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First, it depends on whose underdog is underdoggier. You are not alone in growing up in a poor neighborhood. And when I moved here to Austin, I asked the agent to put me halfway between Tech Ridge and the University. I did not get what I expected. I heard gunshots once or twice in the 18 months before I moved. But I had no problems with my neighbors.
I did post a blog about the roots of poverty. "In The Economy of Cities, Jane Jacobs wrote: To seek 'causes' of poverty in this way is to enter an intellectual dead end because poverty has no causes. Only prosperity has causes.” (See here: http://necessaryfacts.blogspot.com/20...
Note that most of my poor Hispanic neighbors actually got up and went to work at something every day. Only that among them and of them were many who disregarded the property of others. One day, a homeless guy walked through checking car doors. He stole my sunglasses. One of the neighbors chased him off. Later, the neighbor told me that someone stole the custom grill off his car.
But I must also add that crime in the suburbs is only differently enacted. They embezzle rather than strong-arm. They decide that it is cheaper to pay off victims than to re-engineer the production line. Most of the people in The Tea Party think that social security and Medicare are appropriate government programs.
And there is the individual actor. You lived in a barrio. You are a productive Objectivist. Hillary Rodham was in Youth for Goldwater. We all make choices. Freakonomics economist Roland G. Fryer, Jr. was not busted for cooking crack with his family because at age 12 rather than being home or in school, he was at the dog track. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_.... He made other choices later. Freakonomics also contraposes his story with that of Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, who grew up middle class and Catholic. We all make choices.
I think that it is an unfair generalization to single out the poor, as, really, like being rich, it is relative. But it makes a good narrative. As for the rich, we know that they are all a bunch of crony capitalist Democrats, right? Or are they? Hard to say...
I will grant that crime and poverty are connected: crime causes poverty.
America is finished.
Chucky's original claim was poverty increases willingness to surrender rights. Your post addresses the relationship between poverty and crime. I'm probably missing an unstated obvious-to-others step, but these seems like different issues.
I was not at Eastern Michigan University when Stuart Henry taught there, but his thesis on the underground economy was published by one of my publishers, Loompanics Unlimited. Crime in the city pretty much consists of the unlicensed plumber and the unregistered nurse.
Moreover, except when these groups are specially targeted by activists, they do not vote. Once they vote, they go away. And they those big drives are for big elections. Poor people do not show up for local elections and primaries. It is true that "non-voters were more likely to support higher taxes and more government-funded services." (http://www.politico.com/magazine/stor...) But as they do not vote, it does not matter what they want.
I heard gun shots occasionally. I heard someone being murdered. My life was threatened a few times, mostly by drunks. But we got along ok with the gangs. They considered us to be neutral.
Many of the people I knew there were illegal. In those days there were not so many handouts for illegals. So it was either work or starve. That lead me to come to the understanding that to some extent life is a lottery. I was born to a well educated middle-class family. Therefore, it was natural for me to become well educated and reap those benefits. The illegals I knew were born into uneducated poverty. Therefore, they set their sights lower.
However, since that time my thinking has evolved to understand that no matter what your situation, you need to make the best of it and continually strive to better yourself.
p.s. I just tried to do a "best of" with this comment,
and I received a response "the system does not
understand your request." . I sent an e-mail.
Big Brother?
Never are humans unanimous.
I recommend the non-fiction works of Ayn Rand as a good foundation for understanding sociology and political science.
Best conclusion would be that voting is the privilege of most humans to elect some other humans to be their Rulers.
Saves a lotta brain-strain, doesn't it?
Too many pudding heads can no longer make that key distinction.
That includes those in power.
Such a group should go by a name no one has heard of. "Voice Of Liberty" just popped into my head.
Should the Tea Party try that I can predict "Oh, how quaint!" kinda put-downs.
Me living off a state worker's retirement? Should Publishers Clearing House ever ring my doorbell, I may have enough money to personally back up my mouth.
No "may" here in my case. I still have two kids in college.
Is not a representative supposed to represent and serve the will will of the voters who put him or her in office?
Think that's how it is supposed to work save for those who become arrogant or are already progressive and join the ranks of the more than equal elite "betters," who think it is their place to rule the little people.
We have two other problems. First, if the majority of voters choose someone who promises to tax the rich and redistribute their wealth, would you support the representative for doing what the voters want? I think not.
Secondly, however, few issues are so obvious and the day-to-day work of representative government involves legislation serving many different interests. The representative only knows the views of the people who actually send them in. The vast majority do not.
Third, It is argued - and I do not agree without reservation - that if you vote at all, you sanction the outcome because you endorsed the process. So, if your representative does not do what you want, they are still doing what someone wants, or they would not be doing it. You agreed to the process and you have to go along with the outcome.
It is true, that elected representatives vote themselves a lot of privileges, but generally at all levels, the charters pretty much disallow them from raising their own salaries while in office. Mostly, they distribute money to other people.
I know how you feel about all of that. I feel the same way. But our feelings will not work as tools of analysis.
Since then many are the years that have passed for old dino, who can answer that question with a big fat "HELL, NO!"
