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Thanks, Kate!
I believe that by the end of the century, Caitlyn Jenner will be a paradigm, and males will be a relic of the past. "Women's Day" will just be "People's Day."
I gave up on HuffPo even while Radley Balko was still there, because posting there is either broken, or limited to members of FacePlantBook.
Surprising source. Thank's for bringing it to us. More celebration/recognition is deserved. It feels good to be a man that does not fear, but rather appreciates strong women. :)
I intend to see both.
What does this have to do with "penis envy"? What does this have to do with "left wing wannabe sob sisters crying and moaning"?
Since the women mentioned in the article are/were real people, obviously some of them are in the reference books!
I have marked you down for your rude and irrelevant remarks.
Please be aware that no one on this site will tolerate insulting incoherence.