of what West is all about.

    The biggest problem we have is not the Democrat-Socialist Party or Dolores Umbridge Clinton, it's the RINO / NWO / Agenda 21 / Old Boy Network within the GOP, which is trying frantically to pave the way for another cipher-puppet Installee for 2016, of the general mold of Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney, Boehner, McConnell, etc. Starting in late summer of 2013 - about the time the Hillary campaign kicked into gear - they started with the near-weekly big splash press releases on behalf of the Jersey Mole. Now that he's imploded into a rash of high-profile scandals, they've latched onto the even more absurd Jeb Bush. A few days ago one of the conservative entities on Facebook - I think it was Human Events - floated the idea of Jeb Bush as a viable 2016 GOP candidate, and... whoa. The response was stunning even from a Tea Partier's perspective: With maybe two posters' exceptions, it was universal outrage at the very thought that another Bush would get shoved in our faces.

    Not only is it do-or-die to get an outside-the-cabal candidate into the 2016 GOP nomination, the time is ripe and the people are wanting an outside-the-cabal choice on the ballot. People have finally wised up to the distinction between Republicans of principle on the one hand and RINO sellout traitors on the other. That vital distinction, along with the more immediate outrage over the Dodd/Frank mortgage scam implosion, Bush's "too big to fail" and $780B bailout, and the catastrophic imposition of Obamacare, have been the animating core of the Tea Party movement. The time is ripe to wrest control of the GOP back from the RINOs, and everybody knows it - which means it's going to be a serious scrap for that nomination. Once we get someone worthy into the '16 nomination (West, Cruz or Paul are the most viable and desirable options,) beating Professor Umbridge should be simple for a bright seven-year-old. The others among the GOP likelies are either too obscure (Trey Gowdy? Please.) or too tainted by their past compromises-on-principle (Ryan) to be anything but also-rans.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 9 months ago
      Nice catch. $5Au completely overlooked Cruz. He hasn't been on the national scene long. Not sure what sort of organization he has. Disagree, in part, about Trey Gowdy. He's been on TV a lot and also a darling of the conservative social media. However, he's a House member working his way up. Not a whiff from him thus far about any Presidential ambitions. Suspect he'd take the Attorney General gig if offered.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 7 months ago
    What about the Wisconsin governor? If he was able to survive the attack of the teachers' union, electing him might actually make a difference. Ted Cruz would be a solid pick. Rand Paul and Marco Rubio would be more than acceptable, but certainly not perfect. Though he has veered a little to the left to actually govern Ohio, John Kasich would be an interesting candidate. The biggest problem with America is fiscal insanity, and when Kasich was in charge of the House Budget Committee, we actually ran a balanced budget.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 8 months ago
    I haven't followed it, but my wife mentioned Elizabeth Warren. She was an estate planning attorney, like my wife If Warren runs, I have a feeling we'll going to a lot fundraisers.

    I agree with most of what I've heard about Ron Paul, except for his monetary policy criticisms, and I'd probably agree with Rand Paul too.

    I recall leaving a Hilary Clinton fundraiser and having some Ron Paul protestors yelling at me. I stopped and told them I agreed with Ron Paul on many things.

    If Hillary runs, I'll got an event or two, but I get a negative "politician" vibe from Hillary.

    Maybe Russ Feingold would be my first choice.

    My Congresswoman, Tammy Baldwin, is now my senator. I agree with her on many things and get a very good impression when I talk to her. I would love for her to run for president, but that's dreaming.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
      Elizabeth Warren is a fave of the ultra-left it seems. However, she denied any interest in running for president, and $5Au hasn't heard of any organization-building on her behalf. If she wants to run, she will need to get going soon. My gut feeling is that no Dem wants to take on the Clinton machine this time around. The only one I can think of that would have a shot of taking away the nomination from her would be Gore, and he seems to be having too much fun making millions on his global warming scam.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 8 months ago
        It's hard to judge people by their public persona, but Warren reminds me of my wife and Clinton reminds me of a corrupt politician. Those perceptions gleaned from media pictures and soundbites could certainly be wrong.

        My wild guess is the next president will be a Republican. I like to think people intuitively know they want libertarianism. They call it "Change" or "ending big gov't." So we go back and forth, but never getting what we want. We vote for Bush and get Medicare Part D and a huge deficit. We vote for Obama and get more never-ending war.

        If there's any truth to that, then Rand Paul or someone else with libertarian leanings could have a chance now.
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