As for mental or objective tools of analysis, I readily admit I'm not the sharpest knife in the Gulch.
I have no idea of how to fix malfunctioning people.
The Gulch is an educational experience and I like that. And expressing myself is fun.
The idea that government is a servant is wrong-headed: it is a service. That is the distinction you are looking for.
Government is a service. The people that provide that service are public servants. My point stands.
which we praise here in the gulch??? -- j
Trouble is, it's gonna take at least the Great Collapse to (hopefully) see our species finally Reason that the Right to Life is an absolute necessity!
It's easy to have someone else tell you what to do all the time. If you want that life, there are plenty who will oblige you by telling you everything you need to do ... from their opinion. Living for one's self, however, requires effort and thought. One can not be lazy and live for one's self.
1st paragraph begs that we question "By WHOM"?
Government is the process of evaluating goals and building strategy/policy in pursuance of those goals. The institution known as government is merely the aggregation of those who attempt to decide on behalf of themselves and others what goals should be pursued and what policies lead to attainment of those goals. Those who self-govern assert that they own themselves and have the right to pursue goals of their own free will and choice. Those who accept other-government assert that there are aspects of their lives that they allow others to influence to some degree or other. Government is of course a measure of degrees, with that being termed "tyrannical" as being that exercise of government which attempts to override what an individual would choose to control themselves and that being termed "beneficial" as being that careful balance between pursuance of common goals and pursuance of individual goals.
It requires effort to govern in pursuance of any particular goal. The more self-actuated goals one chooses to pursue, the more work is required by the individual. The proper balance of group government and self-government IMHO is that which leaves the greatest leeway to individual governance which does not violate the rights of others to individual governance, but this presupposes a capability and a desire for the individual to exercise self-governance. It may be a naive supposition to attribute the desire for self-rule to all human beings.
associated with self-governance. . we are abdicating
our freedom in the process. -- j
Do you belong to any social clubs? How are they run? Are they run like corporations with votes sold for shares? Does one person own it and run it like a business?
However, the author of the column didn't know that there were Black American and Women landowners and yes, they voted. Hell we even had some extraordinary Women and Black American people in local and the federal government...Any one of which would make the lot of the administration look like kindergartners.
subsided and students of freedom are more scarce
these days. . we are in deep trouble, I believe, because
we are no longer vigilant for our freedoms as a society. -- j
A few years ago, I floated the idea that we limit the number of family membership votes to 2, as we had families with 6 members or more, some of which who weren't even involved in our club. My reasoning was that, if you have a say in how the club spends its money, you should have to pay for that privilege.
Well, my idea was thoroughly rejected. Many didn't want to "offend" those larger families and "if it isn't broken...we shouldn't need to fix it".
I believe that this is one of the underlying reasons for the country's current voting structure...the desire to not "offend" anyone.
Unfortunately, it may have to be broken before any attempts to fix it will succeed.
Corporations are run like that.
Wherever I live, I often serve as an officer in my local coin club. We model our clubs after the US government with a president, vice president, etc., and all that. We organize with a "constitution." The funny thing is that our government was modeled on a club. They did not want to mimic the European states. They took the best of Rome and Greece. But, largely, the government of the US was modeled on the intellectual societies of the English Enlightenment, with a president, a vice president, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary, a governing committee elected by the members...
That was one reason that the crowned heads of Europe made fun of our republic. They had a totally different model of organization: the House of Habsburg, the House of York, the House of Usher...
is strewn with severe anguish. -- j
"A democracy is always temporary in nature...A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."
Originally, we had a plutocratic republic, which worked quite well. We have since devolved into a democracy driven by public opinion polls...and look what it has gotten us; a nation that is both morally and fiscally bankrupt because ignoramuses vote for their own immediate self interest rather than being able to look a few years down the road. They are voting with their hypothalamus rather than their cerebral cortex. Those who can't figure that out should not be allowed to vote.
republic a democracy should lose their voting privilege. -- j
(Friday sarcasm)
What kind of taxes? Income? Property? Fuel? We all pay taxes, but as for income taxes, retirees generally do not pay them. So, you work your whole life and then lose your right to vote? The Blaze is just not a medium of considered analysis.
"Voters, Leighley and Nagler found, are more economically conservative; whereas non-voters favor more robust unions and more government spending on things like health insurance and public schools." -- http://www.politico.com/magazine/stor...
"As a result, richer states now tend to favor the Democratic candidate, yet in the nation as
a whole richer people remain more likely than poorer people to vote
Republican." -- http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/...
"The disparity in voter turnout between members of lower and higher income households is one of the
largest and most persistent gaps. Several factors contribute, including higher mobility among lower
income households, inadequate transportation, lack of information about the voting process, and the
lack of contact from traditional campaigns and political parties." -- http://www.nonprofitvote.org/document...
"eople who go to college are more likely to make more money, so you'd think they're more likely to vote Republican. In fact, college-educated voters have become considerably more Democratic since the 1980s at every age level. You might think it's just women. It's not. White college-education men have become much more Democratic since the 1980s while white voters without college degree have become significantly less Democratic. " -- http://www.theatlantic.com/business/a...